英语 中的 surgery 是什么意思?
英语 中的单词 surgery 是什么意思?文章解释了完整的含义、发音以及双语示例以及如何在 英语 中使用 surgery 的说明。
英语 中的surgery 表示外科学, 手术 shǒu shù, 手术 shǒu shù, 诊所 zhěn suǒ, 手术室 shǒu shù shì, 门诊时间, 议员接待选民的时间, 变性手术, 脑外科 nǎo wài kē, 伤脑筋的事 shāng nǎo jīn de shì, 整形外科 zhěng xíng wài kē, 牙科手术室 yá kē shǒu shù shì, 牙科手术 yá kē shǒu shù, 牙医诊所, 医生办公室, 心脏手术 xīn zàng shǒu shù, 微创手术 wēi chuāng shǒu shù, 激光眼科手术, 大手术 dà shǒu shù, 心脏直视手术 xīn zàng zhí shì shǒu shù, 口腔外科 kǒu qiāng wài kē, 骨科手术, 门诊手术, 整形手术 zhěng xíng shǒu shù, 女性变性手术。要了解更多信息,请参阅下面的详细信息。
单词 surgery 的含义
外科学noun (uncountable, often capitalized (branch of medicine) It takes six years to study for a degree in Medicine and Surgery. |
手术 shǒu shùnoun (uncountable (surgical intervention) The doctors decided the patient needed surgery to remove the tumour. 医生决定该病人需要通过手术来切除肿瘤。 |
手术 shǒu shùnoun (US, countable (medical: operation) Rita had three surgeries to fix her broken leg. 丽塔做了三次手术来修复她断掉的腿。 |
诊所 zhěn suǒnoun (UK (doctor's or dentist's office) (医生的) Linda was feeling unwell, so she went to the surgery to see the doctor. 琳达感到身体不适,所以去诊所看医生。 |
手术室 shǒu shù shìnoun (US (room for surgery) The nurse prepared the surgery for the operation. 护士为手术准备手术室。 |
门诊时间noun (UK (doctor seeing patients) The doctor's surgeries are on Tuesday and Thursday mornings, and Friday afternoons; you can book an appointment with him during those times. 医生的门诊时间是周二和周四的早上以及周五的下午,你可以预约这些时段。 |
议员接待选民的时间noun (UK (politician meeting voters) The MP holds a surgery every Friday morning, so her constituents can come and see her about any problems they have. 该国会议员将每周五早上设为接待选民的时间,这样她的选民就能够来找她解决自己所碰到的问题。 |
变性手术noun (gender transition: surgical procedure) |
脑外科 nǎo wài kēnoun (operation on the brain) Brain surgery usually means drilling through the skull first. |
伤脑筋的事 shāng nǎo jīn de shìnoun (figurative ([sth] difficult, complex) (比喻) Come on! It's not like this is brain surgery! Just diagram the sentence. |
整形外科 zhěng xíng wài kēnoun (to correct appearance) |
牙科手术室 yá kē shǒu shù shìnoun (UK (dentist's treatment room) I had to go to the dental surgery to have my wisdom teeth removed. 我不得不去牙科手术室拔智齿。 |
牙科手术 yá kē shǒu shùnoun (surgery involving teeth) His teeth were so bad that he had to go into hospital for dental surgery. 他的牙齿情况很糟糕,不得不去医院做牙科手术。 |
牙医诊所noun (dentist's treatment room) |
医生办公室noun (where you see a doctor) I went to the doctor's office to get a prostate exam. |
心脏手术 xīn zàng shǒu shùnoun (operation to treat cardiac problems) His only hope to survive was heart surgery. |
微创手术 wēi chuāng shǒu shùnoun (operation done by laparoscopy) When she had appendicitis, they performed keyhole surgery in order to minimise the scarring afterwards. |
激光眼科手术noun (operation to correct vision) |
大手术 dà shǒu shùnoun (serious operation) My insurance covers both minor injuries and major surgery. He underwent major surgery and will be in the hospital for at least two weeks. |
心脏直视手术 xīn zàng zhí shì shǒu shùnoun (cardiac operation) They split his chest open and performed open-heart surgery to replace a faulty valve. |
口腔外科 kǒu qiāng wài kēnoun (surgical dentistry) After my teeth were knocked out, oral surgery was required to replace them. Removal of wisdom teeth can require oral surgery. |
骨科手术noun (operation: bones, joints) |
门诊手术noun (clinic not requiring overnight stay) The new outpatient surgery center is expected to open next month. |
整形手术 zhěng xíng shǒu shùnoun (cosmetic surgery) A lot of female movie stars have had some sort of plastic surgery. |
女性变性手术noun (gender transition: chest operation) |
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surgery 的相关词
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你知道 英语
英语来自迁移到英格兰的日耳曼部落,经过 1400 多年的演变。 英语是世界上第三大语言,仅次于汉语和西班牙语。 它是学得最多的第二语言,也是近60个主权国家的官方语言。 与母语人士相比,这种语言有更多的第二语言和外语使用者。 英语也是联合国、欧盟和许多其他国际和区域组织的共同官方语言。 如今,世界各地的英语使用者都可以相对轻松地进行交流。