英语 中的 support 是什么意思?

英语 中的单词 support 是什么意思?文章解释了完整的含义、发音以及双语示例以及如何在 英语 中使用 support 的说明。

英语 中的support 表示支持 zhī chí, 援助, 资助, 赞助, 赡养 shàn yǎng, 拥护, 支持, 支持 zhī chí, 支持 zhī chí, 支持,兼容 zhī chí, 支撑物 zhī chēng wù, 支持 zhī chí, 技术支持 jì shù zhī chí, 激励,支持,鼓励 jī lì,zhī chí,gǔ lì, 赡养费 shàn yǎng fèi, 给予帮助的人或事物 gěi yǔ bāng zhù de rén huò shì wù, 配角 pèi jué, 经受 jīng shòu, 忍受 rěn shòu, 维持 wéi chí, 证实, 支持, 为…做配角 wèi zuò pèi jiǎo, 支持,赞成 zhī chí,zàn chéng, 担任...的助唱, 自给自足, 足弓支撑 zú gōng zhī chēng, 子女抚养费 zǐ nǚ fǔ yǎng fèi, 用户支持, 精神支持, 情感支持动物, 经济支持 jīng jì zhī chí, 全力支持 quán lì zhī chí, 全力帮助 quán lì bāng zhù, 支持,支援 zhī chí,zhī yuán, 支持,支援 zhī chí,zhī yuán, 给予支持 gěi yǔ zhī chí, 支持 zhī chí, 协助 xié zhù, 收入补贴,收入补助, 男士下体护身,护裆 nán shì xià tǐ hù shēn,hù dāng, 维持生命的设备 wéi chí shēng mìng de shè bèi, 生命维持设备,生命维持系统 shēng mìng wéi chí shè bèi, 后勤保障,后勤支持, 道义上的支持 dào yì shàng de zhī chí, 互助 hù zhù, 不尽赡养义务 bú jìn shàn yǎng yì wù, 同行支持,同伴扶持, 销售支持, 社交泡泡, 在经济上给予...支持, 互助小组, 后勤服务,援助服务,支持服务, 支持人员,后勤职工, 支持系统, 技术支持 jì shù zhī chí, 技术支持 jì shù zhī chí。要了解更多信息,请参阅下面的详细信息。


单词 support 的含义

支持 zhī chí

transitive verb (weight: hold up)

The pole supports the roof of the building.

援助, 资助, 赞助

transitive verb (aid, back)

The government supported the aid organisation financially.

赡养 shàn yǎng

transitive verb (family: provide for)

The father supports the family with his earnings.

拥护, 支持

transitive verb (team: cheer for) (体育运动)

He supports the Yankees.

支持 zhī chí

transitive verb (endorse, be in favor of [sth])

The senator would never support that bill; it goes against his principles!

支持 zhī chí

verbal expression (be in favor of doing [sth])

He supported raising taxes.

支持,兼容 zhī chí

transitive verb (computing: be compatible) (计算机)

My operating system doesn't support this particular media player.

支撑物 zhī chēng wù

noun (structural: holds [sth] up)

The support gave way and the roof collapsed.

支持 zhī chí

noun (approval, backing)

There's a lot of popular support for the organic food movement.

技术支持 jì shù zhī chí

noun (help for users)

If you can't fix it yourself, you need to call technical support.

激励,支持,鼓励 jī lì,zhī chí,gǔ lì

noun (emotional help) (感情上、道义上)

His family's support throughout his divorce was important to him.

赡养费 shàn yǎng fèi

noun (maintenance)

He pays seven hundred dollars in child support a month.

给予帮助的人或事物 gěi yǔ bāng zhù de rén huò shì wù

noun ([sth], [sb]: gives aid)

Her son was a great support to her in her final years.

配角 pèi jué

noun (actor in a secondary role)

The young actor was a fine support to the film's leading man.

经受 jīng shòu

transitive verb (withstand)

This house can support all sorts of harsh weather.

忍受 rěn shòu

transitive verb (literary, formal (tolerate, put up with)

He could no longer support all the crying.

维持 wéi chí

transitive verb (sustain life) (生命)

There isn't enough water on the moon to support life.

证实, 支持

transitive verb (law: corroborate) (法律术语)

Her testimony supported his statement.

为…做配角 wèi zuò pèi jiǎo

transitive verb (theater: perform with)

Two excellent unknowns were supporting the lead actor.

支持,赞成 zhī chí,zàn chéng

transitive verb (help emotionally) (感情上、道义上)

His family supported him throughout his divorce.


transitive verb (music: be secondary act to) (音乐)


transitive verb and reflexive pronoun (be financially independent)

My sons are both grown up now and support themselves.

足弓支撑 zú gōng zhī chēng

noun (orthopaedic device for foot)

because of his flat feet, his shoes were fitted with arch supports.

子女抚养费 zǐ nǚ fǔ yǎng fèi

noun (money paid by absent parent)

My ex-husband has to pay child support every month.


noun (help with purchased product)


noun (psychological help)

Counsellors provide emotional support to patients.


noun (provides psychological support)

经济支持 jīng jì zhī chí

noun (monetary assistance)

His parents provided financial support for him while he was in college.

全力支持 quán lì zhī chí

noun (total approval or backing)

Our financial backers have given the project their full support.

全力帮助 quán lì bāng zhù

noun (every possible assistance)

In an ideal world, a teacher has time to give each student his full support.

支持,支援 zhī chí,zhī yuán

verbal expression (help, assist [sb])

支持,支援 zhī chí,zhī yuán

verbal expression (help, assist [sb])

给予支持 gěi yǔ zhī chí

verbal expression (back, assist [sth])

They asked me to give support to a cause I don't believe in.

支持 zhī chí

preposition (in favour of)

In 2008 more Americans were in support of Barack Obama than John McCain.

协助 xié zhù

preposition (as assistance to)

There were many sponsor companies that donated equipment in support of the team.


noun (welfare payment to low earners)

男士下体护身,护裆 nán shì xià tǐ hù shēn,hù dāng

noun (sportsman's groin support) (运动时用)

When playing sports, men must wear a jockstrap to support their groin.

维持生命的设备 wéi chí shēng mìng de shè bèi

noun (equipment to sustain a patient's life)

There are ethical questions associated with keeping a person on life support. Because he was brain dead, Jim's family decided to turn off his life support.

生命维持设备,生命维持系统 shēng mìng wéi chí shè bèi

noun (medical machine)


noun (provision of military supplies) (提供军需物资)

道义上的支持 dào yì shàng de zhī chí

noun (encouragement)

My friend had to see a cancer specialist, so I went with her for moral support. Bart's dad provided moral support by attending all of his basketball games.

互助 hù zhù

noun (reciprocal help)

They had a relationship of mutual support, so when she needed some help he was quick to provide it.

不尽赡养义务 bú jìn shàn yǎng yì wù

noun (failure to pay alimony)


noun (help of colleagues, friends)


noun (administrative assistant to salesperson)


noun (group in contact during pandemic)


transitive verb (provide with money to live on)

I can no longer support you financially, so you'll need to get a job.


noun (gathering of people for mutual help)


plural noun (backup or assistance)


noun (also npl (employees providing backup or assistance)


noun (people providing support)

技术支持 jì shù zhī chí

noun (abbreviation (Technical Support)

技术支持 jì shù zhī chí

noun (service offering help with technology)

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support 的相关词

你知道 英语

英语来自迁移到英格兰的日耳曼部落,经过 1400 多年的演变。 英语是世界上第三大语言,仅次于汉语和西班牙语。 它是学得最多的第二语言,也是近60个主权国家的官方语言。 与母语人士相比,这种语言有更多的第二语言和外语使用者。 英语也是联合国、欧盟和许多其他国际和区域组织的共同官方语言。 如今,世界各地的英语使用者都可以相对轻松地进行交流。