英语 中的 new 是什么意思?

英语 中的单词 new 是什么意思?文章解释了完整的含义、发音以及双语示例以及如何在 英语 中使用 new 的说明。

英语 中的new 表示新的,新鲜的,新颖的 xīn de ,xīn xiān de ,xīn yǐng de, 新的,全新的 xīn de ,quán xīn de, 新近的 xīn jìn de, 新颖的 xīn yǐng de, 新增的 xīn zēng de, 不熟悉的 bù shú xī de, 新, 新闻 xīn wén, 新闻,新闻节目,新闻报道 xīn wén,xīn wén jié mù,xīn wén bào dào, 现代的 xiàn dài de, 新东西 xīn dōng xī, 消息 xiāo xī, 完全不同的情况, 一个全新的世界,一个崭新的世界, 完好如新 wán hǎo rú xīn, 非常整洁, 崭新的 zhǎn xīn de, 崭新的 zhǎn xīn de, 开辟新天地,完全创新, 给…注入新的活力, 中国新年, 新年快乐 xīn nián kuài lè, 新年快乐 xīn nián kuài lè, 新春快乐,新年快乐 xīn nián kuài lè, 像新的一样 xiàng xīn de yí yàng, 像新的一样 xiàng xīn de yí yàng, 新纪元运动, 新纪元运动的, 新世纪音乐, 新生儿,新生婴儿 xīn shēng ér, 新来的人,新人 xīn lái de rén,xīn rén, 新的开始 xīn de kāi shǐ, 新上任者,新官, 新政 xīn zhèng, 新版本 xīn bǎn běn, 新英格兰 xīn yīng gé lán, 新体验, 年轻的一代 nián qīng de yí dài, 新一代(技术) xīn yí dài jì shù, 新几内亚, 新罕布什尔州 xīn hǎn bù shí ěr zhōu, 新高峰 xīn gāo fēng, 新视野, 新泽西 xīn zé xī, 新来的人 xīn lái de rén, 重新振作 chóng xīn zhèn zuò, 新生 xīn shēng, 新生 xīn shēng, 新形象 xīn xíng xiàng, 新数学,数学集论教学体系 xīn shù xué,shù xué jí lùn jiào xué tǐ xì, 新数学 xīn shù xué, 新的含义 xīn de hán yì, 新墨西哥州, 新月 xīn yuè, 现代道德规范 xiàn dài dào dé guī fàn, 新常态, 新奥尔良 xīn ào ěr liáng, 新阶段 xīn jiē duàn, 新感觉 xīn gǎn jué, 新的倾向 xīn de qīng xiàng, 新风尚 xīn fēng shàng, 新学期 xīn xué qī, 新约 xīn yuē, 不熟悉 bù shóu xī / bù shú xī, 对(某人)而言是不熟悉的 duì ( mǒu rén ) ér yán shì bù shú xī de, 新风尚, 新趋势, 新浪潮运动 xīn làng cháo yùn dòng, 新浪潮的, 新浪潮, 新浪潮的, 新世界 xīn shì jiè, 创新 chuàng xīn, 意想不到的发展, 新的一年 xīn de yì nián, 新年 xīn nián, 元旦 yuán dàn, 新年前夕 xīn nián qián xī, 纽约市 niǔ yuē shì, 纽约州 niǔ yuē zhōu, 纽约市 niǔ yuē shì, 纽约证券交易所, 纽约市民 niǔ yuē shì mín, 新西兰 xīn xī lán, 新西兰 xīn xī lán, 新西兰人 xīn xī lán rén, 新割的, 新鲜的,新奇的,新式的 xīn xiān de ,xīn qí de,xīn shì de, 新发现的 xīn fā xiàn de, 不新的 bù xīn de, 不是新的 bú shì xīn de, 新型冠状病毒,新冠病毒, 新南威尔士, 新约 xīn yuē, 新界, 纽约市 niǔ yuē shì, 易于接受新思想的, 易接受新观念的, 巴布亚新几内亚 bā bù yà xīn jǐ nèi yà, 新便士, 新手 xīn shǒu, 迎来 yíng lái, 从一个全新的角度看, 这有什么新鲜的? zhè yǒu shén me xīn xiān de ?, 重新开始 chóng xīn kāi shǐ, 有什么新情况吗?, 新鲜血液。要了解更多信息,请参阅下面的详细信息。


单词 new 的含义

新的,新鲜的,新颖的 xīn de ,xīn xiān de ,xīn yǐng de

adjective (not old) (不旧)

We were impressed by Terry's new approach.
ⓘ这句话不是该英语句子的翻译。 有了新朋友,也不该忘了老朋友。

新的,全新的 xīn de ,quán xīn de

adjective (unused, fresh) (没用过的,没开封的)

He opened a new package of chips.

新近的 xīn jìn de

adjective (recent or latest)

Randy is driving a new model of car.

新颖的 xīn yǐng de

adjective (original)

Leslie is full of new ideas.

新增的 xīn zēng de

adjective (additional)

The new classrooms will be less crowded.

不熟悉的 bù shú xī de

adjective (unfamiliar)

We are entering new territory here.

prefix (freshly)

For example: new-mown, newborn

新闻 xīn wén

noun (uncountable (current events)

Have you heard the news today? There was an earthquake in California.

新闻,新闻节目,新闻报道 xīn wén,xīn wén jié mù,xīn wén bào dào

noun (uncountable (television or radio broadcast) (电视)

The news starts at 6:30 on channel 3.

现代的 xiàn dài de

adjective (modern)

New cars need less frequent oil changes.

新东西 xīn dōng xī

noun ([sth] that is new)

Out with the old and in with the new!

消息 xiāo xī

noun (interesting information)

Did you hear the news about Pete and Amy? They are going to have a baby.


noun (US, informal, figurative (changed situation)

That puts matters in a different light. It's a brand new ball game now.


noun (figurative (unfamiliar experience) (比喻义)

Retirement is certainly a whole new world; there's so much to get used to.

完好如新 wán hǎo rú xīn

expression (successfully repaired or restored)

John fixed my bike and now it's as good as new!


expression (very neat and tidy)

崭新的 zhǎn xīn de

adjective (informal (not yet used)

Car dealers have a spray that gives used cars that brand-new car smell. // I've just bought a pair of roller skates; they're brand new!

崭新的 zhǎn xīn de

adjective (slang (very new)

I have a brand-spanking new computer with Windows 8.
我有一台安装windows 8的全新电脑。


verbal expression (figurative (do [sth] completely new)


verbal expression (reinvent, rejuvenate)

Hiring Edie with her fresh new ideas will breathe new life into this company.


noun (holiday)

新年快乐 xīn nián kuài lè

noun (1st January well-wishes) (指元旦时的祝福语)

They all clinked glasses and wished each other a happy New Year.

新年快乐 xīn nián kuài lè

interjection (1st January greeting) (公历元旦祝福语)

Happy New Year!" they all shouted drunkenly.

新春快乐,新年快乐 xīn nián kuài lè

interjection (greeting: start of lunar year) (农历新年祝福语)

像新的一样 xiàng xīn de yí yàng

adverb (in excellent condition)

Mending the shirt made it like new. A coat of paint and this room will look like new.

像新的一样 xiàng xīn de yí yàng

adjective (in excellent condition)

I sent the watch to the makers for repairs, and now it's like new.


noun (spiritual movement) (一种社会现象或思想潮流)


noun as adjective (relating to spiritual movement)


noun (New Age music) (音乐风格)

新生儿,新生婴儿 xīn shēng ér

noun (newborn baby)

The new arrival weighed 7 pounds.

新来的人,新人 xīn lái de rén,xīn rén

noun (newcomer)

The new arrivals spoke only Mandarin Chinese.

新的开始 xīn de kāi shǐ

noun (fresh start)

After weeks of rain, the sunny day felt like a new beginning.


noun (figurative, UK (person recently appointed) (很可能会带来变革)

He's a new broom, and we expect him to reform the department.

新政 xīn zhèng

noun (US, historical (government policy under Roosevelt) (美国罗斯福新政)

Welfare provision increased dramatically under the New Deal.

新版本 xīn bǎn běn

noun (revised printing)

I have just bought the new edition of the Oxford English dictionary.

新英格兰 xīn yīng gé lán

noun (states in north-eastern US)


noun ([sth] one has never before seen, heard, etc.)

年轻的一代 nián qīng de yí dài

noun (youth)

Respect means nothing to the new generation.

新一代(技术) xīn yí dài jì shù

noun (latest technology)

My computer is old and runs much slower than the new generation.


noun (island in Oceania)

新罕布什尔州 xīn hǎn bù shí ěr zhōu

noun (US state)

New Hampshire is one of the original thirteen American colonies.

新高峰 xīn gāo fēng

noun (unprecedented success)

He had received many accolades during his life, but the Nobel Prize was a new high even for him.


plural noun (figurative (exciting and unfamiliar prospects)

新泽西 xīn zé xī

noun (US state) (美国的一个州)

New Jersey was the third state to ratify the United States Constitution.

新来的人 xīn lái de rén

noun (US, informal, figurative (newcomer) (非正式用语)

重新振作 chóng xīn zhèn zuò

noun (fresh enthusiasm for living) (英式英语为a new lease of life)

Losing all that weight gave me a new lease on life.

新生 xīn shēng

noun (fresh start, reinvented existence)

He started his new life in advertising.

新生 xīn shēng

noun (renewed vigour or purpose)

The discovery of the diary gave new life to her attempt to write the author's biography.

新形象 xīn xíng xiàng

noun (restyled appearance)

The pop star's new look was ridiculed by critics and fans alike.

新数学,数学集论教学体系 xīn shù xué,shù xué jí lùn jiào xué tǐ xì

noun (uncountable, historical, abbreviation (new mathematics) (new mathematics的缩写形式)

新数学 xīn shù xué

noun (historical (1960s maths-teaching methods)

新的含义 xīn de hán yì

noun (enhanced or additional significance)

The spoiled kid gave new meaning to the word "brat.".


noun (US state) (美国)

新月 xīn yuè

noun (phase: moon is invisible)

It's very dark today, there must be a new moon.

现代道德规范 xiàn dài dào dé guī fàn

noun (modern ethical belief system)


noun (changed circumstances)

新奥尔良 xīn ào ěr liáng

noun (city in Louisiana, USA)

New Orleans is particularly vulnerable to flooding. New Orleans is famous for its Mardi Gras celebrations.

新阶段 xīn jiē duàn

noun (fresh period of activity)

Negotiations between the employers and the unions entered a new phase yesterday when they agreed to a series of meetings.

新感觉 xīn gǎn jué

noun (renewed feeling)

After recovering from cancer, I had a new sense of the beauty of the world.

新的倾向 xīn de qīng xiàng

noun (fresh or unfamiliar viewpoint)

The researcher's findings brought a new slant to commonly-held beliefs.

新风尚 xīn fēng shàng

noun (modern design or fashion)

Her boots were in the new style with high heels and pointed toes.

新学期 xīn xué qī

noun (school, college: new trimester)

The children are all ready for the new school term.

新约 xīn yuē

noun (second part of Christian Bible) (圣经)

The New Testament contains history and letters from the time of Jesus of Nazareth to the beginning of the first church.

不熟悉 bù shóu xī / bù shú xī

(person: to place, job)

Steven is new to the job, so he often asks for help. She's new to the village and nobody knows her name yet.

对(某人)而言是不熟悉的 duì ( mǒu rén ) ér yán shì bù shú xī de


That rule against eating popcorn in the office was new to me.

新风尚, 新趋势

noun (movement breaking with tradition)

新浪潮运动 xīn làng cháo yùn dòng

noun (1960s cinema) (电影的)


noun as adjective (relating to 1960s cinema) (电影)

Jean-Luc Godard is regarded as the father of French New Wave cinema.


noun (music: 70s, 80s pop) (音乐)


noun as adjective (relating to 70s, 80s pop music) (音乐)

新世界 xīn shì jiè

noun (unfamiliar environment or experience)

After the company was sold, his workplace seemed like a new world to him.

创新 chuàng xīn

noun (figurative (innovation) (比喻)


noun (figurative (unexpected development)

A new wrinkle has developed, so we will have to delay the product's unveiling for another week.

新的一年 xīn de yì nián

noun (period: start of year)

The new year starts on the 1st of January.

新年 xīn nián

noun (celebration: start of year) (元旦或春节)

Happy New Year!

元旦 yuán dàn

noun (1st January)

In the US, New Year's Day is often celebrated watching the Pasadena Rose Parade followed by football games.

新年前夕 xīn nián qián xī

noun (31st December)

On New Year's Eve, a lot of people go to parties and let off fireworks. New Year's Eve is the 31st of December.

纽约市 niǔ yuē shì

noun (New York City)

The nickname of New York City is The Big Apple.

纽约州 niǔ yuē zhōu

noun (New York state)

The city of Buffalo is in upstate New York.

纽约市 niǔ yuē shì

noun (largest US city) (美国城市)

New York City is widely known as The Big Apple.


noun (stock market)

纽约市民 niǔ yuē shì mín

noun ([sb] from New York City)

If you need help with the subway system, ask a New Yorker.

新西兰 xīn xī lán

noun (country in South Pacific)

The "Lord of the Rings" trilogy was filmed in New Zealand.

新西兰 xīn xī lán

noun as adjective (of New Zealand)

Dinner was roasted New Zealand lamb with asparagus and potatoes.

新西兰人 xīn xī lán rén

noun ([sb] from New Zealand)


adjective (grass, hay: just cut) (草、干草)

新鲜的,新奇的,新式的 xīn xiān de ,xīn qí de,xīn shì de

adjective (informal (modern) (非正式用语)

新发现的 xīn fā xiàn de

adjective (newly discovered)

After visiting Japan, I have a newfound love of sushi.

不新的 bù xīn de

adjective (used, second hand)

不是新的 bú shì xīn de

adjective (old)


noun (new strain of disease-causing virus)


noun (initialism (New South Wales)

新约 xīn yuē

noun (written, initialism (New Testament)


noun (written, initialism (New Territories)

纽约市 niǔ yuē shì

noun (initialism (New York City)

易于接受新思想的, 易接受新观念的

adjective (receptive, broad minded)

My boss is open to new ideas, he always listens to our suggestions.

巴布亚新几内亚 bā bù yà xīn jǐ nèi yà

noun (island country in Pacific Ocean)


noun (UK (coin worth one hundredth of a pound) (硬币)

There are one hundred pennies in every pound.

新手 xīn shǒu

noun (sports: new player)

The team welcomed the new recruit.

迎来 yíng lái

verbal expression (celebrate changing of year)

How did you see in the New Year?


verbal expression (figurative (fresh perspective)

Since they repainted the town hall I'm seeing it in a new light.

这有什么新鲜的? zhè yǒu shén me xīn xiān de ?

interjection (informal (not surprised)

Yes, you're late again—so what else is new?

重新开始 chóng xīn kāi shǐ

verbal expression (figurative (reform your behaviour)


expression (informal (greeting)


noun (uncountable, figurative (youthful people, fresh ideas) (比喻想法和人员等)

让我们学习 英语

现在您对 英语 中的 new 的含义有了更多的了解,您可以通过选定的示例了解如何使用它们以及如何阅读它们。并记住学习我们建议的相关单词。我们的网站会不断更新新单词和新示例,因此您可以在 英语 中查找您不知道的其他单词的含义。

new 的相关词

你知道 英语

英语来自迁移到英格兰的日耳曼部落,经过 1400 多年的演变。 英语是世界上第三大语言,仅次于汉语和西班牙语。 它是学得最多的第二语言,也是近60个主权国家的官方语言。 与母语人士相比,这种语言有更多的第二语言和外语使用者。 英语也是联合国、欧盟和许多其他国际和区域组织的共同官方语言。 如今,世界各地的英语使用者都可以相对轻松地进行交流。