英语 中的 leaf 是什么意思?

英语 中的单词 leaf 是什么意思?文章解释了完整的含义、发音以及双语示例以及如何在 英语 中使用 leaf 的说明。

英语 中的leaf 表示叶 yè, 张 zhāng, 活动桌面 huó dòng zhuō miàn, 薄片,箔 báo piàn, 植物树叶,叶子 yè zi, 长叶子, 匆忙浏览 cōng máng liú lǎn, 月桂叶 yuè guì yè, 甜菜叶, 槟榔叶, 羊蹄叶,酸模叶, 双扇的, 翻板桌, 衬页 chèn yè, 无花果树叶 wú huā guǒ shù yè, 遮羞布,遮丑布 zhē xiū bù,zhē chǒu bù, 四叶苜蓿草 sì yè mù xu cǎo, 幸运草 xìng yùn cǎo, 金箔 jīn bó, 叶片 yè piàn, 散装茶叶, 散页, 散叶, 枫叶 fēng yè, [加拿大的象征], 棕榈叶 zōng lǘ yè, 灼伤 zhuó shāng, 效仿 xiào fǎng, 茶叶 chá yè, 小偷 xiǎo tōu, 重新开始 chóng xīn kāi shǐ, 藤叶。要了解更多信息,请参阅下面的详细信息。


单词 leaf 的含义

叶 yè

noun (tree: foliage)

The trees lost their leaves early this year because of the frost.

张 zhāng

noun (sheet of paper, page)

Ben turned over a leaf in his book and kept reading.

活动桌面 huó dòng zhuō miàn

noun (part of table)

When the kids moved out Sam dropped the table leaves to make the dining table smaller.

薄片,箔 báo piàn

noun (thin sheet of metal) (金属)

The book was decorated with gold leaf.

植物树叶,叶子 yè zi

noun (foliage) (总称)

The leaf of the maple tree has three points.


intransitive verb (grow leaves) (植物)

The trees leafed late because of the long winter.

匆忙浏览 cōng máng liú lǎn

phrasal verb, transitive, inseparable (flip the pages of)

I was leafing through an old magazine when the doctor came in.

月桂叶 yuè guì yè

noun (aromatic leaf used in cooking) (调味品)

Whenever I make a casserole, I add a bay leaf from my garden.


noun (UK (beet greens: edible leaf of beet plant)

Rachel prepared a green salad of rocket and beet.


noun (often plural (leaf of betel plant)

Betel leaves are ground to a paste and put to various medicinal uses.


noun (leaf of dock herb)

If you're stung by a nettle, try rubbing a dock leaf on the sting.


adjective (window: two doors) (窗户)


noun (table with folding sides)

衬页 chèn yè

noun (paper at front or back of a book)

无花果树叶 wú huā guǒ shù yè

noun (leaf of a fig tree)

A real fig leaf would be too itchy to wear.

遮羞布,遮丑布 zhē xiū bù,zhē chǒu bù

noun (figurative ([sth] that covers [sth] shameful) (源自圣经)

四叶苜蓿草 sì yè mù xu cǎo

noun (clover with four leaves)

I searched the grass for a four-leaf clover.

幸运草 xìng yùn cǎo

noun (symbol of good luck)

My dog's been a kind of four-leaf clover to me all his life.

金箔 jīn bó

noun (uncountable (thin sheet of gold)

It looks like solid gold but really it's only plaster covered with gold leaf.

叶片 yè piàn

noun (part of leaf)


noun (tea: in the form of leaves)


noun as adjective (binder: with removable pages) (书)


noun as adjective (tea: in the form of leaves) (茶)

枫叶 fēng yè

noun (leaf of hardwood maple tree)


noun (symbol: emblem of Canada)

Canada's symbol is the maple leaf.

棕榈叶 zōng lǘ yè

noun (leaf of a palm tree)

The gardeners neglected to pick up the cut palm leaves before they left.

灼伤 zhuó shāng

noun (botany: disease) (植物)

Scorch had turned the leaves of the horse chestnut reddish-brown.

效仿 xiào fǎng

verbal expression (figurative (follow [sb]'s example)

茶叶 chá yè

noun (dried leaf of the tea plant)

Some fortune-tellers use tea leaves to read fortunes.

小偷 xiǎo tōu

noun (UK, regional, slang (thief) (方言,俚语)

重新开始 chóng xīn kāi shǐ

verbal expression (figurative (reform your behaviour)


noun (leaf of a climbing plant)

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leaf 的相关词

你知道 英语

英语来自迁移到英格兰的日耳曼部落,经过 1400 多年的演变。 英语是世界上第三大语言,仅次于汉语和西班牙语。 它是学得最多的第二语言,也是近60个主权国家的官方语言。 与母语人士相比,这种语言有更多的第二语言和外语使用者。 英语也是联合国、欧盟和许多其他国际和区域组织的共同官方语言。 如今,世界各地的英语使用者都可以相对轻松地进行交流。