英语 中的 mad 是什么意思?

英语 中的单词 mad 是什么意思?文章解释了完整的含义、发音以及双语示例以及如何在 英语 中使用 mad 的说明。

英语 中的mad 表示恼火的 nǎo huǒ de, 生…的气, 疯的,精神失常的 fēng de ,jīng shén shī cháng de, 愚蠢的,疯狂的 yú chǔn de ,fēng kuáng de, 愚蠢的 yú chǔn de, 不可能的 bù kě néng de, 发狂的 fā kuáng de, 患狂犬病的 huàn kuáng quǎn bìng de, 极其,十分 jí qí ,shí fēn, 使…发疯, 把...逼疯, 令…欲罢不能, 疯狂透顶的,完全疯狂的 fēng kuáng tòu dǐng de,wán quán fēng kuáng de, 气愤 qì fèn, 发疯, 发狂, 失去理智, 对某事很狂热 duì mǒu shì hěn kuáng rè, 奢侈一番, 怒不可遏 nù bù kě è, 疯了似地 fēng le shì de, 非常迷恋 fēi cháng mí liàn, 对…非常生气 duì … fēi cháng shēng qì, 完全疯了 wán quán fēng le, 疯狂 fēng kuáng, 疯牛病 fēng niú bìng, 疯狗, 偏花黄芩, 疯狂的,彻底疯了的 fēng kuáng de ,chè dǐ fēng le de, 性欲狂的, 疯得一派胡言 fēng dé yí pài hú yán, 疯了似地工作, 疯狂工作。要了解更多信息,请参阅下面的详细信息。


单词 mad 的含义

恼火的 nǎo huǒ de

adjective (US, informal (angry)

He was mad after hearing that she broke the chair.


(mainly US, informal (angry with)

My dad's going to be mad at me when he finds out I dinged his car.

疯的,精神失常的 fēng de ,jīng shén shī cháng de

adjective (esp UK, potentially offensive (insane) (英国用法,冒犯意味)

He was mad and had to be sent to a psychiatric hospital.

愚蠢的,疯狂的 yú chǔn de ,fēng kuáng de

adjective (esp UK, figurative, informal ([sb]: foolish, crazy) (英国用法,非正式用语)

You're mad! Don't go in there!

愚蠢的 yú chǔn de

adjective (esp UK, figurative, informal ([sth]: foolish, crazy)

It would be mad of you to hand in your resignation now.

不可能的 bù kě néng de

adjective (esp UK, figurative, informal ([sth]: hard to take in)

It's mad to think that in two days' time, we'll be on the other side of the world!

发狂的 fā kuáng de

adjective (frantic)

She made a mad dash for the exit when the fire started.

患狂犬病的 huàn kuáng quǎn bìng de

adjective (animal: rabid) (动物)

The mad dog was shot before he could give anybody rabies.

极其,十分 jí qí ,shí fēn

adverb (slang (intensifier) (表示强调)

It was mad hot outside.


phrasal verb, transitive, separable (make insane)


phrasal verb, transitive, separable (annoy) (烦躁)


phrasal verb, transitive, separable (arouse sexually) (激起性欲)

疯狂透顶的,完全疯狂的 fēng kuáng tòu dǐng de,wán quán fēng kuáng de

adjective (UK, figurative, slang (insane, crazy) (俚语)

You'd have to be barking to pay those prices!

气愤 qì fèn

(US, informal (become angry)

My father will get mad if I'm not home by midnight.

发疯, 发狂, 失去理智

(informal (lose one's sanity)

Sometimes he felt just as if he was going mad.

对某事很狂热 duì mǒu shì hěn kuáng rè

(slang (be enthusiastic)

Fido always goes mad when I open a tin of dogfood.


(slang (do [sth] extravagant)

I decided to go mad and buy a brand new car.

怒不可遏 nù bù kě è

adjective (figurative, informal (very angry)

His stupidity made me hopping mad. I was hopping mad when my ring was stolen.

疯了似地 fēng le shì de

adverb (furiously, intensely)

Susan had to scrub like mad to get the grass stains out of her pants. He was working like mad in order to meet the deadline.

非常迷恋 fēi cháng mí liàn

(informal (passionate about)

I'm mad about that singer; I own all his CDs and I'm president of his fan club.

对…非常生气 duì … fēi cháng shēng qì

(informal (angry about)

His jaws are clenched. He must be mad about something.

完全疯了 wán quán fēng le

expression (UK, informal (crazy, insane)

疯狂 fēng kuáng

adjective (insane, crazy)

Don't believe anything he says – he's mad as a hatter.

疯牛病 fēng niú bìng

noun (BSE: bovine spongiform encephalopathy)

More cattle are to be tested for mad cow disease.


noun (rabid canine)

I was bitten by a mad dog when taking a walk yesterday.


noun (plant: herb) (药草)

疯狂的,彻底疯了的 fēng kuáng de ,chè dǐ fēng le de

adjective (informal (insane, crazy) (俚语)

Talking to himself and gesturing wildly with his hands, the poor man seemed to be raving mad.


adjective (informal (addicted to sex)

The actor plays the role of a sex-mad old man.

疯得一派胡言 fēng dé yí pài hú yán

adjective (slang (insane)

You'd be stark-raving mad to enter the jungle without a guide.

疯了似地工作, 疯狂工作

verbal expression (slang (work extremely hard) (俚语)

They were working like mad, trying to finish the stocktake before the shop opened in the morning.

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mad 的相关词

你知道 英语

英语来自迁移到英格兰的日耳曼部落,经过 1400 多年的演变。 英语是世界上第三大语言,仅次于汉语和西班牙语。 它是学得最多的第二语言,也是近60个主权国家的官方语言。 与母语人士相比,这种语言有更多的第二语言和外语使用者。 英语也是联合国、欧盟和许多其他国际和区域组织的共同官方语言。 如今,世界各地的英语使用者都可以相对轻松地进行交流。