英语 中的 Indian 是什么意思?

英语 中的单词 Indian 是什么意思?文章解释了完整的含义、发音以及双语示例以及如何在 英语 中使用 Indian 的说明。

英语 中的Indian 表示印度的,来自印度的 yìn dù de ,lái zì yìn dù de, 印第安人的 yìn dì ān rén de, 印度人 yìn dù rén, 印第安人 yìn dì ān rén, 美洲土著的, 美洲土著 měi zhōu tǔ zhù, 英印两国的, 英印混血儿的, 印度英语的, 英印混血儿, 印度英侨, 东印度的 dōng yìn dù de, 印度东部的 yìn dù dōng bù de, 法国印第安人战争, 墨,墨汁 mò zhī, 玉米 yù mǐ, 印度大麻 yìn dù dà má, 墨汁 mò zhī, 印度洋 yìn dù yáng, 秋季温暖的天气 qiū jì wēn nuǎn de tiān qì, 板齿鼠, 西印度群岛的 xī yìn dù qún dǎo de, 西印度群岛人, 菰米。要了解更多信息,请参阅下面的详细信息。


单词 Indian 的含义

印度的,来自印度的 yìn dù de ,lái zì yìn dù de

adjective (of or from India) (印度)

Indian food is easy to make in large quantities.

印第安人的 yìn dì ān rén de

adjective (Native American) (美洲)

We saw a number of people selling Indian blankets beside the road.

印度人 yìn dù rén

noun (person from India) (印度)

Many Indians are vegetarian for religious reasons.

印第安人 yìn dì ān rén

noun (Native American person) (美洲)

Indians living on reservations may lack educational resources.


adjective (relating to American Indians)

The American Indian exhibit at the museum was structured very well.

美洲土著 měi zhōu tǔ zhù

noun (North American native)

Mesa Verde is a park set at the former site of a tribe of American Indians in the south-west U.S.


adjective (of England and India)


adjective (of Anglo-Indians)


adjective (word: from Indian language)


noun (person: mixed ancestry)


noun (English person in India)

东印度的 dōng yìn dù de

adjective (Indonesian: of the East Indies) (英国殖民者初时误将包括印尼在内的马来群岛认为是印度的一部分,所以称其为东印度)

印度东部的 yìn dù dōng bù de

adjective (of or from eastern India)


noun (18th-century war) (18世纪的战争)

England took control of Quebec in the French and Indian War.

墨,墨汁 mò zhī

noun (black ink made of lampblack, glue)

玉米 yù mǐ

noun (cereal: maize)

Multi-colored Indian Corn is often used in the fall for decorations.

印度大麻 yìn dù dà má

noun (cannabis plant)

墨汁 mò zhī

noun (black pigment for writing or drawing)

Indian ink can be used for homemade tattoos by repeatedly stabbing the skin with a needle soaked in the ink.

印度洋 yìn dù yáng

noun (third-largest body of water)

The Cocos Islands are in the eastern Indian Ocean.

秋季温暖的天气 qiū jì wēn nuǎn de tiān qì

noun (figurative (warm autumn)

I can't believe I'm outside in short sleeves in October! This is really an Indian summer.


noun (Indian bandicoot)

西印度群岛的 xī yìn dù qún dǎo de

adjective (of or from the West Indies)

There's a large West Indian community in London.


noun (native of the West Indies)

The restaurant on the corner is run by West Indians.


noun (uncountable (grain of this grass)

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