英语 中的 heat 是什么意思?

英语 中的单词 heat 是什么意思?文章解释了完整的含义、发音以及双语示例以及如何在 英语 中使用 heat 的说明。

英语 中的heat 表示热 rè, 暖气 nuǎn qì, 加热 jiā rè, 温度 wēn dù, 体热 tǐ rè, 热度 rè dù, 炎热的天气 yán rè de tiān qì, 酷暑 kù shǔ, 预赛,小组赛 yù sài,xiǎo zǔ sài, 一投 yì tóu, 发情 fā qíng, 激动,热情 jī dòng,rè qíng, 辛辣 xīn là, 使激动 shǐ jī dòng, 加热 jiā rè, 变热 biàn rè, 变得激烈 biàn de jī liè, 体热 tǐ rè, 胜负未分的比赛 shèng fù wèi fēn de bǐ sài, 电热 diàn rè, 发热 fā rè, 释放热量 shì fàng rè liàng, 热能, 中暑虚脱 zhòng shǔ xū tuō, 加热灯,物理治疗用红外线烤灯 jiā rè dēng,wù lǐ zhì liáo yòng hóng wài xiàn kǎo dēng, 热泵, 热疹, 散热片 sàn rè piàn, 热疗法 rè liáo fǎ, 热处理, 热疗法 rè liáo fǎ, 跟踪热源的, 热敏感的, 酷暑时期 kù shǔ shí qī, 怒冲冲的 nù chōng chōng de, 盛怒之下, 酷暑 kù shǔ, 中火, 痱子, 灼热 zhuó rè, 炎热 yán rè, 受到批评, 余热 yú rè, 白热,白炽 bái rè,bái chì, 白热化。要了解更多信息,请参阅下面的详细信息。


单词 heat 的含义

热 rè

noun (great warmth)

You could feel the heat of the fire.

暖气 nuǎn qì

noun (building: heating)

Is the heat on in the house? It is cold in here.

加热 jiā rè

transitive verb (make hot)

The directions say to heat the water to room temperature.

温度 wēn dù

noun (temperature)

Cook the meat at high heat.

体热 tǐ rè

noun (body's warmth)

He hugged his daughter to warm her with the heat of his body.

热度 rè dù

noun (high temperature from a fever) (发烧造成的)

I could feel the fever in the heat of his body.

炎热的天气 yán rè de tiān qì

noun (hot weather)

The heat here in summer brings in lots of tourists.

酷暑 kù shǔ

noun (hot season)

During the cooler months they worked, but could do little during the heat.

预赛,小组赛 yù sài,xiǎo zǔ sài

noun (sports: race division) (体育运动)

The winner of the third heat ran faster than the better-known competitors.

一投 yì tóu

noun (baseball: fast pitches) (棒球术语)

The new player wasn't used to the heat thrown by major league pitchers.

发情 fā qíng

noun (animal: sexual arousal) (动物的)

Female dogs are in heat only once a year. What time of year are deer in heat?

激动,热情 jī dòng,rè qíng

noun (intensity of emotion)

Tim's face burned with the heat of his resentment.

辛辣 xīn là

noun (spiciness)

使激动 shǐ jī dòng

transitive verb (inflame with emotion)

She heated the conversation with the mention of his ex-wife.

加热 jiā rè

phrasal verb, transitive, separable (food: warm through) (食物)

I'll heat up your dinner whenever you get home.

变热 biàn rè

phrasal verb, intransitive (become hot)

The house heated up during the day.

变得激烈 biàn de jī liè

phrasal verb, intransitive (informal, figurative (intensify) (比喻)

The discussion heated up once it turned to religion.

体热 tǐ rè

noun (warmth produced by the body)

The mountain climbers huddled together to share their body heat when they were trapped by the storm.

胜负未分的比赛 shèng fù wèi fēn de bǐ sài

noun (informal (sport: draw)

The race was declared a dead heat.

电热 diàn rè

noun (heat generated by electricity)

发热 fā rè

verbal expression (emit warmth)

Traditional incandescent light bulbs give off heat, primarily; the light is a by-product.

释放热量 shì fàng rè liàng

verbal expression (radiate warmth)

That little furnace certainly gives out a lot of heat for its size.


noun (form of energy)

中暑虚脱 zhòng shǔ xū tuō

noun (dehydration from heat exposure)

Working outdoors in hot weather, one must be careful not to reach the point of heat exhaustion.

加热灯,物理治疗用红外线烤灯 jiā rè dēng,wù lǐ zhì liáo yòng hóng wài xiàn kǎo dēng

noun (infrared light used for physical therapy) (医用)

Once the chicks hatched, they were placed under a heat lamp.





散热片 sàn rè piàn

noun ([sth] that absorbs heat)

热疗法 rè liáo fǎ

noun (physical treatment using infrared light) (用红外线烤灯进行的物理治疗)


noun (metalworking process)

Heat treatment may be used to strengthen metals.

热疗法 rè liáo fǎ

noun (physical therapy)

Giving localized heat treatment to sprained muscles can help them heal faster.


adjective (can detect and follow warmth)


adjective (responding to heat)

酷暑时期 kù shǔ shí qī

noun (period of hot weather)

A heatwave in January is unusual for this part of the country.

怒冲冲的 nù chōng chōng de

adjective (female animal: ready to mate)

In many species of animal, the female is only in heat for a few weeks at a time.


expression (in anger, passion)

The couple lost all common sense in the heat of the moment.

酷暑 kù shǔ

noun (extremely hot conditions)

The intense heat caused the glass to melt.


noun (cookery: moderate temperature) (烹饪)

Place a pan over a medium heat and fry the onions gently.


noun (colloquial (itchy swelling on skin)

灼热 zhuó rè

noun (heat: intense, burning)

Working in front of the blast furnace, I was exposed to scorching heat every day.

炎热 yán rè

noun (extremely hot, sunny weather) (指天气)

In scorching heat it's a good idea to keep your pets inside.


verbal expression (figurative, slang (be blamed)

余热 yú rè

verbal expression (allow warmth to escape)

They waste heat by leaving the doors open.

白热,白炽 bái rè,bái chì

noun (uncountable (physics: extreme heat) (物理学)


(figurative (extreme excitement or activity) (比喻义)

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英语来自迁移到英格兰的日耳曼部落,经过 1400 多年的演变。 英语是世界上第三大语言,仅次于汉语和西班牙语。 它是学得最多的第二语言,也是近60个主权国家的官方语言。 与母语人士相比,这种语言有更多的第二语言和外语使用者。 英语也是联合国、欧盟和许多其他国际和区域组织的共同官方语言。 如今,世界各地的英语使用者都可以相对轻松地进行交流。