英语 中的 float 是什么意思?
英语 中的单词 float 是什么意思?文章解释了完整的含义、发音以及双语示例以及如何在 英语 中使用 float 的说明。
英语 中的float 表示浮动 fú dòng, 飘动 piāo dòng, 救生圈 jiù shēng quān, 彩车 cǎi chē, 浮筒 fú tǒng, 浮子 fú zi, 零钱,备用零钱 líng qián, 提议 tí yì, 向...提出..., 汇率浮动 huì lǜ fú dòng, 自由流通股 zì yóu liú tōng gǔ, 漂浮物, 浮筒 fú tǒng, 浮码头, 浮动 fú dòng, 广为流传, 四处飘散,自由漂浮, 漂走 piāo zǒu, 飘走, 游行花车 yóu xíng huā chē。要了解更多信息,请参阅下面的详细信息。
单词 float 的含义
浮动 fú dòngintransitive verb (bob on surface: of water, etc.) The science teacher showed the students that pumice can float. 科学课老师向学生们展示了浮石是可以漂浮在水上的。 |
飘动 piāo dòngintransitive verb (drift on wind) The autumn leaves floated gently to the ground. 秋叶缓缓飘落到地上。 |
救生圈 jiù shēng quānnoun (swimming: flotation aid) The survivor was found clinging to a float in the ocean. 幸存者被发现时还在海里抓着救生圈。 |
彩车 cǎi chēnoun (UK (decorated vehicle) Paul built one of the floats in the parade. 保罗做了游行队伍中其中一个花车。 |
浮筒 fú tǒngnoun (on a fishing line) Karen attached a float to her line to keep the lure from getting trapped on the lake bed. 卡伦往钓鱼线上栓了几个浮筒,避免鱼饵卡在湖床上。 |
浮子 fú zinoun (device: measures water level) The gauge used a float to measure the water level. 测量装置用一个浮子来测量水位。 |
零钱,备用零钱 líng qiánnoun (UK (shop: money to use as change) (商店) Don't take all the money from the till to the bank. We need to keep some back for tomorrow's float or we won't be able to give anyone any change! 别把钱柜里的钱都存到银行里去。我们需要留一些零钱明天用,否则我们没法给人找钱了! |
提议 tí yìtransitive verb (figurative (idea: propose) Agnes floated the idea of working a four-day week and closing the office on Fridays, but her boss wasn't keen. 艾格尼斯提议一周工作四天,周日不上班,但老板并不看好她的意见。 |
向...提出...(idea: suggest to [sb]) Ron went to his boss to float an idea by him, but he didn't get a meeting. 荣恩去找老板提出一个他自己的主意,但他没有得到会面的机会。 |
汇率浮动 huì lǜ fú dòngnoun (uncountable (finance: currency) (比喻,金融) The Federal Reserve keeps track of weekly and seasonal trends in the amount of float. |
自由流通股 zì yóu liú tōng gǔnoun (figurative (finance: stocks) (比喻,金融) The investor didn't have enough float to trade on the market. |
漂浮物noun (thing that floats) Richard relaxed on a float in the pool. |
浮筒 fú tǒngnoun (for water landing) (水上飞机) The seaplane damaged a float as it landed. |
浮码头noun (platform on water) Michael swam out to the float to dive. |
浮动 fú dòngintransitive verb (figurative (exchange rate: fluctuate) (汇率) China doesn't allow its currency to float, but instead ties it to the value of the US Dollar. |
广为流传phrasal verb, intransitive (idea: widely discussed) (消息) |
四处飘散,自由漂浮phrasal verb, intransitive (be somewhere unknown) |
漂走 piāo zǒuphrasal verb, intransitive (on water: drift off) He didn't tie up the boat properly, so it began to float away. |
飘走phrasal verb, intransitive (in air: drift off) The girl let go of the string and her balloon floated away. |
游行花车 yóu xíng huā chēnoun (decorated vehicle in a procession) |
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你知道 英语
英语来自迁移到英格兰的日耳曼部落,经过 1400 多年的演变。 英语是世界上第三大语言,仅次于汉语和西班牙语。 它是学得最多的第二语言,也是近60个主权国家的官方语言。 与母语人士相比,这种语言有更多的第二语言和外语使用者。 英语也是联合国、欧盟和许多其他国际和区域组织的共同官方语言。 如今,世界各地的英语使用者都可以相对轻松地进行交流。