英语 中的 find 是什么意思?

英语 中的单词 find 是什么意思?文章解释了完整的含义、发音以及双语示例以及如何在 英语 中使用 find 的说明。

英语 中的find 表示(偶然)发现 ǒu rán fā xiàn, 偶然遇到 ǒu rán yù dào, 找到,找回 zhǎo dào,zhǎo huí, 觉得 jué de, 裁决 cái jué, 发觉 fā jué, 发现,发现物 fā xiàn,fā xiàn wù, 发现 fā xiàn, 找出,找到 zhǎo chū,zhǎo dào, 发现 fā xiàn, 到达 dào dá, 发现,查明 fā xiàn,chá míng, 了解关于…的情况, 了解,知道 liǎo jiě ,zhī dào, 幸运发现 xìng yùn fā xiàn, 偶得物, 找工作, 想出办法 xiǎng chū bàn fǎ, 作出(不利的)判决,作出对…不利的宣判 zuò chū bú lì de pàn jué,zuò chū duì bú lì de xuān pàn, 挑剔 tiāo tī, 找...的茬, 被判有罪, 裁决…罪名成立, 找到答案 zhǎo dào dá àn, 抽空 chōu kòng, 有空做..., 找到真爱, 确定自己的方位, 找到自己的位置 zhǎo dào zì jǐ de wèi zhì, 忽然意识到自己在做…, 找到自我 zhǎo dào zì wǒ, 难得的, 难找的, 经历艰难才学会, 请见附件,随信附上, 避难 bì nàn, 求助于 qiú zhù yú。要了解更多信息,请参阅下面的详细信息。


单词 find 的含义

(偶然)发现 ǒu rán fā xiàn

transitive verb (come across)

I found ten dollars in the street yesterday.

偶然遇到 ǒu rán yù dào

transitive verb (encounter)

I found John at the station waiting for a taxi.

找到,找回 zhǎo dào,zhǎo huí

transitive verb (recover, retrieve) (丢失之物等)

I lost my phone last week but I found it this morning.

觉得 jué de

transitive verb (regard, consider)

I find modern music rather repetitive.

裁决 cái jué

transitive verb (reach verdict on)

The jury found the defendant guilty on all charges.

发觉 fā jué

transitive verb (with clause: learn, discover)

We found that the cars performed just as well as each other.

发现,发现物 fā xiàn,fā xiàn wù

noun (informal (discovery, [sth] found) (有价值或趣味之物)

This rare book was really quite a find.

发现 fā xiàn

transitive verb (discover, encounter)

Leave everything exactly as you found it.

找出,找到 zhǎo chū,zhǎo dào

transitive verb (ascertain)

It is a problem, and we must find the solution to it.

发现 fā xiàn

noun (informal (act of finding)

The team's find made them famous.

到达 dào dá

transitive verb (reach, attain)

The arrow found its target.

发现,查明 fā xiàn,chá míng

phrasal verb, transitive, separable (discover)

I just found out that my sister is pregnant.


phrasal verb, transitive, inseparable (learn about)

I read his biography to find out about his life.

了解,知道 liǎo jiě ,zhī dào

phrasal verb, transitive, inseparable (learn news or truth of)

I have just found out about your mother; I'm so sorry for your loss.

幸运发现 xìng yùn fā xiàn

noun (informal (a fortunate discovery)


noun (informal ([sth] discovered by accident)


verbal expression (be hired for work)

想出办法 xiǎng chū bàn fǎ

verbal expression (devise a solution)

I don't know how I'll do it, but I'll find a way.

作出(不利的)判决,作出对…不利的宣判 zuò chū bú lì de pàn jué,zuò chū duì bú lì de xuān pàn

transitive verb (law: rule opposed to [sb]'s position) (法律)

The jury found against the defendants, who were ordered to pay millions of dollars in damages.

挑剔 tiāo tī

verbal expression (criticize)


verbal expression (criticize [sb/sth])

被判有罪, 裁决…罪名成立

(often passive (law: convict) (法律)

Recently, Apple has been found guilty of wilfully infringing on a patent.

找到答案 zhǎo dào dá àn

verbal expression (devise solution)

The problem may seem insoluble right now, but you're sure to find the answer somehow.

抽空 chōu kòng

(activity: fit in)

I am very busy, but I will try to find time to see you.


(activity, event: fit in)

Many people complain they cannot find time for reading.


verbal expression (meet one's perfect partner)

The romantic teenager hopes to find true love.


verbal expression (orient yourself)

In the dark forest, the search party had trouble getting their bearings.

找到自己的位置 zhǎo dào zì jǐ de wèi zhì

verbal expression (find your special role)

Kate found her niche working in agriculture.


transitive verb and reflexive pronoun (be, realise you are)

She finds herself constantly thinking about the boy from her English class.

找到自我 zhǎo dào zì wǒ

transitive verb and reflexive pronoun (figurative (find fulfilment)

I'm taking a year off to travel the world and find myself.


adjective (rare, elusive)

First editions of this book are really hard to find.


adjective (difficult to locate)


verbal expression (learn from difficult experiences)


expression (formal, written (see the attached document)

Please find attached a check for $25 for the application fee.

避难 bì nàn

verbal expression (find shelter or protection)

When the storm started we ran to the nearest hut and took refuge.

求助于 qiú zhù yú

verbal expression (figurative (be comforted by)

He took refuge in the fact that his colleagues had all found the project difficult.

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你知道 英语

英语来自迁移到英格兰的日耳曼部落,经过 1400 多年的演变。 英语是世界上第三大语言,仅次于汉语和西班牙语。 它是学得最多的第二语言,也是近60个主权国家的官方语言。 与母语人士相比,这种语言有更多的第二语言和外语使用者。 英语也是联合国、欧盟和许多其他国际和区域组织的共同官方语言。 如今,世界各地的英语使用者都可以相对轻松地进行交流。