英语 中的 don 是什么意思?

英语 中的单词 don 是什么意思?文章解释了完整的含义、发音以及双语示例以及如何在 英语 中使用 don 的说明。

英语 中的don 表示导师 dǎo shī, 黑手党头子 hēi shǒu dǎng tóu zi, 披上 pī shàng, 先生 xiān shēng, 假装, 装出, 怎么做都是错, 花花公子 huā huā gōng zǐ, 唐吉诃德, 唐吉诃德, [do not 的缩略形式], 不要,别 bú yào, 别麻烦了, 别忘了 bié wàng le, 别再找借口了!, 别期望太高, 别以貌取人 bié yǐ mào qǔ rén, 别骗你自己了 bié piàn nǐ zì jǐ le, 不要挑剔礼物。, 不客气 bú kè qì, 别找麻烦了 bié zhǎo má fán le, 别跑 bié pǎo, 不要班门弄斧,不自量力, 别担心 bié dān xīn, 你敢!, 你敢, 不是吗? bú shì ma, 注意事项 zhù yì shì xiàng, 我不知道 wǒ bù zhī dào, 我不在乎 wǒ bú zài hu, 我不知道 wǒ bù zhī dào, 我无所谓,怎么都可以,随便 wǒ wú suǒ wèi,zěn me dōu kě yǐ,suí biàn, 我不介意 wǒ bú jiè yì, 我认为并非如此 wǒ rèn wéi bìng fēi rú cǐ, 不是真的吧!, 我会让你知道我是对的。要了解更多信息,请参阅下面的详细信息。


单词 don 的含义

导师 dǎo shī

noun (UK (British university tutor) (英国大学)

The dons were wearing their academic gowns for the ceremony.

黑手党头子 hēi shǒu dǎng tóu zi

noun (mafia leader)

The men were carrying out the don's orders.

披上 pī shàng

transitive verb (formal (put on: clothing)

It was cold outside, so Karen donned a coat and scarf.

先生 xiān shēng

noun (Spanish title: Sir) (西班牙尊称)

His name was Don Diego.

假装, 装出

transitive verb (figurative, literary (put on, assume)

Fiona dons an air of superiority when she speaks to her employees.


adjective (figurative (in no-win situation)

花花公子 huā huā gōng zǐ

noun (figurative (man: seduces many women)


noun (character in novel) (小说人物)


noun (early Spanish novel) (西班牙小说)

[do not 的缩略形式]

contraction (colloquial, abbreviation (do not) (口语)

Don't interrupt me when I'm talking, please.

不要,别 bú yào

interjection (colloquial, abbreviation (do not do that) (感叹词)

If you're thinking of telling Dad what I did, then don't!


interjection (do not go to the trouble of doing [sth])

别忘了 bié wàng le

interjection (informal (do not forget) (非正式用语)

Don't forget to turn off the light when leaving the office.


interjection (informal (Stop making excuses)

'I'm sorry, I forgot.' 'Don't give me that!'.


interjection (informal ([sth] is unlikely to happen soon)

Neil promised that he would have everything ready; don't hold your breath, though!

别以貌取人 bié yǐ mào qǔ rén

interjection (proverb (appearances can be deceptive)

She definitely looks trustworthy, but don't judge a book by its cover.

别骗你自己了 bié piàn nǐ zì jǐ le

interjection (informal (do not be deluded) (非正式用语)

Don't kid yourself – he doesn't love you!


expression (figurative (Be grateful for [sth] free.)

I was disappointed that the antique vase my aunt gave me had a chip in the rim, but my mother said, "Don't look a gift horse in the mouth."

不客气 bú kè qì

interjection (you're welcome)

"Thanks so much for all your help." "Don't mention it! It was no trouble."

别找麻烦了 bié zhǎo má fán le

interjection (figurative (do not cause trouble) (比喻)

The arrangements are already made, so don't rock the boat.

别跑 bié pǎo

interjection (informal (do not run) (非正式用语)

In case of fire, walk, don't run, to the nearest exit.


interjection (figurative (respect [sb]'s experience)

别担心 bié dān xīn

interjection (informal (reassurance) (非正式用语)

Don't worry, I am here right behind you.


interjection (warning against doing [sth])


expression (warning: do not do [sth]) (警告)

Don't you dare speak to me like that, young man!

不是吗? bú shì ma

expression (question tag)

Why am I asking you for directions? - well, you live here, don't you?

注意事项 zhù yì shì xiàng

plural noun (informal (rules and regulations)

Here's a useful list of dos and don'ts for keeping tropical fish.

我不知道 wǒ bù zhī dào

expression (declaration of ignorance)

There is no point asking me; I do not know. I do not know the answer to that complicated math problem!

我不在乎 wǒ bú zài hu

interjection (It's not important to me.)

"You can't go out dressed like that; you'll get cold." "I don't care."

我不知道 wǒ bù zhī dào

interjection (informal (declaration of ignorance) (非正式用语)

"Who's that woman talking to your brother?" "I don't know."

我无所谓,怎么都可以,随便 wǒ wú suǒ wèi,zěn me dōu kě yǐ,suí biàn

interjection (informal (I have no preference) (非正式用语)

"We can go to the cinema or ten-pin bowling. What do you want to do?" "I don't mind."

我不介意 wǒ bú jiè yì

interjection (informal (I am not upset) (非正式用语)

I don't mind if you sit beside me.

我认为并非如此 wǒ rèn wéi bìng fēi rú cǐ

interjection (I believe not)

When Tom asked me if Sally was coming to the party I replied "I don't think so".


interjection (informal, figurative (expressing disbelief)


interjection (informal (I'll show you I'm right)

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don 的相关词

你知道 英语

英语来自迁移到英格兰的日耳曼部落,经过 1400 多年的演变。 英语是世界上第三大语言,仅次于汉语和西班牙语。 它是学得最多的第二语言,也是近60个主权国家的官方语言。 与母语人士相比,这种语言有更多的第二语言和外语使用者。 英语也是联合国、欧盟和许多其他国际和区域组织的共同官方语言。 如今,世界各地的英语使用者都可以相对轻松地进行交流。