英语 中的 covered 是什么意思?

英语 中的单词 covered 是什么意思?文章解释了完整的含义、发音以及双语示例以及如何在 英语 中使用 covered 的说明。

英语 中的covered 表示覆盖着的,包盖着一层…的, 沾满…的, 遮盖着的, 以…遮盖, 被…盖住, 满是 mǎn shì, 在保险范围内的 zài bǎo xiǎn fàn wéi nèi de, 盖住 gài zhù, 用…覆盖 yòng … fù gài, 覆盖,遮盖,盖 fù gài ,zhē gài ,gài, 包括 bāo kuò, 足够支付 zú gòu zhī fù, 代替…工作,给…替班,帮…代班 dài tì gōng zuò,gěi tì bān, 给予…大量(赞扬等), 覆盖物 fù gài wù, 封面 fēng miàn, 伪装 wěi zhuāng, 藏身处 cáng shēn chù, 借口 jiè kǒu, 掩体,掩护,掩蔽处 yǎn tǐ,yǎn hù,yǎn bì chù, 覆盖 fù gài, 够支付的钱 gòu zhī fù de qián, 保险 bǎo xiǎn, 翻唱版 fān chàng bǎn, 入场费 rù chǎng fèi, 遮挡物, 被子 bèi zi, 暂时代替…工作 zàn shí dài tì gōng zuò, 覆盖 fù gài, 处理 chǔ lǐ, 为…提供保险 wèi tí gōng bǎo xiǎn, 旅行完 lǚ xíng wán, 报道 bào dào, 火力掩护 huǒ lì yǎn hù, 翻唱 fān chàng, 防守 fáng shǒu, 支付得起, 有篷大马车, 回廊 huí láng, 被雪覆盖的。要了解更多信息,请参阅下面的详细信息。


单词 covered 的含义


adjective (having [sth] all over) (如油漆等)

Keep applying the plaster until the wall is covered.



My children came home covered in mud from head to toe after the school outing.


adjective (with [sth] overlaid)

The buildings are connected by a covered walkway.


(with [sth] overlaid)

Fields covered with snow stretched into the distance.


adjective (having [sth] overlaid)

The burials took place in an area now covered by housing.

满是 mǎn shì

(having [sth] all over)

The coal miners emerged one by one, their faces covered in soot.

在保险范围内的 zài bǎo xiǎn fàn wéi nèi de

adjective (insured)

A colonoscopy is not covered under many health insurance plans.

盖住 gài zhù

transitive verb (hide, protect [sth], [sb])

Cover your body so you don't feel the cold air.

用…覆盖 yòng … fù gài

(conceal, protect [sth], [sb])

When we painted the ceiling we covered the furniture with old sheets.

覆盖,遮盖,盖 fù gài ,zhē gài ,gài

transitive verb (extend over [sth])

The tablecloth covered the entire table.

包括 bāo kuò

transitive verb (figurative (include [sth]) (比喻)

Does the cost of this ticket cover government fees, too?

足够支付 zú gòu zhī fù

transitive verb (figurative (pay for [sth] entirely)

Does twenty dollars cover all the expenses?

代替…工作,给…替班,帮…代班 dài tì gōng zuò,gěi tì bān

phrasal verb, transitive, inseparable (stand in for [sb])

Can you cover for me at work on Saturday night? I want to stay in.


(figurative (lavish with praise, etc.)

Critics covered the writer with praise after the publication of his first novel.

覆盖物 fù gài wù

noun (lid, cloth, etc.)

They put a cover over the piano to protect it.

封面 fēng miàn

noun (book: outer part)

The book's cover protects the binding from dust.

伪装 wěi zhuāng

noun (false identity)

The CIA agent travelled under cover.

藏身处 cáng shēn chù

noun (hiding place)

He took cover in the forest.

借口 jiè kǒu

noun (figurative (pretext)

The question was really just a cover for his desire to talk with her.

掩体,掩护,掩蔽处 yǎn tǐ,yǎn hù,yǎn bì chù

noun (usu. figurative (protection)

The soldier fell to his stomach, hoping to find cover from the bullets.

覆盖 fù gài

noun (ground) (地面)

These short plants provide good ground cover.

够支付的钱 gòu zhī fù de qián

noun (money)

Do you have enough cover to pay for the meal?

保险 bǎo xiǎn

noun (insurance)

This plan provides you with cover in case of hurricanes.

翻唱版 fān chàng bǎn

noun (version of a song)

This is a cover of a Bob Dylan song.

入场费 rù chǎng fèi

noun (US (entrance fee)

There is a cover of ten dollars to enter the club.


noun (shelter)

It's pouring down. We need to find somewhere under cover until it stops.

被子 bèi zi

plural noun (bed sheets)

He got under the covers and went to sleep.

暂时代替…工作 zàn shí dài tì gōng zuò

intransitive verb (stand in)

If you cover temporarily, I'll get the other equipment.

覆盖 fù gài

transitive verb (spread over)

The oil soon covered the entire lake.

处理 chǔ lǐ

transitive verb (deal with)

Can you cover these tasks for me?

为…提供保险 wèi tí gōng bǎo xiǎn

transitive verb (insurance)

This insurance policy covers car accidents.

旅行完 lǚ xíng wán

transitive verb (travel)

We covered all of South America on the last trip.

报道 bào dào

transitive verb (journalist: report)

She covered the White House for the newspaper for two years.

火力掩护 huǒ lì yǎn hù

transitive verb (protect with a gun)

Cover me while I run to the next bunker.

翻唱 fān chàng

transitive verb (perform version of a song)

The band covered an old Dylan classic in their concert.

防守 fáng shǒu

transitive verb (US (sports: guard) (体育)

He did an excellent job covering their star player and they won the game.


transitive verb (gambling) (赌博)

Do you have enough money to cover the bet?


noun (US, historical (canvas-topped horse-drawn vehicle)

回廊 huí láng

noun (outdoor passageway)


adjective (under snow)

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你知道 英语

英语来自迁移到英格兰的日耳曼部落,经过 1400 多年的演变。 英语是世界上第三大语言,仅次于汉语和西班牙语。 它是学得最多的第二语言,也是近60个主权国家的官方语言。 与母语人士相比,这种语言有更多的第二语言和外语使用者。 英语也是联合国、欧盟和许多其他国际和区域组织的共同官方语言。 如今,世界各地的英语使用者都可以相对轻松地进行交流。