英语 中的 computer 是什么意思?

英语 中的单词 computer 是什么意思?文章解释了完整的含义、发音以及双语示例以及如何在 英语 中使用 computer 的说明。

英语 中的computer 表示计算机 jì suàn jī, 电脑的 diàn nǎo de, 计算者 jì suàn zhě, 计算机软件的 jì suàn jī ruǎn jiàn de, 电脑行业 diàn nǎo háng yè, 计算机动画,电脑动画, 电脑艺术, 电脑艺术作品, 计算机代码, 死机 sǐ jī, 计算机数据 jì suàn jī shù jù, 计算机数据 jì suàn jī shù jù, 计算机工程师, 计算机文件,电脑文件, 计算机游戏 jì suàn jī yóu xì, 电脑极客,计算机极客, 电脑绘图, 计算机图形学, 计算机硬件 jì suàn jī yìng jiàn, 电脑键盘, 计算机实验室 jì suàn jī shí yàn shì, 计算机语言 jì suàn jī yǔ yán, 计算机文化, 懂电脑的, 计算机鼠标, 计算机零件 jì suàn jī líng jiàn, 计算机打印资料 jì suàn jī dǎ yìn zī liào, 计算机程序 jì suàn jī chéng xù, 计算机程序员 jì suàn jī chéng xù yuán, 计算机房 jì suàn jī fáng, 计算机科学 jì suàn jī kē xué, 计算机科学家, 计算机技能, 计算机软件 jì suàn jī ruǎn jiàn, 维修电脑人员 wéi xiū diàn nǎo rén yuán, 电脑技术支持员 diàn nǎo jì shù zhī chí yuán, 计算机技术, 计算机病毒,电脑病毒, 计算机辅助的, 计算机控制的,微机控制的,电脑控制的, 电脑生成的, 计算机操作的, 台式电脑, 显示器,显示屏 xiǎn shì qì,xiǎn shì píng, 主机 zhǔ jī, 网络计算机, 网络电脑, 笔记本,笔记本电脑 bǐ jì běn,bǐ jì běn diàn nǎo, 个人电脑 gè rén diàn nǎo。要了解更多信息,请参阅下面的详细信息。


单词 computer 的含义

计算机 jì suàn jī

noun (computing device)

Tony has a powerful computer.

电脑的 diàn nǎo de

noun as adjective (of computer devices)

He stared at the computer screen.

计算者 jì suàn zhě

noun (dated (person who computes)

The accountant is the computer of tax payments.

计算机软件的 jì suàn jī ruǎn jiàn de

noun as adjective (of software)

Curtis works in the computer industry.

电脑行业 diàn nǎo háng yè

plural noun (industry, job)

Pete works in computers.


noun (digitally made cartoons, etc.)

This film was made using computer animation.


noun (artmaking: digital)


noun (artwork: digital)


noun (instructions in a computer program)

死机 sǐ jī

noun (computing: system failure)

My computer crash was caused by a bug in the operating system.

计算机数据 jì suàn jī shù jù

noun (uncountable, colloquial (information on computer)

Computer data is a conceptual rather than physical thing.

计算机数据 jì suàn jī shù jù

plural noun (formal (information on computer)

Computer data are stored in the form of binary files.


noun (designer of computers)

The computer engineers are designing some new software.


noun (stored data: document, image, etc.) (存储的数据:文档、图像等)

计算机游戏 jì suàn jī yóu xì

noun (interactive video game)

He's busy playing his computer games again.


noun (slang (technology expert)

My son is the family computer geek who handles all our computer problems.


noun (digital images)


noun (study of digital images)

计算机硬件 jì suàn jī yìng jiàn

noun (computer's physical components)

They sell computer hardware like keyboards and mice.


noun (typewriter part of a computer)

It is hard to type in French on an American computer keyboard.

计算机实验室 jì suàn jī shí yàn shì

noun (abbr (room with computers for use)

When I was in school I worked in the computer lab as part of my work-study program.

计算机语言 jì suàn jī yǔ yán



noun (familiarity with computers)


adjective (able to use a computer)

I'm not very computer literate, I'm afraid.


noun (computing: pointing device)

Use the computer mouse to click on the button.

计算机零件 jì suàn jī líng jiàn

noun (physical component of a computer)

Computer parts vary enormously in price.

计算机打印资料 jì suàn jī dǎ yìn zī liào

noun ([sth] printed from computer)

We can get a computer printout of the calls he made in about two hours.

计算机程序 jì suàn jī chéng xù

noun (software)

A computer program controls the operation of the equipment.

计算机程序员 jì suàn jī chéng xù yuán

noun ([sb]: writes software)

I'm a computer programmer but my job title is Chief Software Developer.

计算机房 jì suàn jī fáng

noun (room where computers are used)

Computer rooms are kept very cold to protect the computers from overheating.

计算机科学 jì suàn jī kē xué

noun (field of study)

Liz has a degree in computer science.


noun (expert in computing)

Computer scientists have developed new techniques for speech recognition.


plural noun (ability to use computer)

I didn't get the job because I didn't have sufficient computer skills.

计算机软件 jì suàn jī ruǎn jiàn

noun (programs for use on a computer)

Someone who writes computer software is known as a programmer or developer.

维修电脑人员 wéi xiū diàn nǎo rén yuán

noun (repairs computers)

I think we're going to have to call a computer technician to help us out.

电脑技术支持员 diàn nǎo jì shù zhī chí yuán

noun (supports computer use)


noun (computing)

Computer technology has changed how people communicate with each other.


noun (computing: bug)


adjective (with assistance of a computer)


adjective (device, system) (设备、系统)


adjective (created with computers)


adjective (directed by a computer)


noun (PC: not portable)

显示器,显示屏 xiǎn shì qì,xiǎn shì píng

noun (computer monitor) (电脑屏幕上的)

You can adjust the colour and contrast of the computer display.

主机 zhǔ jī

noun (central computer)

Important information is stored on the mainframe.


noun (computer for accessing network)


noun (historical, obsolete (1990s computing device)

笔记本,笔记本电脑 bǐ jì běn,bǐ jì běn diàn nǎo

noun (laptop, portable)

个人电脑 gè rén diàn nǎo

noun (PC: computer for home, office)

让我们学习 英语

现在您对 英语 中的 computer 的含义有了更多的了解,您可以通过选定的示例了解如何使用它们以及如何阅读它们。并记住学习我们建议的相关单词。我们的网站会不断更新新单词和新示例,因此您可以在 英语 中查找您不知道的其他单词的含义。

computer 的相关词

你知道 英语

英语来自迁移到英格兰的日耳曼部落,经过 1400 多年的演变。 英语是世界上第三大语言,仅次于汉语和西班牙语。 它是学得最多的第二语言,也是近60个主权国家的官方语言。 与母语人士相比,这种语言有更多的第二语言和外语使用者。 英语也是联合国、欧盟和许多其他国际和区域组织的共同官方语言。 如今,世界各地的英语使用者都可以相对轻松地进行交流。