Wat betekent self seeking in Engels?

Wat is de betekenis van het woord self seeking in Engels? Het artikel legt de volledige betekenis uit, de uitspraak samen met tweetalige voorbeelden en instructies voor het gebruik van self seeking in Engels.

Het woord self seeking in Engels betekent zelf, ik, eigenbelang, assertive, confident, self-assured, autonomous, self-governing, discipline, self-restraint, self-control, uniform, willful, self-willed, pharisee, limit of self-control, inner self, Union of Self-Employed Entrepeneurs, self-development, proud, homegrown, self-grown, obvious, self-evident, suicide, self-employed person, self-confidence, rustig, kalm, economische zelfstandigheid, egocentrisch, zelfverzekerd, zelfbewust, egocentrisch, uniform, effen, zelfvertrouwen, zelfverzekerd, verlegenheid, zelfbewust, zelfbeheersing, zichzelf in de weg staand, zichzelf in de voet schietend, zelfdiscipline, zelfdiscipline, bescheiden, afzijdig, teruggetrokken, zelfstandig, zelfvertrouwen, duidelijk, zonneklaar, vanzelfsprekend, zelfhulp-, zelfhulp, eigenbelang, selfmade, gemotiveerd, zelfmedelijden, zelfportret, zelfverwerkelijking, zelfregulerende organisatie, zelfvoldaan, zelfbediening, zelfbedienings-, gericht op eigenbelang, initiatiefnemer, eigenwaarde, precies hetzelfde. Raadpleeg de onderstaande details voor meer informatie.

Luister naar uitspraak

Betekenis van het woord self seeking


noun (individuality, identity) (ontelbaar)

She's back to her old self again.


noun (true nature)

He showed his true self by that act of courage.


noun (personal gain)

He only thinks of self.

assertive, confident, self-assured


(adjective: Describes a noun or pronoun--for example, "a tall girl," "an interesting book," "a big house.")

autonomous, self-governing


(adjective: Describes a noun or pronoun--for example, "a tall girl," "an interesting book," "a big house.")

discipline, self-restraint, self-control


(noun: Refers to person, place, thing, quality, etc.)


(kleur: gelijkmatig)

(adjective: Describes a noun or pronoun--for example, "a tall girl," "an interesting book," "a big house.")

willful, self-willed

(zijn eigen zin volgend)

(adjective: Describes a noun or pronoun--for example, "a tall girl," "an interesting book," "a big house.")



(noun: Refers to person, place, thing, quality, etc.)

limit of self-control

(limiet van zelfcontrole)

(noun: Refers to person, place, thing, quality, etc.)

inner self


(noun: Refers to person, place, thing, quality, etc.)

Union of Self-Employed Entrepeneurs

(België (Nationaal Christelijke Middenstandvereniging) (Belgian organisation)

(noun: Refers to person, place, thing, quality, etc.)



(noun: Refers to person, place, thing, quality, etc.)



(adjective: Describes a noun or pronoun--for example, "a tall girl," "an interesting book," "a big house.")

homegrown, self-grown

(zelf gekweekt)

(adjective: Describes a noun or pronoun--for example, "a tall girl," "an interesting book," "a big house.")

obvious, self-evident

(duidelijk, evident)

(adjective: Describes a noun or pronoun--for example, "a tall girl," "an interesting book," "a big house.")


(beëindigen van eigen leven)

(noun: Refers to person, place, thing, quality, etc.)

self-employed person

(iem. met eigen zaak)

(noun: Refers to person, place, thing, quality, etc.)


(vertrouwen in zichzelf)

(noun: Refers to person, place, thing, quality, etc.)

rustig, kalm

adjective (person: calm)

Even in stressful situations, Cameron is composed.

economische zelfstandigheid

noun (nation, community: can support self)


adjective (selfish, narcissistic)

You're so self-absorbed; try thinking of someone besides yourself for a change!


adjective (confident)


adjective (conscious of one's qualities and flaws)


adjective (concerned only with yourself)

I'm so tired of your self-centered behavior!

uniform, effen

adjective (of uniform colour) (kleur)

Keith keeps and races self-coloured pigeons.


noun (assurance in own qualities)

On stage the band's lead singer was full of self-confidence.


adjective (assured)

Janice isn't self-confident enough to ask for a promotion.


noun (embarrassment)

Self-consciousness is normal among teenagers, especially if they move to a new school.


noun (philosophy: awareness of self)

The philosopher wrote extensively about self-consciousness.


noun (restraint, discipline)

Please try to exercise a little bit of self-control today; this is a very important meeting.

zichzelf in de weg staand, zichzelf in de voet schietend

adjective (causing problems for oneself) (figuurlijk)

You'll never get anywhere with a self-defeating attitude like that!


noun (control of oneself)


noun (dedication, training)

You need a lot of self-discipline to be a top athlete.

bescheiden, afzijdig, teruggetrokken

adjective (making self inconspicuous)

The self-effacing man always tried to avoid being the center of attention.


adjective (freelance, working for own company)

Charlotte loved being self-employed because she was her own boss and could work from home.


noun (respect for oneself)

duidelijk, zonneklaar, vanzelfsprekend

adjective (obvious)

The answer is self-evident, and I don't feel like explaining it right now.


adjective (relating to self-help resources)

A lot of people rely on self-help books, rather than seeing a psychologist.


noun (personal development techniques)

Our individualistic society is obsessed with self help,.


noun (concern only for oneself)


adjective (independently successful)

Ross is a self-made businessman who started his life in poverty.


adjective (having initiative)

The new employee is very self-motivated and hard-working.


noun (feeling sorry for oneself)


noun (artwork depicting the artist)

Rembrandt painted more than 40 self-portraits.


noun (fulfilment of own potential)

Self-realisation is important for happiness.

zelfregulerende organisatie

noun (UK (regulator of investment markets)


adjective (smug)

Kevin bowled a strike and then turned around with a self-satisfied look on his face.


noun (facilities that are unstaffed)


noun as adjective (unstaffed) (in samenstellingen)

I'd rather be served by a waiter than eat in a self-service restaurant.

gericht op eigenbelang

adjective (concerned with own interests)

Mary's self-serving attitude has gotten her far in her career.


noun ([sb] with initiative)

Jim's a real self-starter. I never have to assign him work: he finds it by himself.


noun (self-esteem)

Victims of abuse often have little sense of their own self-worth.

precies hetzelfde

adjective (identical, very same)

The woman at the beach was the selfsame one they had met earlier at the airport.

Laten we Engels leren

Dus nu je meer weet over de betekenis van self seeking in Engels, kun je leren hoe je ze kunt gebruiken aan de hand van geselecteerde voorbeelden en hoe je lees ze. En vergeet niet om de verwante woorden die we voorstellen te leren. Onze website wordt voortdurend bijgewerkt met nieuwe woorden en nieuwe voorbeelden, zodat u de betekenissen van andere woorden die u niet kent, kunt opzoeken in Engels.

Ken je iets van Engels

Het Engels is afkomstig van Germaanse stammen die naar Engeland zijn geëmigreerd en is over een periode van meer dan 1400 jaar geëvolueerd. Engels is de derde meest gesproken taal ter wereld, na Chinees en Spaans. Het is de meest geleerde tweede taal en de officiële taal van bijna 60 soevereine landen. Deze taal heeft een groter aantal sprekers als tweede en vreemde taal dan moedertaalsprekers. Engels is ook de co-officiële taal van de Verenigde Naties, van de Europese Unie en van vele andere internationale en regionale organisaties. Tegenwoordig kunnen Engelstaligen over de hele wereld relatief gemakkelijk communiceren.