Tongue Dong Fa 3 Con Nai (1)
Tongue Dong Fa 3 Con Nai (2)
Tongue Dong Fa 3 Con Nai (3)

Sell Tongue Dong Fa 3 Con Nai best price

SGD 1.78
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Product Description

Product information: Ingredients: Polyester fiber - The product is used to support the hygiene of the baby's tongue - Each box includes 5 pieces of tongue for your baby - Easy to use, safe for children - To avoid thrush, mothers should pay attention. If your baby has entered the weaning age, you should give your baby soft, liquid foods so that the baby's mouth does not hurt. During the process of carrying the disease, you should not let your baby come into contact with other babies to avoid the risk of infection. - You should clean your baby's mouth every day. With a bottle-feeding baby, you can give your baby 1-2 tablespoons of boiling water to cool after feeding and use Dong Fa gauze pad, gently wipe your baby's tongue and gums. You should hold your baby standing or sitting (avoid lying position) and avoid deep impact on the bottom of the tongue because it can stimulate the muscles in the throat, causing vomiting. With your baby completely breastfed in the first 6 months, you do not need to give your baby more boiled water to cool after feeding. - Children over 1 year old, you can use honey to clean your baby's mouth and throat. Because the natural sugar content in honey is considered as a good antiseptic. In addition, you should also clean the breasts and bottles before and after your baby sucks to avoid the risk of infection. - Children with thrush are suitable for eating cold fruits, such as pears, watermelon, banana, mango... and should not let the baby eat a lot of lychee, because the lychee, eating a lot only makes the baby's body more frustrating, uncomfortable. Note when treating thrush for children - You should not use a tongue brush for your baby regularly, only clean your baby's mouth in the most gentle way. - There are many people because they do not understand the thrush that want to find ways to remove these white spots for the baby, but this is in vain and will cause the baby to bleed his tongue. In addition, if you use gauze or towel to rub vigorously, it can damage the baby's tongue mucosa - Should clean the baby's mouth regularly in the early morning, 1 to 2 times a day, but should clean the baby's mouth before meals or the baby will vomit. Description: - Although the tongue is a simple and easy to cure disease, if left for a long time, it will make the yeast species often appear in the oral cavity when the baby has bad oral hygiene and tongue, eating widely throughout the tongue, making the child gradually loses taste., not only makes the child anorexia but also makes the child lacks nutrition, often fussy, insomnia. More specifically, if the fungus grows thicker, it will eat spills into the throat, causing airway obstruction, leading to pneumonia, even spreading to the stomach causing diarrhea, very dangerous for the baby. To help your baby not get thrush and clean gums regularly, mothers should use Dong Fa 3 deer thrush - a safe product issued by the health department. Dong Fa 3 deer tongue for babies is designed in the f

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