Potassium Alum / Potash Alum / Batu Tawas / Alum Stone/ Potassium Aluminum Sulfate Powder 钾明矾 - Traditional Deodorant (1)
Potassium Alum / Potash Alum / Batu Tawas / Alum Stone/ Potassium Aluminum Sulfate Powder 钾明矾 - Traditional Deodorant (2)

Sell Potassium Alum / Potash Alum / Batu Tawas / Alum Stone/ Potassium Aluminum Sulfate Powder 钾明矾 - Traditional Deodorant best price

SGD 4.5
Ships from
HDPE bag

Product Description

All packed into one HDPE/Aluminium bag IUPAC name: Aluminum Potassium Sulfate Dodecahydrate Other names: Potassium alum; Potash alum. CAS Number: 10043-67-1; 7784-24-9 (Dodecahydrate) Simply mix tawas powder(10%)with water to use. Powder form is easy to dissolve in water compare to stone form. Uses: 1. Personal care 1.1 Used as Deodorant because of antibacterial and astringent properties 1.2 Used for Skin Whitening (especially armpit) and removal of pigmentation 1.3 Has astringent and styptic properties, which makes it great for use as an aftershave. It closes the pores and reduces bleeding caused by small nicks from the razor. 1.4 It helps reduce shine and grease for oily skin face. 2. For Problem Skin 2.1 Used as a face mask to get rid of pimples 2.2 Tighten the skin and treat wrinkles. Apply moisturizer after use. 2.3 Relieves the painful problem associated with cracked heeks.. 3. Hair Care 3.1 Causes the hair to stand on end and is used as hair gel ensures the hair dressing and styling are properly done.. 3.2 Alum for Removing Hair Unwanted body hair can be easily removed using Potash Alum and rose water. 3.3 For Treating Lice Mix little powdered alum with tea tree oil and water, apply it over scalp and rinse it off. 4. Purifying Water Its antibacterial property helps disinfect the water from bacterial contamination, enabling the water drinkable or for bathing purposes. Batu Tawas sudah digunakan sejak zaman berzaman sebagai deodorant untuk menghilangkan bau badan. Ianya digunakan juga untuk merawat kualiti air perigi. KEBAIKAN TAWAS: - Anti bakteria. - Menghilangkan bau ketiak. - Mencerah kembali warna hitam ketiak. - Boleh juga digunakan pada bahagian badan lain. - Membersih luka kecil atau calar (sedikit rasa pedih). - Merawat masalah ruam dan kegatalan kulit. - Menghilangkan rasa tidak selesa selepas bercukur. - Menghilangkan bau air yang tidak menyenangkan. - Mengatasi masalah

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