MERAH 100% Not Cut CODE GOT CODE Nine Geech Red Jiu Gong Traditonal Brown Sugar (1)
MERAH 100% Not Cut CODE GOT CODE Nine Geech Red Jiu Gong Traditonal Brown Sugar (2)
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MERAH 100% Not Cut CODE GOT CODE Nine Geech Red Jiu Gong Traditonal Brown Sugar (4)
MERAH 100% Not Cut CODE GOT CODE Nine Geech Red Jiu Gong Traditonal Brown Sugar (5)
MERAH 100% Not Cut CODE GOT CODE Nine Geech Red Jiu Gong Traditonal Brown Sugar (6)
MERAH 100% Not Cut CODE GOT CODE Nine Geech Red Jiu Gong Traditonal Brown Sugar (7)
MERAH 100% Not Cut CODE GOT CODE Nine Geech Red Jiu Gong Traditonal Brown Sugar (8)
MERAH 100% Not Cut CODE GOT CODE Nine Geech Red Jiu Gong Traditonal Brown Sugar (9)

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SGD 29.15
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Product Description

产品源自官方授权经销商 100%正品保证, 原封不动发货! 防伪二维码独立包装 Products from Official Authorized Dealer 100% Original Guarantee Individual pack with QR code Scan Product Name: Jiu Ji Gong Brown Sugar 产品名称:九吉公纯正老红糖 Net weight:400g (23 - 26 pcs) 净重:400克 (23 - 26 颗) 九吉公老红糖作用: 1. 改善女性寒凉体质,受善体虚所致的痛经,月经不调。 2. 对产后子宫收缩,恢复,恶露的有效排出,乳汁的分泌。 3. 促进儿童骨骼生长,增加记忆力。 4. 对男性有解酒,补益气,养肝护脾,缓解·疲劳。 5. 改善人体虚弱,贫血,皮肤粗糙,造血功能。 6. 具有强效抗氧化及修护作用,促进细胞新生 7. 易于人体吸收,快速补充人体能量,有助恢复体力,祛寒暖胃。 The advantage of 九吉公老红糖 (Brown sugar) 1. Improves cold body constitution among females to relieve menstrual cramps and regulate menstrual cycles. 2. Aids in uterus recovery and contraction, discharge of blood clots and breast milk production after child birth. 3. Promotes the growth and development of children’s bones and memory. 4. Helps in alleviating hangover, fatigue as well as strengthening spleen and liver to regulate the flow of qi among men. 5. Ameliorates immune system, anemia and increases blood production. 6. Rich in antioxidants to prevent and repair damage on skin, promotes cell turnover to improve overall skin tone and texture. 7. Easily absorbed hence facilitates metabolism, blood circulation to replenish energy and keep body warm. 备注: • 孕妇不适宜饮用 • 自然产的妇女建议在生产两天后饮用而破腹产的妇女建议在放屁后饮用 • 糖尿病患者不建议饮用 • 一岁以下的孩童不适宜饮用 Reminder: • Pregnant woman is not encourage to consume. • Natural labor mother should start consume Jiu Ji Gong ancient brown sugar at least 2 days after deliver baby meanwhile caesarean labor mother should start consume after break wind. • Diabetes is not allow to consume • Child below 1 years old is not allowed to consume This product only Limited for Peninsular Malaysia. East Malaysia cannot post. 此产品只限西馬地區,东马不能邮寄。 所有照片均为店主实际拍摄的产品。 产品颜色可能会因摄影光源或显示器设置而略有不同。 All the photos are actual product taken by the owner. Product colour may slightly vary due to photographic lighting sources or your monitor settings.

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