Marutai Assorted Ramen Noodles (2 Packs) (1)
Marutai Assorted Ramen Noodles (2 Packs) (2)
Marutai Assorted Ramen Noodles (2 Packs) (3)

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SGD 17
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Ships from
Hakata Tonkotsu
Kuro Ma-Yu Tonkotsu
Kuro Buta Tonkotsu
Nouka Tonkotsu
Beef Salt (Gyutan)
Sapporo Miso
Asahikawa Shoyu
Tantan Mazesoba
Hiyashi Chuka
Lemon Tonkotsu

Product Description

You can now choose from a wide variety of your favourite ramen noodles ! ***_ Hakata Tonkotsu _*** The Marutai Hakata Tonkotsu Packet Ramen is made with delicious Hakata Nagahama pork bone soup prepared by adding pork extract to onions, white pepper, ground sesame and roasted sesame seeds, after which the taste is adjusted with an adequate amount of soya sauce. Seasoning oil is added to the pork bone stock to give it a richer flavour. Japanese Name: 博多 とんこつ ラーメン Volume: 185g (For 2 pax) ***_ Kumamoto Kuro Ma-Yu Tonkotsu _*** The Marutai Kumamoto Kuro Ma-Yu (black sesame oil) Tonkotsu has thick garlic flavoured pork bone soup with an aromatic pork extract and garlic flavour. The seasoning oil is a ma-yu (special black sesame oil), which is a characteristic of Kumamoto ramen, in which garlic is fried in lard and vegetable oil and ground until it becomes black, and then it is grounded with sesame oil to give that fragrant black garlic oil. Japanese Name: 熊本 黒マー油 とんこつ ラーメン Volume: 185g (For 2 pax) ***_ Kagoshima Kuro Buta Tonkotsu _*** The Marutai Kagoshima Kuro Buta Tonkotsu Packet Ramen has special black pork bone soup made from black pork bones from Kagoshima prefecture, finished with the sweetness of vegetables. It contains scorched scallions, which is one of the characteristics of Kagoshima ramen. (50% black pork extract from Kagoshima prefecture is used as pork extract in soup). Japanese Name: 鹿児島 黒豚 とんこつ ラーメン ***_ Kurume Nouka Tonkotsu _*** Kurume is a city in Fukuoka prefecture, is known as a Ramen city. This Marutai Kurume Nouka Tonkotsu Packet Ramen (Fukuoka ramen) has a fragrant soup base of pork bone with an added aroma of onion, ginger and soy sauce. It has a strong umami flavour with a pleasant sweetness of its rich pork stock. Comes with a sachet of seasoning oil that is made with a blend of pork seasoning oils that helps to create additional depth and richness to the soup. Japanese Name: 久留米濃厚とんこつラーメン Volume: 194g (For 2 pax) ***_ Saga Beef Salt (Gyutan) _*** The Marutai Saga Beef Salt (Gyutan) Packet Ramen has a base of beef salt soup prepared by slowly cooking beef bones and adding flavoured vegetables, onion extract, etc. to add a rich depth into the soup. The seasoning oil is made with blended beef fat and sesame oil to enhance the flavour of the soup. Comes with an aromatic grilled seaweed from Saga prefecture. Japanese Name: マルタイ 佐賀牛塩ラーメン ノンフライ Volume: 185g (For 2 pax) ***_ Hokkaido Sapporo Miso _*** The Marutai Hokkaido Sapporo Miso Packet Ramen’s noodles have thicker yellow noodles which is newly developed exclusively for this Hokkaido Packet Ramen. The soup has a rich and aromatic Hokkaido miso soup that is based on two types of red miso. The added flavours of pork, chicken, vegetables and garlic, elevates the taste and flavour of miso like no other. Uses concentrated Kombu soup from Hokkaido as part of its soup stock. Japanese Name: 北海道札幌味噌ラーメン Volume: 216g (For 2 pax) ***_ Hokkaido Asahikawa Shoyu _*** The Marutai Hokkaido Asahikawa Shoyu Packet Ramen’s noodles have thicker noodles which is newly developed just for this particular Marutai Hokkaido Asahikawa Packet Ramen. Based on aromatic Hokkaido brewed soy sauce, the savouriness of pork and chicken meat, and the sweetness of clams and bonito to produce a flavourful stock that is well-combined. Japanese Name: 北海道旭川醤油ラーメン Available in 212g (For 2 Pax). ***_ Tantan Mazesoba _*** Made from wheat flour sourced from the Fukuoka Prefecture, the Marutai Tantan Mazesoba noodles have a smooth, chewy texture. Plenty of ground sesame and sesame seeds have been used in the soup, which have richer flavours after adding Japanese pepper. Japanese Name: ラー麦担々まぜそば Volume: 182g (For 2 pax) ***_ [Summer Seasonal] Hiyashi Chuka _*** Made from wheat flour sourced from the Fukuoka Prefecture, the Marutai Hiyashi Chuka noodles have a smooth, chewy texture. The soup is slightly tart and has a refreshing sweetness. Instructions: 1. Boil noodles in water for 6 minutes. 2. Remove from boiling water and wash well with cold water before draining. 3. Add chopped tomatoes, shredded cucumber, shredded egg and stripes of ham on the noodles. 4. Pour the enclosed liquid soup on it to complete this cold noodle dish. Volume : 238g (For 2 pax) ***_ Nagasaki Lemon Tonkotsu _*** The Marutai Nagasaki Lemon Tonkotsu Ramen has soup that is a refreshing citrus soup that is rich in pork bone soup but slightly sour with domestic (setouchi) lemon powder. With lemon flavoured seasoning oil, you can enjoy a refreshing scent even more. Volume: 189g (For 2 pax)

Product Specifications

Country of OriginJapan

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