Authentic Jiu Ji Gong Ancient Brown Sugar Trial pack 5 free 1 (1)
Authentic Jiu Ji Gong Ancient Brown Sugar Trial pack 5 free 1 (2)
Authentic Jiu Ji Gong Ancient Brown Sugar Trial pack 5 free 1 (3)
Authentic Jiu Ji Gong Ancient Brown Sugar Trial pack 5 free 1 (4)
Authentic Jiu Ji Gong Ancient Brown Sugar Trial pack 5 free 1 (5)
Authentic Jiu Ji Gong Ancient Brown Sugar Trial pack 5 free 1 (6)
Authentic Jiu Ji Gong Ancient Brown Sugar Trial pack 5 free 1 (7)
Authentic Jiu Ji Gong Ancient Brown Sugar Trial pack 5 free 1 (8)
Authentic Jiu Ji Gong Ancient Brown Sugar Trial pack 5 free 1 (9)

Sell Authentic Jiu Ji Gong Ancient Brown Sugar Trial pack 5 free 1 best price

SGD 6.5
Ships from
5 Free 1-$6.5

Product Description

九吉公老红糖•老少咸宜 JiuJiGong Ancient Brown Sugar suitable for everyone! 每天来一杯九吉公老红糖帮你解决以下问题💁🏻‍♀️ 1. 女人 Woman: 经痛 Dysmenorrhea 月经不调 Irregular menstrual cycle 助孕 Increase pregnant chances 贫血 Anemia 改善皮肤 Improve skin tone 补血补气 Enrich the blood and Qi 手脚冰冷 Cold hands & feet 排毒及改善便秘 Detox & reduce constipation 产后子宫的收缩 Restoring expanded uterus for postpartum 产后恢复 Recovery after gave birth 产后补充能量 Restoring energy for postpartum 促进母乳的生成 Improve breast milk production 帮助排出恶露 Enhance lochia discharge 缓慢更年期 Slow down menopause 2. 男人 Man: 解酒毒 Alleviate hangover 缓解疲劳 Reduce tiredness 恢复体力 Restoring energy 养肝护脾 Liver & spleen protection 帮助睡眠 Enhance sleeping quality 3. 老人Senior: 补充维生素矿物质 Supplement of vitamins & minerals 疲泛无力 Alleviate fatigue and weakness 增加体质 Increase physical fitness 延缓衰老 Anti-aging 4. 小孩children: 增强记忆力 Enhance memory 增加骨骼钙质 Increase bone calcium 提高免疫力 Improve immunity ⚠️备注 Reminder: ❌孕妇不适宜饮用 自然产的妇女建议在生产两天后饮用而破腹产的妇女建议在放屁后饮用 Pregnant woman is not encourage to consume. Natural labor mother should start consume Jiu Ji Gong ancient brown sugar at least 2 days after deliver baby meanwhile caesarean labor mother should start consume after break wind. ❌糖尿病患者不建议饮用 Diabetes is not allow to consume. ❌一岁以下的孩童不适宜饮用 Child below 1 years old is not allowed to consume 老红糖每一盒以400g为准,一盒里约有24-26块独立包装 Net Weight 400g with around 24-26 sachets 售卖方式: 包装 保质期: 24(月) 是否进口: 是 原产地: 云南 储藏方法: 密封,置阴凉干燥处 食用方式: 即食 注意事项: 本品不能代替药物 产品剂型: 冲剂 品牌: 九吉公 正品保证!!

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