Atomy ethereal oil patch (HALAL) (1)
Atomy ethereal oil patch (HALAL) (2)
Atomy ethereal oil patch (HALAL) (3)
Atomy ethereal oil patch (HALAL) (4)

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SGD 48.5
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Oil patch
1 box

Product Description

ATOMY ETHEREAL OIL PATCH (Koyok) 1 box x 11 Pack includes 55 sheets of Oil Patch The best like Atomy! 😍 those who have the following problems can try like this Atomy Ethereal Oil Patch, you will surely love it because it is effective, relieving and no other medicines.. 100 % pure herbs and essential oil 😊 🌷 sore throat 🌷 Flu 🌷 Coughing 🌷 Clogged nose 🌷 Joint and muscle pain 🌷 Hard to sleep at night 🌷 Headache and migraine 🌷 Bloating stomach 🌷 Menstrual discomfort Suitable for children or elderly. 👨 👩 👧 👦👴👵 Easy to carry everywhere. ♥ Just sticky, no oily effects with massage oil, no massage. 👌 . Those who have tried it will surely know the best that haven't tried it yet what are you waiting 🙊 Ethereal Oil Patch can be used for: 1. Migraine: Paste in the back of the ear. 2. Headaches: Paste on the back of the neck. 3. Sore throat: Cut half or whole cut and paste in the throat. 4. Stomach ache: Paste in the middle of the stomach. 5. Menstrual period: Paste under the stomach. 6. Knee Pain: Front and back knees. 7. Improve the quality of sleep: Patch it on the feet. 8. Waist pain or back pain: Paste the long back. 9. Stuffed nose: Paste on the nose. Cut it small. #OilPatch 【Atomy 精油贴布(Ethereal Oil Patch)】💆‍♀️ #里面有张图片教你贴的位子 真的真的超级好用❗❗ 也有买家反馈腰痛贴了都不痛了哟🥰🥰 🍀Atomy精油贴布到底多好用❓ 好用到已经是我不管去哪儿都会随身携带, 当着万能贴般使用了。运动或生活中,不小心拗伤、扭伤、撞伤都很正常~~~ 📎撞伤淤青-贴❗ 📎感冒鼻塞-贴❗ 📎晚上睡不好-贴❗ 📎shopping走太久脚酸-贴‼️ 哪里不舒服,贴哪里就对了🤗‼️‼️‼️ 家庭常备药『涨价』涨幅【15~30%】 贴布也开始售卖到今天没涨过价😱😱😱 小提示🗣️ ⚠️使用贴布不要超过四小时,好用的贴布二个小时,效果就发挥出来了,不需要贴太长的时间 ✅适合人群 #精油贴补布谁都适合 😍👍 - 肌肉酸痛 - ‎关节疼痛 - ‎淤青淤血 - ‎旧伤或新伤皆可改善 - 头痛、颈酸痛,腰痛,腰酸,鼻塞,脚痛 - ‎女生来月经肚子痛也可以 - ‎老人家脚痛,膝盖痛也可以 ❤艾多美一条根精油贴布9微米红外线光波 比一般贴布➡渗透力提升2~5倍😱😱 ❤用得安心 纯天然植物萃取 、非药性 ❤艾多美精油贴布功能性强,绝对是家家必备的产品之一 🔎使用方法: ❇️肌肉酸痛/关节疼痛/神经痛/淤青淤血/ 拉伤扭伤/旧伤或新伤皆可改善, 痛哪里就贴哪里,懂得经络穴位贴,效果更好! ❇️喉咙痛——将贴布剪一半贴于喉咙部位, 喉咙长茧者可持续贴四个月,帮助活化细胞, 有改善作用。 ❇️头顶痛——将贴布直接放在头顶,黄色面朝上,约放半小时,气通了头也就不痛了, 由于吸收过废气, 所以使用过就不要贴其他地方了 ❇️晕机/晕船/晕车——贴在左右两边手腕, 可避免 " 晕 "车船等,小孩也可以用哦! ❇️预防乳癌,使乳腺畅通, 有丰胸效果——整张放在內衣里, 可促进血液循环,一天一次4小時 ❇️改善视力——将贴布放在眼睛上半小时, 可减少眼睛对光波的伤害 ❇️便秘——先喝300cc开水, 将贴布贴肚脐上,30分钟后就会上厕所啦 ❇️改善睡眠——长期失眠者在睡觉前半小時, 贴双脚脚底涌泉穴各片,持续一周, 慢慢减轻,可长期使用,直到完全改善。 ❇️改善房间磁场与能量——以房间大小而定, 6~10片用一个美美的器具摆放在房間, 因有9微米光波科技与磁石能量 以及多种植物精油,

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