atomy Essential Patch 5sheets*10packs (1)
atomy Essential Patch 5sheets*10packs (2)
atomy Essential Patch 5sheets*10packs (3)
atomy Essential Patch 5sheets*10packs (4)

Sell atomy Essential Patch 5sheets*10packs best price

SGD 56
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Product Description

*Atomy Ethereal Oil Patch* Made from Natural Herbal ingredients (Pure plant extract) thus it is safe and reliable and also suitable usage for children too. Use far infra red technology to enable active ingredient from oil patch to penetrate deep into skin. There is anti-inflammatory properties through blood circulation with cooling and soothnig efffect. Contains a special formula of essential oils. Made from natural ingredients that makes the product safe and reliable & lowers the chance of side effects and allergies. Good Manufacturing Practices (GMP) certified with carefully selected natural ingredients and a special formula of essential oils which makes the product safe and reliable, as well as lowers the chance of side effect and allergies. As a counterirritant, to provide cooling and soothing pain relief for migraine, back pain, sore throat, chest tightness, flatulence, menstrual discomfort, micturition, headache, knee pain, nasal congestion, stuffy nose, stiff neck, inflammatory pain and improve the quality of sleep. Atomy Ethereal Oil Patch is fast and effective pain relief patch that gives feeling of refreshment. Essential oil contented - Very soothing and calming smell. Benefits: Ethereal Oil Patch can be used for: Migraine: Paste on the back of ears. Headache: Paste on the back of neck. Sore throat: Cut half or entire piece and paste it on the throat area. Stomachache: Paste it on the centre of the belly Dysmenorrhea (menstrual pain): Paste it below the abdomen Knee Pain: Front and back of the knee Improves sleep quality: Paste on the foot. 📷 DO NOT USE THE PATCH FOR MORE THAN 4 HOURS. 📷IF YOU HAVE SENSITIVE SKIN, PATCH IT NOT MORE THAN 2 HOURS #atomyetherealoilpatch #atomy #backache #jointpainrelief #oilpatch #oilpatches #painrelief #headache #neckache #shoulderpain #kneepain #muscleache #naturaloilpatch #natural #naturalingredient Atomy 精油贴布(Ethereal Oil Patch) 非药性📷 📷📷台湾闻名一条根,冬绿树,薄荷、尤加利等高纯度萃取精油无药无毒的纯精油贴布📷 贴📷贴📷贴📷 哪里痛,贴哪里 哪里不通就贴哪里 贴了就通 📷📷📷见证如云,回头抢购的人好多哦~~ 精油贴补布谁都适合 📷📷 - 肌肉酸痛 - ‎关节疼痛 - ‎淤青淤血 - ‎旧伤或新伤皆可改善 - 头痛、颈酸痛,腰痛,腰酸,鼻塞,脚痛 - ‎女生来月经肚子痛也可以 - ‎老人家脚痛,膝盖痛也可以 📷精油贴布 重点整理: 1. 九微米光波是用来打通气血循环及瘀青瘀血。应用在精油贴布上,这是独特之配方,只有艾多美这个品牌才有 2. 使用贴布不要超过四小时,好用的贴布二个小时,效果就发挥出来了,不需要贴太长的时间。有百分之一的人属于敏感型皮肤,属于敏感体质 3. 精油贴布贴双脚脚底,可以改善睡眠品质,请大家试试看 4. 经油贴布,贴脐下七公分处,可改善经痛 5. 头痛解决之道: 1- 痛头顶:把贴布放头中央 2- 偏头痛:贴于耳下或太阳穴 3- 后脑痛:贴于后颈部 6. 咳嗽喉咙痛解决之道:将贴布剪一半或整片贴于喉咙部位 7. 胀气或胃痛解决之道:将整张贴布贴于肚脐中央 8. 胸闷解决之道:整张贴布贴于支气管部位,针对支气管发炎引起之胸闷,晕车晕船晕机等可以帮助舒缓郁闷 9. 想呕吐或喝酒后闻后会改善 10.伤风感冒鼻塞小片贴在鼻翼会疏通与减少流鼻水 11. 膝关节痛:膝关节前面及后面各一片 12.小孩跌倒夹伤等会消肿祛瘀 价钱便宜,0岁到一百岁都需要的居家旅行必备!

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