What does ubi jalar in Indonesian mean?
What is the meaning of the word ubi jalar in Indonesian? The article explains the full meaning, pronunciation along with bilingual examples and instructions on how to use ubi jalar in Indonesian.
The word ubi jalar in Indonesian means sweet potato, yam, Ipomoea batatas, sweet potato. To learn more, please see the details below.
Meaning of the word ubi jalar
sweet potatonoun (tuber) Sebenarnya, kami makan begitu banyak ubi jalar. hingga kulit saya berwarna sama seperti itu. In fact, we ate so many sweet potatoes I became orange with sweet potato. |
yamnoun Keluarga-keluarga bekerja bersama-sama menanam jagung, kapas, ubi jalar, dan kacang. Families worked together to cultivate corn, cotton, yams, and beans. |
Ipomoea batatasnoun |
sweet potatonoun (species of plant) Di sana dia menemukan sisa reruntuhan pondok petani, ladang ubi jalar yang terabaikan di dekatnya. There he found the gutted remains of a peasant cottage, its neglected sweet potato field nearby. |
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Mereka memasak menggunakan oven tanah dan bertahan dengan bahan pokok ubi jalar dan babi hutan People cook using outdoor ground ovens and survive on a staple diet of sweet potatoes and wild pig. |
Ubi jalar? " Sweet potato "! |
Dan ubi jalar itu menjadi bagian dari saya. And those sweet potatoes became part of me. |
Di sana dia menemukan sisa reruntuhan pondok petani, ladang ubi jalar yang terabaikan di dekatnya. There he found the gutted remains of a peasant cottage, its neglected sweet potato field nearby. |
Kau tahu, seperti isian dengan keripik apel, dan ubi jalar dengan marshmallow. Like stuffing with apple chips, and sweet potatoes and marshmallows. |
Sebenarnya, kami makan begitu banyak ubi jalar. hingga kulit saya berwarna sama seperti itu. In fact, we ate so many sweet potatoes I became orange with sweet potato. |
Vegan Mac ́n Cheese, sawi hijau, ubi jalar, Vegan Mac'n Cheese, collard greens, yams. |
Membantu diri Anda sendiri untuk beberapa ubi jalar. Help yourself to some sweet potatoes. |
Sidang menanam ubi jalar dan kubis sendiri. The congregation grew its own crops of sweet potatoes and cabbage. |
Hasil bumi seperti ubi jalar dan jagung menjadi pengganti beras pada saat dibutuhkan, yang memungkinkan populasi tumbuh tanpa kekurangan pangan. Produce like sweet potatoes and corn became substitutes for rice in times of need, which enabled the population to grow without food shortages. |
Rhizopus stolonifer (kapang roti hitam) menyebabkan buah membusuk pada stroberi, tomat, dan ubi jalar dan digunakan dalam produksi komersial asam fumarat dan kortison. Rhizopus stolonifer (black bread mold) causes fruit rot on strawberry, tomato, and sweet potato and used in commercial production of fumaric acid and cortisone. |
Agak jauh dari situ, terdapat lubang-lubang tungku batu, dan di situ babi, walabi, rusa, burung dara, ikan, gembili, dan ubi jalar sedang dipanggang. Farther away lay stone cooking pits, where pigs, wallabies, deer, pigeons, fish, yams, and sweet potatoes were being roasted. |
Bagian awal tahun ini (Januari-Februari) dianggap sebagai musim ubi jalar dan pertengahan tahun (Juni – Juli) buah dan madu, sementara berburu dimanfaatkan sepanjang tahun. The early part of the year (January–February) is considered to be the season of yams and mid-year (June–July) that of fruit and honey, while hunting is availed of throughout the year. |
Jika ini benar, berarti ubi jalar telah melakukan perjalanan dari pulau ke pulau yang arahnya berlawanan dengan sukun, yang akhirnya mencapai Asia Tenggara, tempat sukun berasal. If this is true, it would mean that the sweet potato island-hopped in the reverse direction of the breadfruit, eventually reaching Southeast Asia, where the breadfruit originated. |
Hari ini bahan baku tetap berupa ubi jalar dan babi sampai kedatangan terakhir, tapi kerang dan ikan juga telah lama menjadi andalan diet oleh para penduduk pesisir. Today's staples – sweet potatoes and pigs – were later arrivals, but shellfish and fish have long been mainstays of coastal dwellers' diets. |
Pada tahun 1989, enam makanan yang disuka (apel, ubi jalar, badam, kacang brazil, biji bunga matahari dan walnut) telah tersedia ad libitum setiap malam hingga 12 stasiun makanan. In 1989, six preferred foods (apples, sweet potatoes, almonds, Brazil nuts, sunflower seeds and walnuts) were supplied ad libitum each night to 12 feeding stations. |
Kebanyakan dari mereka bekerja sebagai nelayan atau petani kelapa, ubi jalar, pisang dan rumput laut untuk diekspor, sementara sebagian lainnya bekerja sebagai pemandu, pekerja di cottage dan nakhoda kapal. Most locals work as fishermen or farmers cultivating coconut, sweet potato, banana or seaweed for export, while a small number are employed in tourism as dive guides, boat operators and cottage staff. |
Pertimbangkan beberapa bahan makanan yang pada mulanya ditemukan di hutan-hutan tropis di seluruh dunia: padi, jagung, ubi jalar, ubi kayu atau tapioka, tebu, pisang, jeruk, kopi, tomat, coklat, nenas, alpukat, vanili, jeruk besar, berbagai kacang-kacangan, rempah-rempah, dan teh. Consider some of the foods that were originally found in the rain forests around the world: rice, corn, sweet potatoes, manioc (cassava, or tapioca), sugarcane, bananas, oranges, coffee, tomatoes, chocolate, pineapples, avocados, vanilla, grapefruit, a variety of nuts, spices, and tea. |
Pada babi Papua dan ubi jalar dipanggang di batu dipanaskan diisi lubang digali di tanah dan ditutupi dengan daun, metode memasak ini disebut bakar batu (pembakaran batu), dan itu merupakan peristiwa budaya dan sosial yang penting antara orang-orang Papua. In Papua, pigs and yams are roasted in heated stones placed in a hole dug in the ground and covered with leaves; this cooking method is called bakar batu (burning the stone), and it is an important cultural and social event among Papuan people. |
Saksi-Saksi di kamp mendapat panen jagung, beras, singkong, padi-padian, ubi jalar, tebu, buncis, dan buah-buah setempat seperti mafura (sebuah pohon yang menghasilkan buah yang menyerupai kapsul yang bijinya menghasilkan bahan yang berlemak mirip mentega coklat yang digunakan untuk sabun dan lilin) yang berlimpah-limpah. The Witnesses in the camps came to have bountiful harvests of corn, rice, manioc, millet, sweet potatoes, sugarcane, beans, and local fruit such as mafura. |
Karena benar-benar bebas dan tidak ada predator, mereka mulai menimbulkan kerusakan yang hebat pada hutan-hutan asli di daerah mauka (pegunungan), dan mereka sering kali mencari makanan di kebun-kebun di daerah makai (dataran rendah, tepi laut), tempat penduduk desa menanam ubi jalar, ubi, talas, serta palawija lainnya. Having free rein and no predators, they began to do serious damage to native forests in the mauka (mountain) lands, and they frequently foraged in the gardens of the makai (lower, oceanside) lands, where the villagers grew their sweet potato, yam, taro, and other crops. |
Hasil panen goguma ( ubi jalar ) juga bagus-bagus. She has grown very well. |
Mau Ubi Jalar? Want a sweet potato? |
Makanan pokok mencakup ubi jalar, talas, singkong, sagu, dan pisang, yang dimakan mentah atau dimasak. Staple foods include sweet potatoes, taro, cassava, sago, and bananas, which are eaten raw or cooked. |
Yang unik adalah komoditas ubi jalar. What counts is the good merchant custom. |
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Do you know about Indonesian
Indonesian is the official language of Indonesia. Indonesian is a standard Malay language that was officially identified with the declaration of independence of Indonesia in 1945. Malay and Indonesian are still quite similar. Indonesia is the fourth most populous country in the world. The majority of Indonesians speak fluent Indonesian, with a rate of almost 100%, thus making it one of the most widely spoken languages in the world.