What does turun takhta in Indonesian mean?

What is the meaning of the word turun takhta in Indonesian? The article explains the full meaning, pronunciation along with bilingual examples and instructions on how to use turun takhta in Indonesian.

The word turun takhta in Indonesian means abdication, abdicate, renounce, stepping down. To learn more, please see the details below.

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Meaning of the word turun takhta


noun (the act of abdicating; the renunciation of a high office, dignity, or trust, by its holder)

Ini upacara terakhir yang dipimpinnya, sebelum dia turun takhta.
This is his last ceremony before he abdicates the throne.



Ini upacara terakhir yang dipimpinnya, sebelum dia turun takhta.
This is his last ceremony before he abdicates the throne.



stepping down


Ayah sudah berencana untuk turun takhta beberapa bulan lagi.
You had planned to step down in a few months.

See more examples

Pada tahun 1947, kaum komunis memaksa Raja Mihai I untuk turun takhta dan pergi meninggalkan negara.
In 1947, King Michael I was forced by the Communists to abdicate and leave the country.
“Terima kasih atas kesediaanmu melakukan ini, Ptolemus,” kata Cal, sebagai sesama raja yang telah turun takhta.
“Thank you for doing this, Ptolemus,” he says, one abdicated king to another.
1493 – Hatakeyama Yoshitoyo mendesak Yoshitane untuk turun takhta.
1493 – Hatakeyama Yoshitoyo forces Yoshitane to abdicate.
Pippin turun takhta dan dikirim sebagai tahanan ke Trier, setelah menyerahkan seluruh wilayahnya kepada saudara tirinya, Karl.
Pepin was dispossessed of his kingdom and sent as prisoner to Trier, having ceded all his territories to his half-brother Charles.
Ia resmi turun takhta pada tahun 1081, namun ditangkap karena bersekongkol melawan saudara dan ahli waris Géza, László.
He officially abdicated in 1081, but was arrested for conspiring against Géza's brother and successor, Ladislaus.
Ia kemudian mengumumkan bahwa pada 21 Juli, ia akan turun takhta karena alasan kesehatan.
He then announced that, on 21 July, Belgian National Day, he would abdicate the throne for health reasons.
Pada tanggal 30 April 1980, Beatrix diangkat menjadi Ratu Belanda saat ibunya turun takhta.
On 30 April 1980, Beatrix became the monarch when her mother abdicated.
Ia turun takhta dan kembali ke Italia pada tahun 1873, dan Republik Spanyol Pertama dideklarasikan setelahnya.
He abdicated and returned to Italy in 1873, and the First Spanish Republic was declared as a result.
Setelah mengalami beberapa kekalahan, August II, Raja Polandia dan Adipati Agung Lituania, turun takhta pada 1706.
Following several defeats, Polish King Augustus II the Strong abdicated in 1706.
Yuan tidak hadir dalam dekret penurunan takhta yang dikeluarkan oleh Janda Kaisar Longyu pada 12 Februari 1912.
Yuan was not present when the Abdication edict was issued by Empress Dowager Longyu on 12 February 1912.
Nikolai II turun takhta pada 2 atau 15 Maret 1917.
Nicholas II abdicated on March 2/15, 1917.
Guy dari Lusignan menolak untuk turun takhta, tetapi sebagian besar baron menganggapnya sebagai raja yang sah.
Guy of Lusignan refused to abdicate, but most barons regarded him the lawful monarch.
Jeruk dan Acerola, Turun Takhta
Orange and Acerola, Move Over
Kemarin, Qing Kaisar turun takhta, berakhir dua milenia monarki.
Yesterday, the Qing Emperor abdicated ending two millennia of monarchy.
Tekanan dari pemerintah memaksa Leopold III turun takhta.
Pressure from the government forced Leopold III to abdicate.
Tong Guan dijadikan kepala penjaga pribadi Kaisar Huizong setelah Huizong turun takhta dan melarikan diri dari Kaifeng.
Tong Guan was made the leader of Emperor Huizong's personal bodyguard after the emperor abdicated the throne and fled from Kaifeng.
Namun ia tidak dinobatkan karena mahkota kerajaan masih berada di dalam kepemilikan raja yang turun takhta.
However, he was not crowned because the royal jewels were still in the dethroned king's possession.
Selim kembali dari Krimea dan, dengan dukungan dari pasukan Yanisari, mendesak Bayezid turun takhta pada 25 April 1512.
Selim returned from Crimea and, with support from the Janissaries, forced his father to abdicate the throne on 25 April 1512.
Pernyataan turun takhta, untuk dibacakan di hadapan bangsanya setelah Ptolemus menolak takhta Retakan.
Her own abdication, to read before her country after Ptolemus refuses the throne of the Rift.
“Setelah turun takhta dan menjadi warga negara sini, aku masuk militer Montfort.
“After abdicating and becoming a citizen here, I enlisted in the Montfortan military.
Géza memulai perundingan damai dengan sepupunya yang diturunkan takhta pada bulan-bulan terakhir hidupnya.
Géza initiated peace negotiations with his dethroned cousin in the last months of his life.
Murad II menandatangani suatu perjanjian selama sepuluh tahun dan turun takhta untuk mendukung putranya Mehmed II.
Murad II signed a treaty for ten years, and abdicated in favour of his son Mehmed II.
Pada 15 Januari 1941, Alfonso XIII turun takhta untuk Juan.
On 15 January 1941, Alfonso XIII abdicated his rights to the vacant Spanish throne in favour of Juan.
Sebanyak 62 kaisar Jepang turun takhta.
A total of 62 Japanese emperors abdicated.
Menurut tradisi Ethiopia, Kaleb akhirnya turun takhta dan pensiun kesebuah biara.
According to Ethiopian traditions, Kaleb eventually abdicated and retired to a monastery.

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Indonesian is the official language of Indonesia. Indonesian is a standard Malay language that was officially identified with the declaration of independence of Indonesia in 1945. Malay and Indonesian are still quite similar. Indonesia is the fourth most populous country in the world. The majority of Indonesians speak fluent Indonesian, with a rate of almost 100%, thus making it one of the most widely spoken languages in the world.