What does timor in Indonesian mean?

What is the meaning of the word timor in Indonesian? The article explains the full meaning, pronunciation along with bilingual examples and instructions on how to use timor in Indonesian.

The word timor in Indonesian means Timor, Timorese. To learn more, please see the details below.

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Meaning of the word timor



Aku akan mengatakan tidak lebih pada subjek Timor.
I will say no more on the subject of Timor.



Kemiskinan yang parah telah menyebabkan kehidupan orang Timor sangat tidak mapan.
Extreme poverty results in a tenuous existence for the Timorese.

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Ada lebih dari 900,000 penganut Katolik di Timor Leste, warisan dari status bekas koloni Portugis.
There are over 900,000 Catholics in East Timor, a legacy of its status as a former Portuguese colony.
Buku ini adalah sebuah upaya untuk memahami mengapa upaya negara modern dalam membangun lembaga-lembaga di negara-negara seperti Afghanistan, Irak, Somalia, Haiti, Timor-Leste, Sierra Leone dan Liberia yang telah gagal dalam mencapai harapan hidup.
The book is an attempt to understand why modern statebuilding and the building of institutions in countries like Afghanistan, Iraq, Somalia, Haiti, Timor-Leste, Sierra Leone and Liberia have failed to live up to expectations.
Pada tahun 2000, ia dianugerahi Penghargaan Perdamaian Sydney karena menjadi "Pemimpin yang berani dan berprinsip untuk kemerdekaan rakyat Timor-Leste".
In 2000, he was awarded the Sydney Peace Prize for being "Courageous and principled leader for the independence of the East Timorese people".
Bersama para pengikutnya, ia pergi ke Beboki-Insana di bagian utara dari Wehali, dan kemudian ke pantai selatan Timor Barat.
With his followers he went to Beboki-Insana to the north of Wehali, and thence to the south coast of West Timor.
Di kota-kota, pasukan Indonesia mulai membunuh orang Timor.
In the cities, Indonesian troops began killing East Timorese.
Museum tersebut berada di bekas mahkamah tinggi Timor Portugis yang dibakar saat krisis Timor Leste 1999.
The museum is housed in the former Portuguese Timor court of justice building which was burnt down during the 1999 East Timorese crisis.
Di tahun 1975, militer Indonesian military menyerang Timor Leste dan mendudukinya, memaksa penggunaan bahasa Indonesia dan penerapan budaya Indonesia.
In 1975, the Indonesian military invaded Timor-Leste and occupied the region, imposing Indonesian language and culture.
Ketika pesawat ini berada 13 nmi (24 km) dari Timor Barat di ketinggian 400 ft (120 m), Corio ditembaki oleh tujuh pesawat tempur Mitsubishi A6M ("Zero").
When it was 13 nmi (24 km) from West Timor, travelling at a height of 400 ft (120 m), Corio was fired on by seven Mitsubishi A6M ("Zero") fighters.
Peta Indonesia (sebelum kemerdekaan Timor-Leste).
Map of Indonesia (before East Timor's independence).
Menurut Gabriel Defert, berdasarkan data statistik pemerintah Portugal dan Indonesia serta Gereja Katolik, antara Desember 1975 dan Desember 1981, kurang lebih 300.000 warga Timor tewas; jumlah ini mewakili 44% populasi Timor Leste pra-invasi.
According to specialist Gabriel Defert on the basis of statistical data available from the Portuguese and Indonesian authorities, and from the Catholic Church, between December 1975 and December 1981, approximately 308,000 Timorese lost their lives; this constituted about 44% of the pre-invasion population.
Usaha rekrutmen prajurit kepolisian baru di Timor-Leste dimulai pada awal tahun 2000, dan pelatihan dasar dimulai pada tanggal 27 Maret tahun tersebut di bawah pengawasan Administrasi Transisi PBB di Timor-Leste.
Recruitment drives for the new East Timorese police service started in early 2000, and basic training commenced on March 27 that year under the auspices of the United Nations Transitional Administration in East Timor.
Dia mencetak 17 menit dalam debutnya melawan Filipina pada 19 oktober, diikuti oleh brace melawan Timor-Leste dua hari kemudian.
He scored 17 minutes into his debut against the Philippines on 19 October, followed by a brace against Timor-Leste two days later.
Pada tanggal 5 Mei 1999, pembicaraan ini menghasilkan “Persetujuan antara Republik Indonesia dan Republik Portugis tentang Masalah Timor Timur” yang menjabarkan rincian dari referendum yang diminta.
On 5 May 1999, these talks resulted in the “Agreement between the Republic of Indonesia and the Portuguese Republic on the Question of East Timor” which spelled out the details of the requested referendum.
Human Rights Watch sudah sejak lama menyerukan Indonesia untuk melakuka investigasi menyeluruh, independen dan imparsial atas pelanggaran HAM di Timor Timur dan menangkap para pelaku untuk bertanggung-jawab, apapun pangkat mereka.
Human Rights Watch has long called for Indonesia to hold thorough, independent and impartial investigations into abuses in East Timor and to hold perpetrators, whatever their rank, accountable.
Resolusi ini juga meminta Sekretaris Jenderal segera mengirimkan perwakilan khusus ke Timor Timur untuk melakukan penilaian situasi di lapangan dan melakukan kontak dengan semua pihak di wilayah tersebut dan mengirimkan rekomendasi ke Dewan sesegera mungkin.
The Resolution then requests the Secretary-General urgently send a special representative to East Timor for the purpose of making an on-the-spot assessment of the existing situation and of establishing contact with all the parties in the Territory and to submit recommendation to the Council as soon as possible.
Ketika Timor Leste masih di bawah kekuasaan Portugis, Taiwan, sebagai "Republik Tiongkok", memiliki konsulat di Dili.
When East Timor was under Portuguese rule, Taiwan, as the "Republic of China", had a Consulate in Dili.
José Ramos-Horta, mantan presiden Timor Leste dan salah satu penerima Piala Nobel Perdamaian tahun 1996, memuji Annan untuk karyanya di Timor Leste.
José Ramos-Horta, former president of Timor-Leste and co-recipient of the 1996 Nobel Peace Prize, last week praised Annan for his work in Timor-Leste.
Dewan menyatakan khawatir dengan memburuknya situasi di Timor Timur, mengecam intervensi angkatan bersenjata Indonesia di negara tersebut, dan menyesalkan bahwa Portugal tidak menarik semua tanggung jawabnya selaku negara penguasa.
The Council expressed its grave concern with the deterioration of the situation in East Timor, deplored the intervention of the armed forces of Indonesia in that nation and expressed its regret that Portugal did not discharge fully its responsibilities as administering Power.
Pada akhir 1979, sekitar 300.000 sampai 370.000 orang Timor pernah ditahan di kamp ini.
By late 1979, between 300,000 and 370,000 Timorese had passed through these camps.
Saya rasa sambungannya melalui Timor lewat Darwin lalu balik lagi ke Timor.
I think the connection was going from Timor via Darwin and back into Timor.
Segera setelah itu juga, Indonesia dan Australia memulai negosiasi untuk membagi sumber daya yang ditemukan di Celah Timor.
One year later, Australia and Indonesia began drafting a treaty to share resources in the Timor Gap.
Cadangan minyak dan gas yang banyak di Laut Timor juga menjanjikan harapan untuk memperbaiki situasi ekonomi yang terpuruk.
Rich oil and gas deposits in the Timor Sea also offer hope of improving the poor economic situation.
Dalam laporan kekerasan terhadap perempuan di Indonesia dan Timor Leste tahun 1995, Amnesty International USA menulis: "Para perempuan enggan menyampaikan informasi tentang pemerkosaan dan pelecehan seksual kepada lembaga swadaya masyarakat ataupun melaporkan pelanggaran kepada militer atau polisi."
In a 1995 report on violence against women in Indonesia and East Timor, Amnesty International USA wrote: "Women are reluctant to pass on information to non-governmental organizations about rape and sexual abuse, let alone to report violations to the military or police authorities."
Bahasa Sika, bagian dari rumpun bahasa Timor-Ambon, dipertuturkan oleh suku Sika.
The Sika language, which is a member of the Timor-Ambon language family, is spoken by the Sika people.
Milisi membunuh sekitar 1.400 rakyat Timor Timur dan dengan paksa mendorong 300.000 rakyat mengungsi ke Timor Barat.
The militias killed approximately 1,400 Timorese and forcibly pushed 300,000 people into West Timor as refugees.

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Do you know about Indonesian

Indonesian is the official language of Indonesia. Indonesian is a standard Malay language that was officially identified with the declaration of independence of Indonesia in 1945. Malay and Indonesian are still quite similar. Indonesia is the fourth most populous country in the world. The majority of Indonesians speak fluent Indonesian, with a rate of almost 100%, thus making it one of the most widely spoken languages in the world.