What does tepuk tangan in Indonesian mean?

What is the meaning of the word tepuk tangan in Indonesian? The article explains the full meaning, pronunciation along with bilingual examples and instructions on how to use tepuk tangan in Indonesian.

The word tepuk tangan in Indonesian means applause, acclaim, clap. To learn more, please see the details below.

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Meaning of the word tepuk tangan


noun (act of applauding)

Tom menunggu tepuk tangan mereda sebelum dia mengumumkan lagu selanjutnya.
Tom waited for the applause to die down before he announced the next song.


verb noun

Para penonton bertepuk tangan gembira.
The crowd rise to acclaim the champion.


verb noun

Ketika kalian harus bertepuk tangan kenapa kalian tak melakukannya?
When you should clap why aren't you guys clapping?

See more examples

Mereka semua menampilkan lagu "America", yang mendapatkan tepuk tangan meriah.
They perform "America", which gets a standing ovation.
Tepuk tangan, tepuk tangan.
Applause, applause.
Tepuk tangan untuk mereka.
Folks, let's have a big hand for our bull-fighting clowns.
(Tepuk tangan untuk mereka yang telah memenuhi semua komitmen mereka).
(Clap for those who kept all of their commitments.)
[ Crowd sorak- sorai, Bertepuk tangan ]
[ Crowd Cheering, Applauding ]
( Tepuk tangan ) ( Sorakan )
( Applause ) ( Cheers )
Semua hadirin bertepuk tangan.
Throw up your hands!
Ketika aku mendengar tepuk tangan sorak-sorai penonton, yang bertepuk tangan aku tahu mereka persembahkan kepada pria lain.
When I hear the applause the cheering of the audience, the hands clapping I know they are celebrating another man.
Sebuah tepuk tangan.
A round of applause.
Dan mari berikan sukarelawan ini tepuk tangan yang meriah.
Let's give them a nice round of applause.
(Musik) (Tepuk tangan) Bruno Giussani: Terima kasih.
(Music) (Applause) Bruno Giussani: Thank you.
Akhirnya, jangan sampai kita melupakan bahwa dunia ini memiliki banyak tempat – (tepuk tangan) – banyak mimpi, dan banyak jalan.
Finally, let us never forget the world has many places — (applause) — many dreams, and many roads.
Tepuk tangan.
Bernyanyi, bertepuk tangan dan saya pikir, tersenyum atas adegan semua yo bersorak keras terdengar gila Klinik
Singing and clapping and I thought, smiling over The scene of all yo Cheering out loud together We sound crazy clinic
Tolong beri tepuk tangan pada teman kita yang baru bergabung
Please give a round of applause for the return of one member of our group.
Berdiri tepuk tangan
Standing ovation
( Bersorak sorai dan bertepuk tangan ) [ Sergey Brin ]
[ Cheers and applause ] & gt; & gt; Sergey Brin:
Sewaktu foto mereka ditayangkan pada sebuah layar yang besar, tepuk tangan yang luar biasa diberikan oleh hadirin.
As their photos were displayed on large screens, a tremendous cheer went up from the audience.
(Tepuk tangan) (Injakan kaki) (Musik) (Auman) Penyerbuk: Dinosaurus penghancur pohon!
(Applause) (Foot stomp) (Music) (Roar) Pollinator: Deforestsaurus!
Tepuk tangan!
Clap hands!
Segera setelah kami keluar dari bangunan itu, seluruh tahanan bertepuk tangan dengan antusias sebagai tanda penghormatan.
As soon as we exited the building, the entire inmate population burst into applause in our honor.
[ Tepuk tangan ]
[ Applause ]
Salah satunya dalah Ray Anderson, yang mengubah -- ( Tepuk tangan )
One was Ray Anderson, who turned -- ( Applause )

Let's learn Indonesian

So now that you know more about the meaning of tepuk tangan in Indonesian, you can learn how to use them through selected examples and how to read them. And remember to learn the related words that we suggest. Our website is constantly updating with new words and new examples so you can look up the meanings of other words you don't know in Indonesian.

Do you know about Indonesian

Indonesian is the official language of Indonesia. Indonesian is a standard Malay language that was officially identified with the declaration of independence of Indonesia in 1945. Malay and Indonesian are still quite similar. Indonesia is the fourth most populous country in the world. The majority of Indonesians speak fluent Indonesian, with a rate of almost 100%, thus making it one of the most widely spoken languages in the world.