What does tepat waktu in Indonesian mean?

What is the meaning of the word tepat waktu in Indonesian? The article explains the full meaning, pronunciation along with bilingual examples and instructions on how to use tepat waktu in Indonesian.

The word tepat waktu in Indonesian means punctual, on time, timely. To learn more, please see the details below.

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Meaning of the word tepat waktu


adjective (prompt)

Dia bangga akan sikap tepat waktu pada dirinya.
He was proud of his punctuality.

on time


Kau tidak akan tiba di sana tepat waktu jika kau tidak buru-buru.
You won't get there on time if you don't hurry.



Kamu harus minta maaf pada ayahmu karena tidak pulang tepat waktu untuk makan malam.
You should apologize to your father for not getting home in time for dinner.

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Kamu pikir dia akan tiba tepat waktu?
Do you think she will arrive in time?
Kau tepat waktu.
You're on time.
Jika tiba tepat waktu, kami akan melawan Raza lebih dari yang mereka mampu, membuat Ferrous Corp, berpikir ulang.
If it arrives in time, we'll give the Raza more than they can handle, make Ferrous Corp reconsider.
Kami beruntung dari meninggalkan kami tepat waktu.
We were lucky of leaving us on time.
Saya menunggu sampai saya tahu dia di dalam, lalu berlari secepat mungkin untuk mencapai stasiun kereta tepat waktu.
I waited until I knew she was inside, then ran as fast as I could to reach the train station in time.
Temanya sangat tepat waktu, ”Manfaat Menaati Perintah Ilahi”.
It featured the timely theme “Benefit by Obedience to Divine Commands.”
Tepat waktu, Saul.
Right on time, Saul.
Lihat pada saat itu, aku tiba tepat waktu!
Look at the time, I arrived on time!
Para Dothraki tidak dikenal atas ketepatan waktu mereka.
The Dothraki are not known for their punctuality.
32 Artikel yang Tepat Waktu
32 The Article Came on Time
Kembali tepat waktu untuk penerbanganku.
Got back just in time to catch my flight.
Apa dia orang yang tepat waktu?
Is she a punctual person?
Kamu harus bersiap-siap’, sangatlah tepat waktu.
Prove yourselves ready,” is most timely.
▪ Bagaimana kita dapat memastikan ketepatan waktu yg baik di perhimpunan?
▪ How can we ensure proper timing of congregation meetings?
Cemaskan saja soal masuk ke limusin ini tepat waktu.
You worry about getting your ass back in that seat in time.
Kau tepat waktu.
You're right on time.
Tepat waktu.
Just in time.
# Kembali tepat waktu untuk minum teh
# Back in time for tea
Aku suka Dewey Circle...,... jika kita bisa menyingkirkan daun - daunnya tepat waktu.
I did like Dewey Circle, if we could get rid of the leaves in time.
Teladan apa yang Yehuwa berikan dalam hal tepat waktu?
What example does Jehovah set regarding punctuality?
Saya belajar setiap hari; saya merencanakan waktu saya dan mengikuti rencana saya; saya melakukan tugas-tugas tepat waktu.
I study every day; I plan my time and follow my plan; I do assignments on time.
Terkadang saat crawler Google mencoba mengakses konten situs, server situs tidak dapat meresponsnya secara tepat waktu.
Sometimes when Google’s crawlers try to access site content, the website’s servers are unable to respond in time.
Saya menolong banyak orang, tapi di manapun seseorang sangat perlu bantuan, saya tak pernah tiba tepat waktu.
I helped many people, but whenever someone really needed help, I never got there in time.
Jika Anda tidak membayar tepat waktu, nama baik Anda mungkin tercemar.
If you do not make your payments on time, your good name may be tarnished.
Pelayaran perdananya dimulai tepat waktu pada siang hari.
They lift off just in time.

Let's learn Indonesian

So now that you know more about the meaning of tepat waktu in Indonesian, you can learn how to use them through selected examples and how to read them. And remember to learn the related words that we suggest. Our website is constantly updating with new words and new examples so you can look up the meanings of other words you don't know in Indonesian.

Do you know about Indonesian

Indonesian is the official language of Indonesia. Indonesian is a standard Malay language that was officially identified with the declaration of independence of Indonesia in 1945. Malay and Indonesian are still quite similar. Indonesia is the fourth most populous country in the world. The majority of Indonesians speak fluent Indonesian, with a rate of almost 100%, thus making it one of the most widely spoken languages in the world.