What does tanah kelahiran in Indonesian mean?

What is the meaning of the word tanah kelahiran in Indonesian? The article explains the full meaning, pronunciation along with bilingual examples and instructions on how to use tanah kelahiran in Indonesian.

The word tanah kelahiran in Indonesian means motherland. To learn more, please see the details below.

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Meaning of the word tanah kelahiran


noun (the country of one's birth)

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Kaludayi juga memilih untuk menjadi seorang bhikkhu, tetapi menepati janjinya untuk mengundang Buddha kembali ke tanah kelahirannya.
Kaludayi also chose to become a monk, but kept his word to invite the Buddha back to his home.
Warga asli Lebong Tandai yang sempat ditransmigrasikan paksa kembali ke tanah kelahiran mereka.
Those nuns who were of good birth returned to their families.
Asaf merasa terganggu karena ia melihat para pelaku kejahatan makmur di Israel, tanah kelahirannya.
Asaph was troubled because he saw evildoers prospering in Israel, his homeland.
Di tanah kelahirannya, ia diabaikan oleh Noucentisme, aliran baru yang menggantikan Modernisme.
In his homeland he was equally disdained by Noucentisme, the new movement which took the place of Modernisme.
Kemuliaan untuk merebut tanah kelahiran dan membunuh Naga.
A quest to reclaim a homeland... and slay a dragon.
Setelah puas merantau, dia kembali ke tanah kelahirannya, Yogyakarta.
After being satisfied to go abroad, he returned to his homeland, Yogyakarta.
Tanah kelahiran Boss.
The Boss'land of destiny.
Kita semua jauh dari tanah kelahiran kita.
We are all away from our homelands.
Lakukanlah sesuatu yang bisa memastikan kalau dia takkan pernah, melupakan tanah kelahirannya dan aku!
Just do something that ensures that he never goes away, leaving this smell or me!
Meski ia kini jauh dari Nakamura, Owari merupakan tanah kelahirannya serta tempat tinggal ibunya.
Although he was now far from Nakamura, Owari was his birthplace and his mother's home.
Naby Keïta bergabung bersama klub tanah kelahirannya Horoya AC pada umur sembilan tahun.
Keïta joined hometown club Horoya AC aged nine.
Seperti semua jantan muda, dia pendatang baru yang gagah, meninggalkan tanah kelahirannya untuk menemukan rumah permanen.
Like all young males, this dashing newcomer left his birth troop to find a permanent home.
Syekh Yusuf kemudian menikah dengan keluarga kerajaan dan berkorespondensi dengan kalangan elite di tanah kelahirannya.
He married into the royal family and corresponded with the elite of his birthplace.
Kurasa kau bisa menyampaikan seperti apa tanah kelahirannya pada putraku.
I feel that you could impart the importance of the smell of this earth to my son.
Tanah airmu dan tanah kelahiranmu menunggumu selama 25 tahun.
Your kingdom... Waited for 25 long years.
Zeno melarikan diri ke tanah kelahirannya, membawa bersamanya beberapa orang Isauria yang tinggal di Konstantinopel, dan perbendaharaan kekaisaran.
Zeno fled to his native lands, bringing with him some of the Isaurians living in Constantinople, and the imperial treasury.
Pada tahun 1244, Kastilia mengepung dan merebut tanah kelahiran Muhammad, Arjona.
In 1244, Castile besieged and captured Muhammad's hometown of Arjona.
Lea dan anak-anaknya menyertai Yakub pada waktu ia meninggalkan Padan-aram dan pulang ke Kanaan, tanah kelahirannya.
Leah and her children accompanied Jacob when he left Paddan-aram and returned to Canaan, the land of his birth.
Setelah pergi selama 5 tahun aku kembali ke tanah kelahiran menaiki tahtaku.
I returned to my birth-right throne fıve years later.
Kau ingin mempermalukanku di tanah kelahiranku?
You wanted to humiliate me on my soil, didn't you?
Pada tahun 2012, Rossy dan keluarga pindah ke tanah kelahiran suaminya di Bogor.
In 2012, Rossy and her family moved to the birthplace of her husband in Bogor.
“Mereka akan menjadi pemimpin dalam pekerjaan besar ini di tanah kelahiran mereka.
“They will become leaders in this great work in their native lands.
Bantu aku ke Fulton's Point tanah kelahiranku, di luar Yazoo City.
Get me back down to Fulton's Point my piece of land outside Yazoo City.
Tapi lebih dr segalanya Aku ingin berbagi tanah lahirku dgnya
But more than anything, I wanted to share my homeland with her
Selama Perang Dunia I, banyak orang Armenia dengan kejam diusir dari rumah mereka dan tanah kelahiran mereka.
During World War I, many Armenians were ruthlessly driven from their homes and the land of their birth.

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Do you know about Indonesian

Indonesian is the official language of Indonesia. Indonesian is a standard Malay language that was officially identified with the declaration of independence of Indonesia in 1945. Malay and Indonesian are still quite similar. Indonesia is the fourth most populous country in the world. The majority of Indonesians speak fluent Indonesian, with a rate of almost 100%, thus making it one of the most widely spoken languages in the world.