What does susu kental manis in Indonesian mean?

What is the meaning of the word susu kental manis in Indonesian? The article explains the full meaning, pronunciation along with bilingual examples and instructions on how to use susu kental manis in Indonesian.

The word susu kental manis in Indonesian means condensed milk, condensed milk. To learn more, please see the details below.

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Meaning of the word susu kental manis

condensed milk

noun (Milk that has been reduced and sweetened to the consistency of syrup)

Max telah meninggal dengan damai pagi itu, setelah menyelesaikan kaleng susu kental manis terakhirnya.
Max had died peacefully that morning after finishing his final can of condensed milk.

condensed milk

noun (cow's milk from which water has been removed and sugar is added)

Max telah meninggal dengan damai pagi itu, setelah menyelesaikan kaleng susu kental manis terakhirnya.
Max had died peacefully that morning after finishing his final can of condensed milk.

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Ia berbeda dengan susu kental manis, yang mengandung gula tambahan.
It differs from sweetened condensed milk, which contains added sugar.
Tetapi ini rasanya seperti susu kental manis.
But it tastes like a sweetened condensed milk.
Algarrobina Cocktail dibuat dari pisco, susu kental manis, dan getah dari pohon algarroba.
The Algarrobina Cocktail is made from pisco, condensed milk, and sap from the Peruvian algarroba tree.
Perusahaan ini didirikan dengan nama Pacific Milk Industries (Malaya) Sdn Bhd pada 28 Mei 1963 di mana perusahaan tersebut diberi kuasa untuk memproduksi susu kental manis di pabriknya di Petaling Jaya, menjadi fasilitas produksi pertama FrieslandFood di luar Belanda.
The company started as Pacific Milk Industries (Malaya) Sdn Bhd on 28 May 1963 where it was commissioned to produce sweetened condensed milk in its factory in Petaling Jaya, becoming FrieslandFoods’ first production facility outside the Netherlands.
Kue dadar tapioka dengan campuran kelapa dan susu kental manis
A tapioca crepe with coconut and condensed milk filling
Max telah meninggal dengan damai pagi itu, setelah menyelesaikan kaleng susu kental manis terakhirnya.
Max had died peacefully that morning after finishing his final can of condensed milk.
Susu kental manis membutuhkan lebih sedikit proses karena gula yang ditambahkan mencegah pertumbuhan bakteri.
Sweetened condensed milk requires less processing since the added sugar inhibits bacterial growth.
Susu kental manis dan santan kelapa yang diaduk dengan air adalah minuman kelapa rakyat di Tiongkok Selatan dan Taiwan.
Sweetened coconut milk and coconut milk diluted with water are two popular coconut beverages in southern China and Taiwan.
Perusahaan ini diinkorporasikan sebagai perseroan terbatas swasta dan mulai dengan produksi susu kental manis saja, sebelum berkembang ke produk-produk susu.
It was incorporated as a private joint-stock limited company and started with the production of only condensed milk, before expanding into dairy products.
Namun, BPOM kembali memastikan bahwa susu kental manis mengandung susu dan tetap aman untuk di konsumsi. ^ "Manufacture of sweetened condensed milk" (PDF). silverson.com.
Food portal Baked milk Powdered milk Scalded milk "Manufacture of sweetened condensed milk" (PDF). silverson.com.
Kue tersebut dibuat dengan mencampur remahan biskuit Marie yang dipadu dengan saus coklat atau custard yang terbuat dari telur, mentega/margarin, susu kental manis, Milo dan bubuk coklat.
This cake was made by mixing broken Marie biscuits combined with a chocolate sauce or runny custard made with egg, butter/margarine, condensed milk, Milo and chocolate powders.
Henri Nestlé (lahir dengan nama Heinrich Nestle di Frankfurt am Main, Jerman, 10 Agustus 1814 – meninggal di Vaud, Swiss, 7 Juli 1890 pada umur 75 tahun) adalah manisan Swiss dan pendiri Nestlé, terbesar di dunia perusahaan makanan dan minuman, serta salah satu pencipta utama susu kental manis.
Henri Nestlé (born Heinrich Nestle; August 10, 1814 – July 7, 1890) was a German-born Swiss confectioner and the founder of Nestlé, the world's largest food and beverage company, as well as one of the main creators of condensed milk.

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Do you know about Indonesian

Indonesian is the official language of Indonesia. Indonesian is a standard Malay language that was officially identified with the declaration of independence of Indonesia in 1945. Malay and Indonesian are still quite similar. Indonesia is the fourth most populous country in the world. The majority of Indonesians speak fluent Indonesian, with a rate of almost 100%, thus making it one of the most widely spoken languages in the world.