What does surat pengantar in Indonesian mean?
What is the meaning of the word surat pengantar in Indonesian? The article explains the full meaning, pronunciation along with bilingual examples and instructions on how to use surat pengantar in Indonesian.
The word surat pengantar in Indonesian means covering letter, cover letter. To learn more, please see the details below.
Meaning of the word surat pengantar
covering letternoun |
cover letternoun (A letter that serves to introduce accompanying documents to the recipient. Often refers to a letter sent with a resume when applying for a job.) |
See more examples
Aku punya surat pengantar. I have my letters of introduction. |
Saudara-saudara di kantor cabang Jepang, mengirimkan surat pengantar, terbitan pers, dan majalah Sedarlah! The brothers in the Japan branch sent a covering letter, a press release, and a copy of Awake! |
Untuk memperoleh izin, para peneliti harus menyerahkan surat pengantar dari kalangan berwenang agama atau akademisi. To gain access, researchers have to submit letters of introduction from religious or academic authorities. |
Naaman dan para pengikutnya pergi menemui Raja Yehoram dari Israel, membawa surat pengantar dari Ben-hadad dan hadiah berupa uang. Naaman and his men went to King Jehoram of Israel, bearing a letter of introduction from Ben-hadad and a sizable monetary gift. |
Aku datang untuk memberikan surat pengantar untuk seorang imam Anglikan di Buenos Aires... dengan harapan bahwa ia akan dikonfirmasikan setelah mendarat. I've come to give him a letter of introduction to an Anglican priest in Buenos Aires... in the hopes that he will be confirmed after landing. |
Demikian juga, menjadi teladan yang baik dari murid Yesus Kristus merupakan surat pengantar terbaik bagi mereka yang kepadanya kita dapat berbagi Injil. Likewise, being a good example of a disciple of Jesus Christ is our best letter of introduction to those with whom we can share His gospel. |
Berkat surat pengantar yang ia berikan, kami juga dapat berhubungan dengan pemasok bahan lainnya, dan ini menghasilkan penghematan yang luar biasa besar. Through his introduction, we were also able to contact other materials suppliers, and this has resulted in substantial savings. |
Kalau sekretaris di sidang Saudara yang lama tahu Saudara pindah ke sidang mana, dia bisa langsung mengirim kartu itu bersama surat pengantar. If the secretary of your former congregation knows the name of the congregation to which you relocate, he can take the initiative in sending the record card(s) along with a letter of introduction. |
9 Sebelum Kantor Cabang memberi tahu Saudara sidang-sidang mana saja yang membutuhkan bantuan, Panitia Dinas Sidang Saudara harus membuat surat pengantar terlebih dulu. 9 Before the branch office can provide you with names of congregations that could benefit from your assistance, your Congregation Service Committee will need to provide a letter of recommendation. |
Ibnu Batutah lantas dihadiahi berbagai pemberian berharga —seekor kuda, jubah kerajaan, dan surat pengantar kepada gubernur Bagdad agar ia diberi unta-unta dan perbekalan. Ibn Battuta left that meeting with valuable gifts —a horse, a ceremonial robe, and a letter of introduction requesting the governor of Baghdad to supply him with camels and provisions. |
Dalam surat pengantarnya, ia menulis, ”Yehuwa sudah banyak memberkati saya, jadi saya ingin menyumbangkan kambing ini untuk pekerjaan pengabaran di seluruh dunia sebagaimana disebutkan di Matius 24:14.” In an accompanying letter, he wrote: “Jehovah has blessed me very much, and that is why I am contributing this she-goat to the worldwide preaching work mentioned at Matthew 24:14.” |
Prolog-prolog Hieronimus dari segi tertentu tidaklah tepat disebut sebagai prolog karena ditulis tidak seperti lazimnya prolog melainkan sebagai surat pengantar kepada individu-individu tertentu yang menyertai salinan terjemahan-terjemahannya. Jerome's prologues were written not so much as prologues than as cover letters to specific individuals to accompany copies of his translations. |
(Kisah 18:1-3; 2 Tesalonika 3:7-12) Untuk membantu orang yang layak di antara mereka, orang Kristen masa awal menggunakan surat rekomendasi, seperti surat pengantar dari Paulus untuk Febe. (Acts 18:1-3; 2 Thessalonians 3:7-12) To help deserving travelers among them, early Christians apparently used letters of recommendation, such as Paul’s introduction of Phoebe. |
4 Apabila ada penyiar setempat yg pindah ke sidang lain atau sebaliknya, sekretaris akan mengirim atau meminta surat pengantar berikut Catatan Penyiar Sidang penyiar tsb kpd atau dari sekretaris sidang yg bersangkutan.—Pelayanan Kita, hlm. 4 When a publisher moves in or out of the congregation, the secretary requests from or sends to the elders of the other congregation a letter of introduction along with the Congregation’s Publisher Record cards for that one. —Our Ministry, pp. |
Ia kemudian menulis surat lain yang lebih formal dan meminta Briony untuk mengantarkan surat itu. He writes another, more formal letter, and asks Briony to deliver it. |
Bandara Internasional El Paso secara aslinya dibangun sebagai "Bandara Standar", dibangun oleh Standard Airlines pada tahun 1929 untuk layanan surat udara antar benua. What became today's El Paso International Airport was built as Standard Airport by Standard Airlines in 1929 for transcontinental air mail service. |
"""Tapi Gonzo mengantarkan surat yang ditulis olehku." """But Gonzo delivered a letter from me." |
Karena dia mengantar surat, dan dia pak pos kami. Because he delivers the mail, and he's our mailman. |
Tapi tugasku adalah untuk mengantar surat. But my job is to deliver the mail. |
Frank Perconte kembali ke Chicago dan bekerja di Kantor Pos sebagai pengantar surat. Frank Perconte returned to Chicago and worked a postal route as a mailman. |
Apa yang akan terjadi saat Aku si Balto yang sama yang kalah pada perlombaan pengantar surat? What happens when I'm the same Balto who loses the mail run? |
Antar surat sampai ke danau, perjalanannya asik. You know, it takes me out by the lake, it's a nice drive. |
Aku perlu seseorang untuk mengantarkan surat ke Cala di Sotto. I need someone to deliver mail to Cala di Sotto. |
Pada tahun 1970-an, Amy dan saudaranya, Laura, mengantarkan surat kabar Daily News menggunakan sepeda. Growing up in the 1970s, Ryan and her sister Laura delivered the Daily News by bike. |
Bahwa surat itu akan diantarkan oleh si terbang apapun. That the mail is gonna be delivered by that flying whatever. |
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Do you know about Indonesian
Indonesian is the official language of Indonesia. Indonesian is a standard Malay language that was officially identified with the declaration of independence of Indonesia in 1945. Malay and Indonesian are still quite similar. Indonesia is the fourth most populous country in the world. The majority of Indonesians speak fluent Indonesian, with a rate of almost 100%, thus making it one of the most widely spoken languages in the world.