What does sudah tua in Indonesian mean?

What is the meaning of the word sudah tua in Indonesian? The article explains the full meaning, pronunciation along with bilingual examples and instructions on how to use sudah tua in Indonesian.

The word sudah tua in Indonesian means ancient, antique, old. To learn more, please see the details below.

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Meaning of the word sudah tua



Jika orang sudah tua, Maka dia akan merasa ingin bertemu dengan keluarganya.
When one grows ancient, one yearns for family.





Meja yang digunakan Ken itu sudah tua.
The desk Ken uses is old.

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Senjatanya sudah tua tapi bidikannya tepat.
It's old as dirt, but the aim is true.
Kau sudah tua, saudaraku.
You're old, brother.
24 Abraham kini sudah tua dan lanjut usia, dan Yehuwa sudah memberkatinya dalam segala hal.
24 Abraham was now old, advanced in years, and Jehovah had blessed Abraham in everything.
”Jangan memandang rendah ibumu hanya karena ia sudah tua,” kata Amsal 23:22.
“Do not despise your mother just because she has grown old,” says Proverbs 23:22.
Aku sudah tua dan akan meninggal kapan saja.
The question is about my life and death.
Di latar belakang tampak gedung sekolah Cina yang sudah tua yang digunakan untuk perhimpunan di Penang
In the background is the old Chinese school used for meetings in Penang
kamu kan memang sudah tua.
You're an old lady.
Semuanya sudah tua dan jompo!""
Everything is old and decrepit!""
Pertanyaan Pembaca: Apakah salah untuk membunuh binatang piaraan yang sekarat atau sudah tua?
Questions From Readers: Is it wrong to take the life of a very sick or old pet?
Di banyak bagian dunia, orang yang sudah tua—termasuk kerabat—tidak lagi diperlakukan dengan respek yang sepatutnya.
In many parts of the world, older ones—including relatives—are no longer treated with due respect.
Sebab aku sudah tua dan isteriku sudah lanjut umurnya.”
For I am aged and my wife is well along in years.”
Suami istri yang sudah tua duduk bersama di sofa, tapi jarang bicara.
The old husband and wife who sit side by side on the sofa, but rarely speak.
Saya sudah tua.
I am old.
Pipa itu sudah tua dan perlu diganti.
Pipes are old and gonna need to be replaced.
Ayah dan para paman sudah tua
We are all getting old
ORDE yang berlangsung sampai sekarang ini sudah tuasudah berusia ribuan tahun.
THE PRESENT order of things is old —thousands of years old.
Cathy jahanam itu mengatakan bahwa aku sudah tua.
That little Cathy bitch says l`m old.
Model itu sudah tua, sudah lelah.
It's really old, and it's tired.
1 Dari orang yang sudah tua* kepada Gayus yang terkasih, yang sangat kukasihi.
1 The older man* to Gaʹius, the beloved, whom I truly love.
/ Dia sudah tua.
He's out of shape.
Tangga ini sudah tua dan lapuk.
These steps are old and rotten.
Ketika kau membakar hal yang sudah tua, sesuatu yang baru akan tumbuh.
When you burn down the old, new things grow.
Meski begitu, tak ada gunanya menguasai dunia jika sudah tua, lalu mati.
Even so, there would be no point in dominating the world at an old age, then to just die.
Tapi, sikap bersahaja itu bukan berarti pasrah, seperti berpikir ”yah, saya sudah tua, sudah tidak berguna lagi”.
Being modest, however, in no way means adopting the defeatist attitude “I am old, and there is nothing more for me.”
Itu sudah tua menyebalkan?
That getting old sucks?

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So now that you know more about the meaning of sudah tua in Indonesian, you can learn how to use them through selected examples and how to read them. And remember to learn the related words that we suggest. Our website is constantly updating with new words and new examples so you can look up the meanings of other words you don't know in Indonesian.

Do you know about Indonesian

Indonesian is the official language of Indonesia. Indonesian is a standard Malay language that was officially identified with the declaration of independence of Indonesia in 1945. Malay and Indonesian are still quite similar. Indonesia is the fourth most populous country in the world. The majority of Indonesians speak fluent Indonesian, with a rate of almost 100%, thus making it one of the most widely spoken languages in the world.