What does sawah in Indonesian mean?
What is the meaning of the word sawah in Indonesian? The article explains the full meaning, pronunciation along with bilingual examples and instructions on how to use sawah in Indonesian.
The word sawah in Indonesian means paddy, paddy field, rice field. To learn more, please see the details below.
Meaning of the word sawah
paddynoun (wet land where rice grows) Lahan sawah bera itu sudah tidak menghasilkan lagi. That fallow paddy field does not yield anymore. |
paddy fieldnoun (flooded parcel of arable land used for growing semiaquatic rice) Lahan sawah bera itu sudah tidak menghasilkan lagi. That fallow paddy field does not yield anymore. |
rice fieldnoun Hal ini sama seperti padang gandum, sama seperti persawahan padi. It's the same with a wheat field, it's the same with a rice field. |
See more examples
Teras sawah terdapat di negara-negara lain juga, khususnya di Asia Tenggara, Amerika Selatan, dan beberapa bagian Afrika. Terraced fields are found in other countries too, particularly in Southeast Asia, South America, and some parts of Africa. |
mereka tidak reIiant Ionger pada aIone sawah- mereka memiliki kekuatan angin They were no longer reliant on paddles alone- they had wind power |
Alex Brodie dan Harvey Drinkle mengadakan perjalanan melalui rawa-rawa dan sawah-sawah di dataran Artibonite menuju kota Saint-Marc dan terus ke Gonaïves di daerah yang ditumbuhi banyak kaktus. Alex Brodie and Harvey Drinkle were making trips northward through the swamps and rice fields of the Artibonite plains to Saint-Marc and on to Gonaïves in cactus-filled country. |
Selokan itu juga mengairi sawah seluas 9.075 hektar di tanah-tanah partikelir di sebelah timur Ciliwung. The canal also supplied water to 9,075 hectare rice fields in the eastern side of Ci Liwung. |
Orang sawah akan melindungimu. Scarecrow will protect you |
Dalam beberapa kasus, penyakit jiwa menjadi sangat ekstrem sehingga si mudang akan lari dari rumah dan berkeliaran di gunung dan sawah. In some cases, the mental illness becomes so extreme that the mu leaves home and wanders through mountains and rice fields. |
Ini adalah masyarakat pertanian, sumber utama pendapatan menjadi sawah, sekitar desa It's an agricultural society, the main source of income being the rice fields, surrounding the village |
Ini air yang berharga disalurkan ke sawah dan pemukiman air yang berharga ini dialirkan melalui serangkaian pipa bambu dan sambung- menyambung ke beberapa desa- desa Since the reforestation, the water springs are now full again, and the water gets distributed to the rice fields and households This precious water is channeled through a series of bamboo pipes and conduits to the village area |
Nak, ayo ikut Bapak ke sawah! Kid, let's go with Dad to the rice field! |
Maksudmu seperti orang-orangan sawah? You mean like a scarecrow? |
Dan ide kedua yang kudapat yaitu menggunakan orang-orangan sawah And a second idea I got was to use a scarecrow. |
Jangkrik rumah maupun jangkrik sawah terdapat di negeri-negeri yang disebutkan dalam Alkitab. Both the house cricket and the field cricket are to be found in Bible lands. |
Tentu saja, bertani di teras sawah sama sekali tidak aneh bagi masyarakat Filipina. Of course, agricultural terraces are hardly unique to the Philippines. |
Haruna Takano, yang membuat sebuah sawah di Hokkaido dengan Eri Sawai, mengaku bahwa wanita yang ingin memasuki pertanian diperbolehkan untuk menikah dalam keluarga petani. Haruna Takano, who set up a farm in Hokkaido with Eri Sawai, asserts that women who want to go into agriculture are encouraged to marry into farming families. |
Batalyon tersebut membentuk sebuah garis sepanjang 2 mil (3,2 km) di sebelah utara Pyeongtaek, di serangkaian perbukitan dan sawah berumput dimana mereka menggali lubang pertahanan dan bersiap untuk menghalangi gerak maju pasukan Korea Utara. The battalion formed a line 2 miles (3.2 km) north of Pyongtaek, in a series of grassy hills and rice paddies where it dug in and prepared for advancing North Korean forces. |
Sawah-sawah yang telah ditentukan secara khusus berada di tanah-tanah Istana Kekaisaran di Tokyo. The specially designated rice fields are in the Imperial Palace grounds in Tokyo. |
Hari yang sama, isteri Misdianto mengatakan beberapa laki-laki dengan potongan rambut cepak, lalu-lalang di depan rumahnya, sementara beberapa pria lain tiba-tiba muncul di sawah belakang rumah. Later that day, Misdianto’s relatives told him that men with military-style crewcuts passed by his house, while other men suddenly appeared in a rice field behind his house. |
Sawah padi – hasil panen paling umum di Indonesia – dihindari di pulau ini karena daerah yang berbukit-bukit dan gangguan Babirusa buru yang merusak sawah (yang jarang diburu karena tradisi Islam). Cultivation of rice – the most common crop of the region – is hindered on Ambelau by the hilly terrain and abundance of the wild pig Buru babirusa damaging the crops (which is rarely hunted because of the Muslim traditions). |
Ingat ketika ini semua sawah? Remember when this was all rice paddies? |
jadi mulai tahun 2009 sudah mulai stop untuk berladang disawah tetapi, telah hadirnya perusahaan PT. if i. please to goverment or developments its note comunitty |
Luas tanah Kampung Naga yang ada seluas satu hektare setengah, sebagian besar digunakan untuk perumahan, pekarangan, kolam, dan selebihnya digunakan untuk pertanian sawah yang dipanen satu tahun dua kali. Kampung Naga covers an area of one of half a hectares, mostly used for housings, yards, ponds, and the rest is used for agriculture rice harvested twice a year. |
Masa bodoh dengan orang-orangan sawah itu! To hell with the scarecrows. |
Bagaimana bisa kami meninggalkan sawah kami, berton-ton benih, traktor, dan peralatan lain hanya dalam dua hari? How could we leave our farms, tons of rice seeds, tractor and other equipment in only two days? |
Beberapa korban yang selamat terpaksa menangkapi tikus-tikus sawah. Some are surviving by trapping rodents in the fields. |
Kita mengikuti jejak dari dendam orang-orangan sawah yang naik ke atas loteng. We followed the trail of the vengeful scarecrow up into the hayloft. |
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Do you know about Indonesian
Indonesian is the official language of Indonesia. Indonesian is a standard Malay language that was officially identified with the declaration of independence of Indonesia in 1945. Malay and Indonesian are still quite similar. Indonesia is the fourth most populous country in the world. The majority of Indonesians speak fluent Indonesian, with a rate of almost 100%, thus making it one of the most widely spoken languages in the world.