What does robek in Indonesian mean?

What is the meaning of the word robek in Indonesian? The article explains the full meaning, pronunciation along with bilingual examples and instructions on how to use robek in Indonesian.

The word robek in Indonesian means tear, rip, torn. To learn more, please see the details below.

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Meaning of the word robek


verb (rend)

Tapi dia bisa merobek Anda dahan dari dahan dengan tangan kosong.
But he can tear you limb from limb with his bare hands.


verb (robek (habis)

Sekarang saya akan harus merobek membuatnya berbeda dengan tangan kosong.
Now I'm gonna have to rip him apart with my bare hands.



Selembar kertas dirobek dari buku ini yang berisi jadwal jalur maritim Urca.
A page was torn from the log with the Urca's course and schedule.

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Jubah itu juga mungkin ditenun menjadi satu tanpa sambungan, dengan pinggiran yang kuat di sekeliling lubang leher di bagian atas agar tidak robek.
It was also probably woven in one piece, with a strong border around the opening at the top to prevent tearing.
Kadang-kadang, seperti raptor, mereka akan merobek mangsa dengan kaki mereka sebelum mengkonsumsi.
Occasionally, like other raptors, they will tear apart prey with their feet before consuming it.
Sekarang saya akan harus merobek membuatnya berbeda dengan tangan kosong.
Now I'm gonna have to rip him apart with my bare hands.
Bukti yang mengatakan aku merobek jantung Kathryn dan menguburnya di hutan?
Evidence that says I cut out Kathryn's heart and buried it in the woods?
Katakan pada mereka untuk merobek lantai jika perlu sampai mereka menyentuh air.
Tear up the floor until they hit water if they have to.
jadi aku merobek kasurku dan menariknya keluar.
So I ripped open my mattress and pulled some out.
Mungkin bukan hari ini, mungkin bukan besok, tapi aku akan merobek tenggorokanmu, dan kau akan mati.
Maybe not today, maybe not tomorrow, but at some point I'm gonna rip open up your throat, and you're gonna die.
Negara ini robek.
The country is torn.
Senjata ini bisa merobek selain lembaran baja 3 - inch.
This gun can tear apart a 3-inch steel sheet.
Empat ronde, ini... robek.
Fourth round this cut opens up.
Hal ini mengakibatkan Kayafas merobek jubahnya sendiri dalam kemarahan dan menuduh Yesus melakukan penghujatan.
This provokes Caiaphas to tear his own robe in anger and to accuse Jesus of blasphemy.
Pernahkah Anda mencoba membentangkan kulit jeruk tanpa merobeknya?
Have you ever tried to flatten the skin of an orange?
Saya percaya kamu tidak akan pernah minum lagi, dan saya akan merobek-robek berkas ini.”
I don’t believe you are ever going to drink again, and I am going to tear up these papers.”
yang kau robek karena kau benci baunya.
The ones you ripped out because you hated the smell.
(Ayub 36:27; 37:16; The New English Bible) Awan melayang selama itu berisi embun, ”Ia membungkus air di dalam awanNya, namun awan itu tidak robek.”
(Job 36:27; 37:16; The New English Bible) The clouds float as long as they are mist: “He fastens up the waters in his clouds —the mists do not tear apart under their weight.”
Baik, Mugatu berencana untuk merobek perutmu, memotong jantungmu dengan pisau, dan meminum darahmu!
Well, Mugatu's planning to crack your chest open, cut your heart out with a knife, and drink your blood!
Kukira kau sudah menghancurkan hatiku, jadi aku merobek lehernya.
I thought you broke my heart, so I rip open Aaron's neck.
Apa kau mengumpulkan informasi tentang wanita bermulut robek?
Have you gathered information on the slit-mouthed woman?
Massa yang marah di Tehran menyerbu toko-toko, merobek tanda-tanda dan memecahkan jendela-jendela.
Angry crowds in Tehran broke into shops, tore down signs, and smashed windows.
Sedangkan untuk Hayley, siapa pun yang merobek hatinya akan mendapat bonus.
As for Hayley, whoever rips out her heart gets a bonus.
Namun mereka dibunuh oleh musuh-musuh mereka, yang merobek perut mereka untuk merampas uang itu.
But they were killed by their enemies, who ripped open their bellies in order to extract the money.
Sekarang dan kemudian dia akan melangkah keras atas dan ke bawah, dan dua kali datang ledakan kutukan, sebuah merobek kertas, dan menghancurkan kekerasan botol.
Now and then he would stride violently up and down, and twice came an outburst of curses, a tearing of paper, and a violent smashing of bottles.
Saat taring mereka merobek daging putrimu.
As their fangs despoiled your daughter's pure flesh.
Aku akan merobek-robek dunia untukmu.
I would tear the world apart for you.
Aku bertanya-tanya apakah aku bisa merobek nomor ponsel Anda atau email Anda sebelum Anda pergi?
I was wondering if... I could snag your cellphone number or your email before you left?

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Do you know about Indonesian

Indonesian is the official language of Indonesia. Indonesian is a standard Malay language that was officially identified with the declaration of independence of Indonesia in 1945. Malay and Indonesian are still quite similar. Indonesia is the fourth most populous country in the world. The majority of Indonesians speak fluent Indonesian, with a rate of almost 100%, thus making it one of the most widely spoken languages in the world.