What does Putri Tidur in Indonesian mean?
What is the meaning of the word Putri Tidur in Indonesian? The article explains the full meaning, pronunciation along with bilingual examples and instructions on how to use Putri Tidur in Indonesian.
The word Putri Tidur in Indonesian means Sleeping Beauty, sleeping beauty. To learn more, please see the details below.
Meaning of the word Putri Tidur
Sleeping Beautyproper (fairy tale) Siapa yang membawamu keluar untuk melihat Putri tidur? Who snuck you out to see Sleeping Beauty? |
sleeping beautynoun Senang kamu bergabung denganku, putri tidur. Nice of you to join us, sleeping beauty. |
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Senang kamu bergabung denganku, putri tidur. Nice of you to join us, sleeping beauty. |
Bagaimana si putri tidur? How's Sleeping Beauty? |
Agar kita bisa lihat putrimu tidur semalaman. So we can watch your daughter sleep all night. |
Lihatlah, Si Putri Tidur. Look alive sleeping beauty. |
Ted, jauhkan senjatamu dari putri tidur. Ted, keep your weapon on Sleeping Beauty. |
Tolong bangunkan Putri Tidur di belakang. Someone wake up Sleeping Beauty back there. |
Setelah aku melihat si " Putri Tidur ". After I have a look at Sleeping Beauty. |
Putri Tidur. Sleeping beauty. |
”Sewaktu saya menikah dengan Jim,” kata Rose, ”saya pikir kami akan menjadi seperti si Putri Tidur dan Pangeran Idamannya—semuanya serba romantis, mesra, dan penuh perhatian satu sama lain.” “When I married Jim,” says Rose, “I thought we’d be the local version of Sleeping Beauty and Prince Charming—all romance and tenderness and consideration for each other.” |
Tchaikovsky menulis banyak lagu klasik populer untuk khalayak umum, termasuk diantaranya adalah Romeo dan Juliet (Tchaikovsky), 1812 Overture, tiga balet (Pemecah kacang, Angsa Danau, Putri Tidur dan Budak Marche. Tchaikovsky wrote many works that are popular with the classical music public, including his Romeo and Juliet, the 1812 Overture, his three ballets (The Nutcracker, Swan Lake, The Sleeping Beauty) and Marche Slave. |
Klasifikasi ini sesuai dengan kebanyakan pahlawan dari sejumlah cerita rakyat tradisional, termasuk "Putih Salju", "Putri Tidur", dan "Cinderella", bahkan jika dalam cerita asli mereka diberi nama lain, atau tanpa nama sama sekali. This classification suits most heroes of a number of traditional folk tales, including "Snow White", "Sleeping Beauty", and "Cinderella", even if in the original story they were given another name, or no name at all. |
Putraku tidur diatas, dan putriku baru saja tidur siang. My son's upstairs sleeping, and my daughter's just about to take a nap. |
Tuan Putri Italia bisa tidur di sini. Principessa italiana can sleep here. |
Kau berteriak di dekat wajah putrimu yang sedang tidur, jadi aku berteriak. You shouted near your sleeping daughter's face, so I screamed. |
Kau pakai perhiasan di tempat tidur, Putri? Wear your jewels to bed Princess? |
Kau mendesah dalam tidurmu, Putri. You were moaning in your sleep, Princess. |
Tidurlah, Putri. Sleep, princess. |
Yang ketiga adalah pohon yang dibuat dari lampu Natal yang bergantungan di selang infus di samping tempat tidur putrinya di rumah sakit. The third was a tree made of Christmas lights strung on the IV stand next to his daughter’s hospital bed. |
Setelah kematian Paul, Cristina terlihat sedang mempersiapkan anak barunya di salah satu kamar tidur putrinya, yang sebelumnya tidak dimasuki setelah kematian putrinya. After Paul's death, Cristina is seen tentatively preparing for the new child in one of her daughter's bedrooms, which she had previously been unable to enter after her daughter's death. |
Saya tidak seperti itu saya putri kebutuhan seseorang untuk tidur dengan setiap malam. I don't like that my daughter needs someone to sleep with her every night. |
Aku mengerti, jadi ayo pergi ke sauna bersama putrimu yang tidak sering tidur di rumah. I got it, so let's go take a bath with your daughter who doesn't sleep at home often. |
Ini juga tempat tidur seorang putri. This is also a princess'bed. |
Aku tak lagi merasa terlalu bersalah karena tidur dengan putri bos-ku. Now I don't feel so guilty about sleeping with the boss's daughter. |
Kami ajak dia ke rumah kami, kami biarkan dia tidur dengan putri kami, padahal selama itu dia menertawakan kami. We took him into our home, gave him a bed to sleep in with our daughter and he was laughing at us all the time. |
Putra Mahkota juga tahu dengan jelas, saat Putri Mahkota tidak bisa tidur, dia akan sering pergi keluar untuk berjalan-jalan. Your Highness is well aware... when the crown princess could not sleep at night, she took walks along the hill. |
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Do you know about Indonesian
Indonesian is the official language of Indonesia. Indonesian is a standard Malay language that was officially identified with the declaration of independence of Indonesia in 1945. Malay and Indonesian are still quite similar. Indonesia is the fourth most populous country in the world. The majority of Indonesians speak fluent Indonesian, with a rate of almost 100%, thus making it one of the most widely spoken languages in the world.