What does puting susu in Indonesian mean?
What is the meaning of the word puting susu in Indonesian? The article explains the full meaning, pronunciation along with bilingual examples and instructions on how to use puting susu in Indonesian.
The word puting susu in Indonesian means nipple, teat, tit, nipple. To learn more, please see the details below.
Meaning of the word puting susu
nipplenoun |
teatnoun Itu adalah suatu sapi muda dengan enam puting susu dan tanpa oink! That's a steer with six teats and no oink. |
titnoun |
nipplenoun (part of the breast) |
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Itu adalah suatu sapi muda dengan enam puting susu dan tanpa oink! That's a steer with six teats and no oink. |
Menindik anggota-anggota tubuh lainnya secara ekstensif —termasuk puting susu, hidung, lidah, dan bahkan alat kelamin —semakin populer. Extensive piercing of body parts—including nipples, noses, tongues, and even genitals—is increasingly popular. |
Puting susumu keras, bukan? Toughened your nipples, didn't it? |
Sekalipun seorang pria mencubit puting susumu, kau juga tidak tahu apa artinya. That you're too dense to get it if someone pulls on your nipples. |
Posisi yang salah dapat mengakibatkan problem umum lain: puting susu yang nyeri atau pecah-pecah. Bad positioning can result in another common problem: cracked or sore nipples. |
L melihat anak laki-laki New York dengan cincin melalui puting susu. L saw in New York boys with rings through the nipples. |
Alat ini sering kali akan memperbaiki bentuk puting susu yang rata atau melipat ke dalam. Shells often improve the shape of flat or inverted nipples. |
• Puting susu masuk atau melipat ke dalam. • Drawing back or turning in of the nipple. |
Hal ini mengingatkan saya menghisap pada puting susu ibu saya It reminds me of sucking on my mothers nipples |
Vitamin tetaplah Vitamin, mau itu keluar dari Puting Susu ataupun Baba. Vitamins are vitamins, whether they come from a teat or a baba. |
Seharusnya Katie Holmes menunjukkan puting susunya dalam film ini. Supposedly Katie Holmes shows her titties in this movie. |
Puting susu. Nipple. |
L melihat anak laki- laki New York dengan cincin melalui puting susu L saw in New York boys with rings through the nipples |
Para dokter pernah menganjurkan agar para ibu ”menguatkan” puting susu mereka selama kehamilan dengan menggosok-gosoknya dengan keras. Doctors once recommended that mothers “toughen” their nipples during pregnancy by briskly rubbing them. |
Di kantong, mereka tetap melekat ke puting susu dan bila marsupialia muda tumbuh, mereka meninggalkan kantong dan tak kembali. While in the pouch they are permanently attached to the nipple and once the young have developed they leave the pouch and do not return. |
Tak kusangka kau bilang begitu, karena kupikir sajak itu juga kuat sekali, saat seorang wanita bicara soal puting susu dan semacamnya. That's cool that you said that,'cause I actually thought it was really powerful, too, when the one girl was talking about her nips and shit. |
Diyakini bahwa Putana, monster raksasa, terbunuh saat Kresna yang masih bayi menghisap jiwanya dengan cara menghisap puting susu beracun yang ditawarkannya. It is believed that Putana, a huge monster, was killed when the baby Krishna sucked her life from her by taking the poisoned breast she offered him. |
Anda dapat melakukannya dengan menggunakan kedua tangan untuk memijat masing-masing payudara, mulai dari dasar bergerak perlahan-lahan ke arah puting susu. You can do this by using both hands to massage each breast, starting from its base and working toward the nipple. |
Ukuran dan bentuk payudara bukanlah faktor penentu keberhasilan menyusui, namun bayi tidak dapat mencapai puting susu yang melipat ke dalam atau rata. Breast size and shape are not factors in successful nursing, but a baby cannot latch on to an inverted or flat nipple. |
Marsupial dan mamalia euteria biasanya memiliki jumlah puting susu yang tersusun secara bilateral, paling sedikit dua dan paling banyak sembilan belas puting susu. Marsupials and eutherian mammals typically have an even number of nipples arranged bilaterally, from as few as two to as many as 19. |
Tujuan psikologis dari puting susu adalah untuk menyalurkan air susu ibu (ASI) kepada bayi, yang diproduksi di kelenjar susu betina pada masa menyusui (laktasi). The physiological purpose of nipples is to deliver milk to the infant, produced in the female mammary glands during lactation. |
Apa yang akan kamu lakukan di sini adalah memegang salah satu... terutama salah satu puting susu, dan tarik dengan kuat tetapi tegas ke arah ember. What you're going to do here is grab on to one of the... essentially one of the nipples, and just pull it firmly but gently towards the pail. |
Kelenjar-kelenjar di areola (daerah gelap di sekitar puting susu) mengeluarkan suatu zat pelumas antibakteri yang menjaga puting susu tetap lembab dan mencegah terjadinya infeksi. Glands in the areola (the dark area around the nipples) secrete an antibacterial lubricant that keeps the nipples moist and guards against infection. |
Anda akan mengetahui bahwa posisinya sudah tepat jika seluruh tubuh bayi dihadapkan ke arah Anda, jika ia mengisap dengan tarikan panjang, jika ia merasa rileks dan senang, dan jika puting susu Anda tidak terasa nyeri. You will know that the position is correct if your baby’s whole body is turned toward you, if he takes long sucks, if he is relaxed and happy, and if you do not feel nipple pain. |
Breastfeeding Source Book menyatakan, ”Puting susu yang nyeri disebabkan oleh sejumlah faktor, namun satu hal penting adalah seberapa tepat bayi ’merapatkan dirinya’ pada payudara, dan hal itu selanjutnya banyak tergantung pada bagaimana posisi kepalanya pada payudara. Breastfeeding Source Book states: “Sore nipples are caused by a number of factors, but an important one is how well the baby ‘latches on,’ and that in turn depends to a considerable extent on what position his head is in in relationship to the breast. |
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Do you know about Indonesian
Indonesian is the official language of Indonesia. Indonesian is a standard Malay language that was officially identified with the declaration of independence of Indonesia in 1945. Malay and Indonesian are still quite similar. Indonesia is the fourth most populous country in the world. The majority of Indonesians speak fluent Indonesian, with a rate of almost 100%, thus making it one of the most widely spoken languages in the world.