What does pemotong rumput in Indonesian mean?

What is the meaning of the word pemotong rumput in Indonesian? The article explains the full meaning, pronunciation along with bilingual examples and instructions on how to use pemotong rumput in Indonesian.

The word pemotong rumput in Indonesian means lawn mower, grass mower, mower. To learn more, please see the details below.

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Meaning of the word pemotong rumput

lawn mower

noun (machine for cutting grass)

Aku punya mesin pemotong rumput juga, tapi aku tidak duduk-duduk membicarakan hal itu.
I got a lawn mower too, but I don't sit around talking about it.

grass mower




Pamanku kehilangan satu kakinya karena mesin pemotong rumputnya.
Man, my uncle lost a foot in his riding mower.

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Itu, eh, sengaja jatuh... ke dalam mesin pemotong rumput... dan, eh... memantul ke jendela.
It, uh, accidentally fell into the lawn mower... and, uh... ricocheted into the window.
Berapa banyak pemotong rumputnya Theodore?
How many mowers is it, Theodore?
" memotong rumput "?
" Grazing day "?
seperti memotong rumput dengan kasar ..
Right, like cutting lawns is brutal.
Saya ingin memotong rumput.
I like to mow the lawn.
Tetanggaku memotong rumputnya.
Oh, my neighbor is out cutting his grass.
Rayap memotong rumput mati dan tarik bawah tanah feed koloni mereka.
Termites chop the dead grass and drag it underground to feed their colony.
Memotong rumputku.
... Mow our lawn.
Kau takkan mau memotong rumput di lahan itu, tapi bila mereka masuk, kita dengar mereka.
You wouldn't want to mow the lawn, but if they get in, we hear them.
”Tapi kalau saya tidak pergi memotong rumput dan bambu, kami mau makan apa?”
“But if I don’t go out to cut grass and bamboo, we won’t survive.”
Dia memberiku mesin pemotong rumput.
He put the lawnmower in my hand.
Jadi, saya memotong rumput, apa pun, kau tahu?
So I cut my grass, whatever, you know?
Akan tetapi, setelah larangan memotong rumput dicabut, lembah ini kembali seimbang secara alami.
Once the mowing restriction was lifted, though, the valley returned to its natural balance.
Ya, mereka baru saja memotong rumputnya. / Oh.
Yeah, they just cut the grass. Oh.
Aku suka aromanya saat mereka memotong rumputnya.
I like the way it smells when they mow it.
Pamanku kehilangan satu kakinya karena mesin pemotong rumputnya.
Man, my uncle lost a foot in his riding mower.
Brother Owen akan mempelajari pelajaran tahun itu yang jauh melampaui memotong rumput dan merawat taman.
Brother Owen would learn lessons that year that went far beyond lawn and garden care.
Itu mesin pemotong rumput.
That's a lawn mower.
Tiba- tiba memotong rumput halaman jadi pengalaman yang sangat berbeda hari itu.
And suddenly mowing the lawn that day was a completely different experience.
Um, kau tahu cewek pirang di Jalan Sycamore yang suka memotong rumput mengenakan tank top?
Um, you know that blonde on Sycamore Street that likes to mow her lawn in tube tops?
Dia bisa membelah kalian dalam sekali tebas...,... seperti memotong rumput.
She can cut all of you in half with one sword stroke... Just like mowing the lawn.
Jadi, kau akan memberikannya pemotong rumput?
So, you're going to give him the mower?
Kau ingin aku pulang, memotong rumput, Mengunakan kursi roda?
That I come home, mow the lawn, put a wheelchair ramp in?
Aku ingin mengendarai mesin pemotong rumput dengan Patrick Dempsey.
I wanna ride off on a lawn mower with Patrick Dempsey.
Aku akan memotong rumput ketika pulang.
I'll mow the lawn when I get home.

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Do you know about Indonesian

Indonesian is the official language of Indonesia. Indonesian is a standard Malay language that was officially identified with the declaration of independence of Indonesia in 1945. Malay and Indonesian are still quite similar. Indonesia is the fourth most populous country in the world. The majority of Indonesians speak fluent Indonesian, with a rate of almost 100%, thus making it one of the most widely spoken languages in the world.