What does pemadam kebakaran in Indonesian mean?
What is the meaning of the word pemadam kebakaran in Indonesian? The article explains the full meaning, pronunciation along with bilingual examples and instructions on how to use pemadam kebakaran in Indonesian.
The word pemadam kebakaran in Indonesian means firefighter, fire brigade, fire fighter, firefighter. To learn more, please see the details below.
Meaning of the word pemadam kebakaran
firefighternoun (a person who puts out fires) Mereka bahkan menaruh satu lukisan di mobil pemadam dengan harapan agar para petugas pemadam kebakaran dapat diawasi. They even placed one in the firetruck in the hope that the firefighters might be watched over. |
fire brigadenoun Polisi dan pemadam kebakaran terlibat dalam operasi penyelamatan. The police and the fire brigade are engaged in rescue operations. |
fire fighternoun (A person who is trained to put out fires.) Para polisi dan petugas sukarela pemadam kebakaran sedang bertugas. Policemen and volunteer fire fighters were on duty. |
firefighternoun (rescuer trained to extinguish hazardous fires) Pemadam kebakaran dan polisi, pekerja pemulihan dan penyelamatan menjawab dengan kepahlawanan sejati. The firefighters and police, rescue and recovery workers have responded with true heroism. |
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Dan, yang paling penting, pemadam kebakaran tiang, sehingga anak perempuan bisa menggosok sarung mereka. And, most important, a fireman's pole, so the girls can rub their muffs. |
Sebagian besar air minum didistribusikan dari mesin pemadam kebakaran, dan saniter Departemen Kesehatan (DOH) mengklorinasi air sebelum didistribusikan. Most potable water was distributed from fire engines, and Department of Health (DOH) sanitarians chlorinated the water before it was distributed. |
Mereka menyuntik si pemadam kebakaran dengan sesuatu. They're injecting the fireman with something. |
Petugas pemadam kebakaran yang dikerahkan untuk memadamkan api juga diserang oleh para pelaku kerusuhan. Firefighters sent to put out the fires were also attacked by the rioters. |
Pemadam kebakaran sedang menjalankan prosedur mengeluarkan pasien dari gedung. The fire department is proceeding with a non-critical evacuation of the building. |
terantuk di dekat " pemadam kebakaran " There's a spot over by the fire station. |
Katakan pada petugas pemadam kebakaran untuk mendapatkan bantalan udara siap secepat mungkin Tell the firemen to get the air cushion ready as soon as possible |
Pemerintah yang paling korup sekalipun sering memberikan layanan berupa jasa pos, pendidikan, pemadam kebakaran, dan penegakan hukum. Even the most corrupt governments often provide such services as mail delivery, public education, fire protection, and law enforcement. |
Seorang pria berkata, Pemadam kebakaran bilang kemungkinan sebuah lilin terbakar. A man said, The fire department told us a candle was probably blown over. |
Pemadam kebakaran melakukan penyelamatan. The fire department's about to begin the rescue. |
Saya ingat pertama kali saya memadamkan kebakaran. I remember my first fire. |
Aku seorang pemadam kebakaran. I'm a firefighter. |
Mereka bahkan menaruh satu lukisan di mobil pemadam dengan harapan agar para petugas pemadam kebakaran dapat diawasi. They even placed one in the firetruck in the hope that the firefighters might be watched over. |
Roma, katakan pada komisaris Mueller untuk melihat mobil pemadam kebakaran di depannya. Roma, tell Commissioner Mueller to take a look at the fire truck in front of him. |
Oke, Saya rasa saya bisa jadi petugas pemadam kebakaran. Okay, I think I can be a firefighter. |
Soviet mengirimkan prajurit, petugas pemadam kebakaran, pakar konstruksi, dan yang lainnya ke Chernobyl. Soviet soldiers, firemen, construction experts, and others were sent to Chernobyl. |
Uh, sisa panas akan tinggi, jadi, uh, kami akan butuh pakaian tahan panas dari pemadam kebakaran. Uh, residual heat will be intense, so, uh, we'll need heat-resistant suits from the fire department. |
Selain menjadi wasit, ia juga merupakan seorang pemadam kebakaran. While County Manager he was also a volunteer firefighter. |
Ketika menjabat Mendagri, terjadi kasus korupsi pengadaan Mobil Pemadam Kebakaran di 22 daerah di Indonesia tahun 2002–2005. When he served as Minister of Home Affairs, there was a case of corruption in the procurement of Fire Trucks in 22 regions in Indonesia in 2002. |
Karena itulah, untuk pemadam kebakaran, Appenzell memiliki kotamadya tujuan khusus, yakni Feuerschaugemeinde. Because of that, for firefighting, energy and water, the village Appenzell has a special-purpose municipality, the Feuerschaugemeinde. |
Khususnya karna konspirasi melanggar kode etik pemadam kebakaran. Specifically for conspiracy to violate of the fire code. |
Aku tak pacaran dengan pemadam kebakaran. No, I did not bang a fireman. Hmm. |
Pernah menjadi pemadam kebakaran wildland, kargo pilot dan, secara singkat, seorang profesor kimia perguruan tinggi. He's been a wild land fireman, cargo pilot, and briefly a college chemistry professor. |
Para polisi dan petugas sukarela pemadam kebakaran sedang bertugas. Policemen and volunteer fire fighters were on duty. |
Dalam unit bertekanan di dalam, gas penyembur disimpan pada ruang yang sama dengan bahan pemadam kebakaran tersebut. In stored pressure units, the expellant is stored in the same chamber as the firefighting agent itself. |
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Do you know about Indonesian
Indonesian is the official language of Indonesia. Indonesian is a standard Malay language that was officially identified with the declaration of independence of Indonesia in 1945. Malay and Indonesian are still quite similar. Indonesia is the fourth most populous country in the world. The majority of Indonesians speak fluent Indonesian, with a rate of almost 100%, thus making it one of the most widely spoken languages in the world.