What does pelacur in Indonesian mean?
What is the meaning of the word pelacur in Indonesian? The article explains the full meaning, pronunciation along with bilingual examples and instructions on how to use pelacur in Indonesian.
The word pelacur in Indonesian means whore, prostitute, bitch. To learn more, please see the details below.
Meaning of the word pelacur
whorenoun (prostitute) |
prostitutenoun (a person having sex for profit) Bagaimana agama palsu telah melacurkan dirinya, dan apa akibatnya? How has false religion prostituted herself, and with what results? |
bitchnoun (disagreeable, aggressive person, usually female) |
See more examples
UU tersebut diamendemenkan oleh Kongres 1978 dan lagi pada 1986 untuk ditujukan kepada pengangkutan untuk tujuan pelacuran atau tindak seksual ilegal. It was amended by Congress in 1978 and again in 1986 to apply to transport for the purpose of prostitution or illegal sexual acts. |
Yesus memberi tahu para penentangnya, ”Sesungguhnya kukatakan kepada kalian bahwa pemungut pajak dan pelacur akan masuk ke Kerajaan Allah lebih dulu daripada kalian.” So Jesus tells his opposers: “Truly I say to you that the tax collectors and the prostitutes are going ahead of you into the Kingdom of God.” |
Putrimu yang di sebut pelacur? The so-called whore? |
Saya seorang pelacur kotor! I'm your filthy whore! |
Kau adalah pelacurku. You are my bitch. |
Terdapat juga kemungkinan adanya hubungan sosial dan emosi antara lelaki dan perempuan, sementara pelacur hanyalah khusus secara seksual. There is usually an emotional and possibly social relationship between a man and his mistress, whereas the relationship to a prostitute is predominantly sexual. |
/ Pelacurmu, dia berada dalam sebuah mobil rental. Your whore, she's in a rental car. |
Ini pesta kostum bertema, bukan pertemuan para pelacur. This is a themed costume party, not a dwarf prostitutes'convention. |
dasar anak pelacur. Son of a bitch. |
Kau dan pelacur itu. – You and the whore. |
Pelacurku tak bisa bekerja tanpa turis! My putitas can't work without tourists! |
Dia bukan pelacur pembalap! She is not a race skank! |
Karena obat bius sangat mahal, ia menjual diri sebagai pelacur untuk membiayai kebiasaannya. Drugs were expensive, though, so she sold herself as a prostitute to pay for the habit. |
Samuel berkata bahwa mafia Rusia memperkosa dan membunuh salah satu pelacurnya dan dia membunuh mereka sebagi balasannya. Samuel says that the russians raped and murdered one of his whores and he had them killed in return. |
Dan hanya pelacur seperti ibumu ingin berhubungan seks dengan anda. Only whores, like your mother, or gold diggers would have sex with you. |
Kau panggil dia pelacur! You called her a whore! |
Pelacur, berlutut! Slut, on your knees! |
Bahkan pelacur pun bisa kaya. Even the whores are getting rich! |
Ibu Pranitha adalah seorang pelacur, yang dijerumuskan. Pranitha's mother was a woman in prostitution, a prostituted person. |
Dikatakan di situ Malena adalah pelacur Tidur dengan banyak pria! It says Malena is a whore with everyone in town! |
(Tidak boleh dilupakan bahwa sikap serba boleh dalam hal seksualitas, pelacuran, dan kecanduan obat bius adalah pola-pola utama dari perilaku sosial yang bertanggung jawab atas menyebarnya penyakit ini.) (It should not be forgotten that sexual permissiveness, prostitution, and drug addiction are the main patterns of social behavior responsible for the spread of this disease.) |
Di Nahum 3:6, dalam nubuat tentang ibu kota Asiria, Niniwe, disebutkan bahwa pelacuran politik dan internasionalnya akan berakhir dan bahwa Yehuwa akan ”melemparkan hal-hal yang menjijikkan [Ibr., syiq·qu·tsimʹ]” ke atasnya. At Nahum 3:6, the prophecy against Assyria’s capital, Nineveh, foretells the end of her political and international prostitutions and that Jehovah would “throw disgusting things [Heb., shiq·qu·tsimʹ]” on her. |
Terdapat pula dalang boneka, pemain akrobat, aktor teater, penelan pedang, penjinak ular, pendongeng, penyanyi dan pemusik, pelacur, dan tempat-tempat untuk berelaksasi seperti rumah teh, restoran, dan perjamuan besar. There were puppeteers, acrobats, theatre actors, sword swallowers, snake charmers, storytellers, singers and musicians, prostitutes, and places to relax, including tea houses, restaurants, and organized banquets. |
Kau hanya pelacur bodoh yang membunuh orang untuk uang. You're just a stupid bitch who kills men for money. |
Tak ada yang bekerja lebih keras daripada pelacur. No one works harder than a prostitute. |
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Do you know about Indonesian
Indonesian is the official language of Indonesia. Indonesian is a standard Malay language that was officially identified with the declaration of independence of Indonesia in 1945. Malay and Indonesian are still quite similar. Indonesia is the fourth most populous country in the world. The majority of Indonesians speak fluent Indonesian, with a rate of almost 100%, thus making it one of the most widely spoken languages in the world.