What does pekerja seks komersial in Indonesian mean?

What is the meaning of the word pekerja seks komersial in Indonesian? The article explains the full meaning, pronunciation along with bilingual examples and instructions on how to use pekerja seks komersial in Indonesian.

The word pekerja seks komersial in Indonesian means prostitute. To learn more, please see the details below.

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Meaning of the word pekerja seks komersial


noun (a person having sex for profit)

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Di Makedonia, rekanan pengacara WITNESS mengakhiri kekerasan dan diskriminasi terhadap wanita termasuk para pekerja seks komersial.
In Macedonia, our WlTNESS partner advocates to end violence and discrimination against women including sex workers.
Halley mulai mengiklankan layanannya secara online sebagai pekerja seks komersial, mengurung Moonee di kamar mandi untuk mandi setiap kali ia memiliki klien.
Halley begins offering her services online as a prostitute, closing Moonee in the bathroom when she has a client.
Ia mengamankan Maggie pertandingan berhadiah $1 juta di Las Vegas, Nevada, melawan juara kelas welterweight wanita WBA, Billie "The Blue Bear" Osterman (Lucia Rijker), mantan pekerja seks komersial Jerman yang memiliki reputasi sebagai petinju curang.
He secures Maggie a $1 million match in Las Vegas, Nevada against the WBA women's welterweight champion, Billie "The Blue Bear" Osterman, a German ex-prostitute who has a reputation as a dirty fighter.
Dave berulang kali memberitahu Jimmy bahwa ia memang membunuh seseorang namun bukan Katie dan menjelaskan bahwa Dave memukul seorang penganiaya anak hingga tewas setelah menemukan bahwa ia berhubungan seks dengan seorang anak yang menjadi pekerja seks komersial di dalam mobil.
Dave then tells Jimmy that he did kill someone that night, but it was not Katie; he beat a child molester to death after finding him having sex with a child prostitute in a car.
Sheeran tampil di sebuah konser di Bristol, yang mengumpulkan £40,000 untuk sebuah amal yang membantu pekerja seks komersial.
Sheeran performed a gig in Bristol, which raised £40,000 for a charity that reaches out to street sex workers.
Aku mengerti pendapatan klien anda tidak cocok untuk membayar pekerja seks komersial, tapi mengambil keputusan bukanlah kemampuan terbaiknya, iya kan?
I understand your client's income isn't ideal for paying sex workers in cash, but sound decision making isn't exactly his strong suit, is it?
Seorang kritikus dari Sify menulis bahwa "Anushka luar biasa sebagai pekerja seks komersial seperti dia mampu membawa keluar kinerja yang hidup. "
A critic from Sify wrote that "Anushka is outstanding as the commercial sex worker as she is able to bring out a life-like performance."
Dicky kemudian mencoba mendapatkan uang dengan menjadikan kekasihnya sebagai pekerja seks komersial dan setelah sang kekasih mendapatkan pelanggan, Dicky menyamar sebagai polisi untuk mencuri uang si pelanggan tersebut.
Dicky then tries to get money by posing his girlfriend as a prostitute and then, once she picks up a client, impersonating a police officer to steal the client's money.
Kemiskinan mungkin telah memaksa Sien untuk kembali ke dunia pekerja seks komersial; keadaan di rumah menjadi kurang bahagia dan Van Gogh merasa kehidupan keluarganya tak sejalan dengan perkembangan artistiknya.
Poverty may have pushed Sien back into prostitution; the home became less happy and Van Gogh may have felt family life was irreconcilable with his artistic development.
Pada tahun 1989, setelah pindah dari Michigan ke Daytona Beach, Florida, seorang pekerja seks komersial bernama Aileen Wuornos (Charlize Theron) dengan bertemu Selby Wall (Christina Ricci) di sebuah kedai homoseksual.
In 1989, after moving from Michigan to Daytona Beach, Florida, and on the verge of committing suicide, street prostitute Aileen Wuornos meets Selby Wall in a gay bar.
Tahun 1984, pernah dilarang oleh Dewan Kesenian Jakarta, ketika berniat membawa para Pekerja Seks Komersial (PSK), dalam acara pembacaan sajaknya Soempah WTS (1984) di Taman Ismail Marzuki (TIM), Cikini, Jakarta.
In 1984 he was banned by the Jakarta Board of Arts when he intended to bring prostitutes in his poetry reading event from his book Soempah WTS (1984) in Taman Ismail Marzuki Jakarta.
Setelah seorang pengedar narkoba yang menggunakan Caroline sebagai pekerja seks komersial menolak untuk mengungkapkan keberadaan Caroline, Robert menerobos masuk ke kamar hotel kumuh dan menemukan Caroline yang setengah sadar dengan seorang kakek tua.
After a drug dealer who is prostituting Caroline refuses to reveal her whereabouts, Robert breaks into a seedy hotel room and finds a semi-conscious Caroline in the company of an older man.

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Do you know about Indonesian

Indonesian is the official language of Indonesia. Indonesian is a standard Malay language that was officially identified with the declaration of independence of Indonesia in 1945. Malay and Indonesian are still quite similar. Indonesia is the fourth most populous country in the world. The majority of Indonesians speak fluent Indonesian, with a rate of almost 100%, thus making it one of the most widely spoken languages in the world.