What does panti asuhan in Indonesian mean?

What is the meaning of the word panti asuhan in Indonesian? The article explains the full meaning, pronunciation along with bilingual examples and instructions on how to use panti asuhan in Indonesian.

The word panti asuhan in Indonesian means orphanage, orphanage. To learn more, please see the details below.

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Meaning of the word panti asuhan



Kuhabiskan beberapa tahun pindah dari panti asuhan ke panti asuhan lain.
I spent a few years on the bounce from orphanage to orphanage.


noun (residential institution devoted to the care of orphans)

Pengasuh panti asuhan memukul anak-anak dan memaksa mereka mencuri.
The orphanage warden hits the kids and gets them to steal.

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Pendeta membawa mu kemari dari panti asuhan supaya kau kehilangan keperawanan mu, ya kan?
The priest brought you here from the orphanage to lose your virginity, right?
Kepala panti asuhan memperlihatkan sikap yang sama, tetapi entah mengapa ia tidak ikut misa gereja.
The director of the orphanage displayed the same attitude, but he inexplicably refrained from participating in religious services.
Aku tetap tinggal di panti asuhan sementara, dan kemudian aku mulai berpindah dari satu kota ke kota lainnya.
I remained at the orphanage for a while, and after a bit, I started hopping from town to town.
Tap dia tidak dibesarkan dipanti asuhan Rusia, bukan?
But was he not brought up in a Russian orphanage, no?
Apa kau tahu dia mengalami kecelakaan setelah kau mengirimnya ke panti asuhan?
Do you know she had an accident after you sent her to the orphanage?
Zoe ada di panti asuhan, sepertinya tempatnya bagus.
Zoe's in a foster home, a good one it looks like.
Dia keluar masuk panti asuhan bersama saudari tirimu, Zoe.
He spent some time in various institutions with your half-sister Zoe?
Simon George, masuk panti asuhan saat berusia lima tahun saat ayahnya dibunuh.
Simon George, entered foster care at age five when his father was murdered.
Di Cochin, Belanda mendirikan sebuah panti asuhan miskin, anak-anak Eropa, dan penderita kusta suaka di Vypin.
In Cochin, the Dutch established an orphanage for poor European children and a leper asylum on Vypin.
Aku bekerja di panti asuhan.
I worked in the orphanage.
Akan tetapi, pada usia 10 tahun, ia dimasukkan ke panti asuhan.
At the age of 10, however, she was placed in a children’s home.
Dan si anak diserahkan ke sebuah panti asuhan selama tiga hari.
And the child was sent to a foster home for three days.
Jadi, kembali dan tinggalah di panti asuhan!
So, go back and stay at the care center!
Apa dia masih tinggal di panti asuhan setelah itu?
Did she still live in the orphanage afterwards?
Sejak sebelum kau dipanti asuhan?
Since before foster care?
Panti asuhan bahwa saya membantu?
That orphanage I was helping?
Mereka di sini bukan hanya untuk menjalankan panti asuhan.
They're not just here to run an orphanage, your nuns.
Anak-anak harus pergi panti asuhan segera.
The children have to leave the orphanage soon.
Dia adalah menyusuri jalan di panti asuhan Mana saya baru saja pergi.
He is down the road at the orphanage where I was just going.
Panti asuhan itu menampung 85 anak.
The orphanage is home to 85 children.
Kenapa dia harus ke panti asuhan jika ia masih memiliki wali?
Why send him to an orphanage if there is a protector?
Kenapa kau tak mau pergi ke panti asuhan?
Why don't you wanna go to orphanage?
Sebelum ia meninggalkanku di panti asuhan.
Curly berada di panti asuhan selama enam bulang ke depan.
Curly's in the reformatory for the next six months.
Markah Tanah Sejarah Nasional tersebut, yang dirancang oleh Robert Mills, dijadikan rumah panti asuhan tersebut sampai 1937.
This National Historic Landmark, designed by Robert Mills, served as home of the orphanage until 1937.

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Do you know about Indonesian

Indonesian is the official language of Indonesia. Indonesian is a standard Malay language that was officially identified with the declaration of independence of Indonesia in 1945. Malay and Indonesian are still quite similar. Indonesia is the fourth most populous country in the world. The majority of Indonesians speak fluent Indonesian, with a rate of almost 100%, thus making it one of the most widely spoken languages in the world.