What does oi in Turkish mean?

What is the meaning of the word oi in Turkish? The article explains the full meaning, pronunciation along with bilingual examples and instructions on how to use oi in Turkish.

The word oi in Turkish means he, şu, o, o, o, o, o, o, şu, O, o, O, O, o, o, o, o, o, o kadarını, İ.Ö., bir o yana bir bu yana, bu yüzden, bu nedenle, o yüzden, o nedenle, o mu, hazırlıksız, hazırlıksız yapılan, öyleyse, o halde, (o) kendi, kendisi, kendini, kendine, kendini çok fazla zorlamak, ne fazla ne eksik, tam o kadar, O harfi, o kadar, işte o kadar, (o) -dır, -dir, ondan sonra, o zamandan sonra, çok, pek, öylesine, o kadar, o derece, öyle, öyle, o kadar, o kadar da, çok da, pek de, o zaman başka, o başka mesele, o zaman, sonuç olarak, netice olarak, o zaman, öyleyse, o halde, o zaman, o yüzden, bu yüzden, ondan dolayı, bundan dolayı, o zamandan beri, orada, o noktada, o konuda, oraya, o yere, böylelikle, öylelikle, bu suretle, o yolla, o halde, öyleyse, orada, onda, o yerde, o konuda, o hususta, o yere/o şeye, oraya/ona, (uykuda) bir o yana bir bu yana dönmek, (bir o yana bir bu yana) zikzak yaparak haraket etmek/ilerlemek, ki o. To learn more, please see the details below.

Listen to pronunciation

Meaning of the word oi


şu, o

(plural of that)

Karşıdaki şu oyuncakların yerlerine konması gerekiyor.
Those toys over there need to be put in their place.


(this or that male person)

O, iyi bir arkadaşımdır.
He is rich. He is a good friend of mine.


(inanimate thing) (cansız nesne)

I've lost my pen; it was on my desk.


(demonstrative: it, she, he)

Do you like that? That's not what I meant.


(female in question)

I have nicer shoes than she does.

o, şu

(as indicated)

En çok şu atkıyı beğendim.
I like that scarf best.


(blood type) (kan grubu)

The blood type O negative is quite rare.


(figurative (ship, country: considered female)

"She's a fine vessel," the captain declared, as he surveyed his ship.


(abbreviation (oxygen) (oksijen, kıs.)

The symbol for oxygen in chemical formulae is O.


(zero) (sıfır)

The area code for Idaho is 2-0-8.


(animal) (hayvan)

From the size of the footprints, it must be a big one.


(person) (kişi)

Who is it?



The crowd dispersed once it left the main square.


(emphasis in anticipation) (vurgu)

It was at that moment that I realized my mistake.


(short for "he or she")

Sometimes when your baby cries, it is because she wants to be fed.

o kadarını

(the same thing)

So, you're pregnant. I thought as much.


(initialism (Before Christ) (kısaltma: İsa'dan önce)

The Greek philosopher Socrates was born around 470 BC.

bir o yana bir bu yana

(movement: back and forth)

The boat was rocking from side to side in the rough sea.

bu yüzden, bu nedenle, o yüzden, o nedenle

(often formal (therefore)

Your grammar is weak, hence the low mark I've given you.

o mu

(questions: that man) (soru)

Him? Is that the person?

hazırlıksız, hazırlıksız yapılan

(spontaneous, unplanned)

My husband threw me an impromptu birthday party, but all my friends already had plans!

öyleyse, o halde


The College may require you to provide a medical certificate, and in that case it will reimburse you any expenses involved.

(o) kendi, kendisi, kendini, kendine

(reflexive pronoun: it)

Basın, kendini sansürleyemiyor.
The press cannot censor itself.

kendini çok fazla zorlamak

(slang, figurative (go ahead, do it)

"Could I try riding your bike?" "Sure, knock yourself out!"

ne fazla ne eksik, tam o kadar

(to the same amount or degree)

This horse runs neither more nor less quickly than that one.

O harfi

(15th letter of alphabet)

I can't tell if this is an O or a zero.

o kadar, işte o kadar

(US, informal (full stop: and that is that)

Jose is the best ball player, period.

(o) -dır, -dir

(colloquial, abbreviation (she is)

I like Mrs. Stevens; she's a good teacher.

ondan sonra, o zamandan sonra


Onunla kavga ettik. Ondan sonra onu hiç aramadım.
We got in a big argument. I haven't called her since.

çok, pek

(intensifier: very)

Sevgilisi acayip (or: süper) yakışıklı bir çocuk.
That guy is so good looking!

öylesine, o kadar, o derece, öyle

(to such an extent)

Laura was so hungry, everyone in the classroom could hear her stomach rumbling.

öyle, o kadar


Elli yaşından sonra yeni bir lisan öğrenmek o kadar (or: öyle) kolay değil.
It's not that easy to learn a new language after age fifty.

o kadar da, çok da, pek de


Film pek de iyi değildi.
The movie was not that good.

o zaman başka, o başka mesele

(informal (quite the contrary)

Singing pop is pretty easy, but singing opera – well, that's a different story!

o zaman

(at that time)

Dün mü? O zaman ne yapıyordun?
Yesterday? What were you doing then?

sonuç olarak, netice olarak, o zaman


Yemeğinin hepsini yersen o zaman sana ödül olarak pasta vereceğim.
If you eat all your food, then you will have pie as a reward.

öyleyse, o halde, o zaman

(in that case)

You are staying home tonight? Then I'll stay home, too.

o yüzden, bu yüzden, ondan dolayı, bundan dolayı

(formal (therefore)

The king has decreed that all dogs shall be respected; thence, anyone who hurts a dog will be executed.

o zamandan beri

(formal (from then on)

orada, o noktada

(at that point)

OK, class, let's stop there. It's time for lunch.

o konuda

(on that issue)

I agree with you there.

oraya, o yere

(to that place)

I'm going there tonight.

böylelikle, öylelikle, bu suretle, o yolla

(by that means)

Robert sabotaged the project, thereby ensuring it would fail.

o halde, öyleyse

(as a consequence)

Düşünüyorum, o halde varım.
I think, therefore I am.

orada, onda, o yerde

(formal (in that thing or place) (resmi dil)

The report and all claims therein has not been verified by authorities.

o konuda, o hususta

(formal (in that matter) (resmi dil)

The plan is affordable, and therein lies its strength.

o yere/o şeye, oraya/ona

(formal (to that place or thing) (resmi dil)

The plaintiff stated that he delivered the contract and attached the supplemental documents thereto.

(uykuda) bir o yana bir bu yana dönmek

(restless sleep)

Robert was tossing all night because he was nervous about his exam in the morning.

(bir o yana bir bu yana) zikzak yaparak haraket etmek/ilerlemek

(figurative (person: move in a zigzag) (kişi)

The drunken man was weaving as he walked.

ki o

(informal (the fact that)

The house is cold, which will be fixed when I light a fire in the stove.

Let's learn Turkish

So now that you know more about the meaning of oi in Turkish, you can learn how to use them through selected examples and how to read them. And remember to learn the related words that we suggest. Our website is constantly updating with new words and new examples so you can look up the meanings of other words you don't know in Turkish.

Do you know about Turkish

Turkish is a language spoken by 65-73 million people around the world, making it the most commonly spoken language in the Turkic family. These speakers mostly live in Turkey, with a smaller number in Cyprus, Bulgaria, Greece and elsewhere in Eastern Europe. Turkish is also spoken by many immigrants to Western Europe, especially in Germany.