What does mimpi in Indonesian mean?

What is the meaning of the word mimpi in Indonesian? The article explains the full meaning, pronunciation along with bilingual examples and instructions on how to use mimpi in Indonesian.

The word mimpi in Indonesian means dream, dreamed, dreamt, dream. To learn more, please see the details below.

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Meaning of the word mimpi


nounverb (see imaginary events while sleeping)

Cara terbaik agar mimpimu menjadi kenyataan adalah bangun.
The best way to make your dreams come true is to wake up.



Cara terbaik agar mimpimu menjadi kenyataan adalah bangun.
The best way to make your dreams come true is to wake up.


adjective verb

Kau bilang kau bermimpi kita akan selalu bersama sampai tua.
You said you dreamt that we'd grow old together.


verb noun (imaginary events seen in the mind while sleeping)

Cara terbaik agar mimpimu menjadi kenyataan adalah bangun.
The best way to make your dreams come true is to wake up.

See more examples

(Daniel 7:1-3, 17) Melalui mimpi, Allah memberi tahu Yusuf dari Nazaret, ayah angkat Yesus, untuk melarikan diri ke Mesir bersama istri dan anaknya.
(Daniel 7:1-3, 17) By means of a dream, God told Joseph of Nazareth, the adoptive father of Jesus, to flee to Egypt with his wife and child.
Tuan Go bukan sedang berjalan dia sedang mengejar mimpi-mimpinya...
Mr. Go is not running he's going after his dreams...
2 Maka Raja memanggil para ahli ilmu gaib, peramal, ahli sihir, dan orang Khaldea* untuk memberi tahu Raja apa yang dia mimpikan.
2 So the king gave the order to summon the magic-practicing priests, the conjurers, the sorcerers, and the Chal·deʹans* to tell the king his dreams.
Pengkhotbah 5:2 berkata, ”Karena sebagaimana mimpi disebabkan oleh banyak kesibukan.”
Ecclesiastes 5:3 says: “For a dream certainly comes in because of abundance of occupation.”
Itu akan membuatnya tenang selama beberapa hari dan memberinya mimpi buruk.
That should put him out for a few days and give him some nasty dreams.
Jung kemudian menafsirkan mimpi-mimpi arketip mendalam Pauli, kemudian Pauli menjadi salah satu murid terbaik psikologi mendalam tersebut.
Jung immediately began interpreting Pauli's deeply archetypal dreams, and Pauli became one of the depth psychologist's best students.
Kembali ke sirkus dan belajar akrobat merupakan cita-cita dan mimpi saya selama bertahun-tahun.
Going back to the circus and learning the trapeze had been my focus and dream for years.
Mimpi indah.
Sweet dreams.
Dulu aku hanya bermimpi membunuhnya, dan sekarang aku mewujudkan mimpiku.
I used to fantasize about killing her, and now I am living the dream.
Harapan dan mimpi, dan dalam satu saat, satu kesalahan kecil, dan kemudian sirna begitu saja.
Decades of hopes and dreams, and in one moment, one little mistake, and it all just goes away.
Ini bisa jadi mimpi.
This could be a dream.
Ketika Aku diberikan sedasi, kau muncul dalam mimpiku.
When I was in sedation, you appeared in my dreams.
Orang-orang yang datang ke Sapna Guest House punya mimpi yang sama.
People come with the same dreams to Sapna Guest House.
Sebelum pertempuran, penulis kronik Theopanes yang Beriman mengatakan bahwa kaisar bermimpi ada di Tesalonika; mimpi ini diperkirakan tanda kekalahannya melawan Arab karena arti kata Tesalonika mirip dengan kalimat "Thes allo niken" yang berarti "memberi kemenangan pada yang lain (musuh)".
Before the battle, chronicler Theophanes the Confessor says, the Emperor dreamed of being at Thessalonika; this dream predicted his defeat against the Arabs because the word Thessalonika is similar to the sentence "thes allo niken", which means "gave victory to another (the enemy)".
Untuk itu, ayo kita mulai bermimpi!
Donald then begins to dream.
Mau sampai kapan kau menahan kita di mimpi buruk analog ini?
How long you gonna keep us in this analog nightmare?
Tak pernah terpikirkan aku akan bertemu denganmu di tempat seperti ini, bahkan di dalam mimpi sekalipun.
Never did I dream that I would meet you here.
Jenis berpikir ini lazim terutama dalam mimpi, dan dapat menjelaskan simbolisme yang terjadi dalam mimpi.
This type of thinking is particularly prevalent in dreams, and accounts for dream symbolism.
Ini adalah mimpi.
It is a dream.
Ada seorang wanita merah dari Caribee yang menyengat membawa mimpi buruk, kegilaan.
There is a red lady from Caribee whose sting brings the nightmare, insanity.
Tidak lama setelah menikah, Baden-Powell mulai menderita sakit kepala berkepanjangan, yang dianggap oleh dokternya berasal dari gejala psikosomatik dan diobati dengan analisis mimpi.
Directly after he had married, Baden-Powell began to suffer persistent headaches, which were considered by his doctor to be of psychosomatic origin and treated with dream analysis.
Sebagai contoh, Nebukhadnezar menjadi begitu murka pada waktu ahli-ahli nujum dan ”orang-orang berhikmat” lainnya tidak bisa menyingkapkan mimpinya, sehingga ia berteriak, ”Anggota badanmu akan dipotong-potong, dan rumahmu akan diubah menjadi jamban umum.”
For example, Nebuchadnezzar was so infuriated when the astrologers and the rest of “the wise men” failed to reveal his dream that he exclaimed: “Dismembered is what you will be, and into public privies your own houses will be turned.”
Dan sejujurnya kau hanya bermimpi jika kau pikir aku akan mengajakmu.
You're pissing in the wind if you think I'm taking you.
Karena kita masih melakukan hal yang kamu hanya bisa mimpikan.
'Cause we still do the things that you can only fucking dream of.
Apakah aku bermimpi?
Am I dreaming?

Let's learn Indonesian

So now that you know more about the meaning of mimpi in Indonesian, you can learn how to use them through selected examples and how to read them. And remember to learn the related words that we suggest. Our website is constantly updating with new words and new examples so you can look up the meanings of other words you don't know in Indonesian.

Do you know about Indonesian

Indonesian is the official language of Indonesia. Indonesian is a standard Malay language that was officially identified with the declaration of independence of Indonesia in 1945. Malay and Indonesian are still quite similar. Indonesia is the fourth most populous country in the world. The majority of Indonesians speak fluent Indonesian, with a rate of almost 100%, thus making it one of the most widely spoken languages in the world.