What does mertua in Indonesian mean?

What is the meaning of the word mertua in Indonesian? The article explains the full meaning, pronunciation along with bilingual examples and instructions on how to use mertua in Indonesian.

The word mertua in Indonesian means mother-in-law, parents-in-law. To learn more, please see the details below.

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Meaning of the word mertua


noun (spouse’s mother)

Kami melakukan pemujaan dan ibu mertua saya wafat.
We performed the veneration and my mother-in-law passed away.



Aku bukan hanya mengasuh anak-anakku tapi juga mertuaku.
I have to look after not only my kids but parents-in-law.

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Dan rupanya, ayah mertuaku.
And... apparently, my father-in-law.
19 Ibu mertuanya berkata, ”Hari ini di mana kamu memungut sisa panen?
19 Her mother-in-law then said to her: “Where did you glean today?
Sebuah reporter surat kabar yang bertugas di Afrika bagian timur menulis, ”Kaum muda memilih untuk kawin-lari agar terhindar dari maskawin yang sangat besar yang dituntut oleh mertua yang berkukuh.”
A newspaper reporter stationed in eastern Africa wrote: “Young people choose to elope to escape excessive dowries demanded by tenacious in-laws.”
Dua belas tahun kemudian, ayah mertuanya, Malhar Rao Holkar, wafat.
Twelve years later, her father-in-law, Malhar Rao Holkar, died.
Aku akan menemui mertuaku minggu depan.
I'm going to my in-laws next week.
Kau membuat kesan buruk pada bibi mertuamu juga.
You made a bad impression on the aunt-in-law too.
Mengapa nasihat ayah mertua Musa patut diperhatikan para penatua sidang dewasa ini?
Why is the counsel of Moses’ father-in-law noteworthy for congregation elders today?
Daripada pembunuhan mertua mu.
... than your father-in-law's murder.
Pada tanggal 31 Oktober 1534, ayah mertuanya meninggal dan Ercole naik takhta.
On 31 October 1534, her father-in-law died and Ercole succeeded to the throne.
5 Menjaga Hubungan Damai dengan Mertua
5 How to Keep Peace With Your Relatives
Pertama-tama, ia berbicara kepada ibu mertuanya, lalu kepada satu demi satu saudara iparnya.
He spoke to his mother-in-law first, then to one brother- and sister-in-law after another.
Ini adalah Ayah mertuaku nanti, Gerald, dan istri tersayangnya, Helen.
This is my future father-in-law, Gerald, and his lovely wife, Helen.
Kalau begitu, Hyungnim, waktu aku menyatakan kalau mertuamu itu orang rendahan dan bertanya padamu kenapa kau masih melanjutkan posisimu sebagai Putra Mahkota pasti kau merasa tersinggung ya?
So, when I pointed out that your in-laws household was far too lowly and asked you what nerve you had to continue to stay as Crown Prince you must have felt offended.
Showroom mobil yang kami dapatkan dari mertuanya... berkembang tiga kali lipat hanya dalam dua tahun.
They showroom we got from his father-in-law...''... has already expanded threefold in just two years.'
Sultan pergi ke Abydos, tempat di mana—dengan dalih mengundang Çaka Bey untuk perjamuan—ia membunuh ayah mertuanya.
The Sultan advanced to Abydos, where, at the pretext of inviting Tzachas to a banquet, he had his father-in-law murdered.
Ingin bersaing dengan mertuanya yang perkasa, yang telah membuat Kerajaan Bohemia dan ibukotanya di Praha sebagai pusat budaya Kekaisaran, Rudolf berkeinginan untuk meningkatkan pentingnya tempat tinggalnya di Wina setaraf atau lebih tinggi.
Eager to compete with his mighty father-in-law, who had made the Kingdom of Bohemia and its capital Prague a radiant center of Imperial culture, Rudolf desired to raise the importance of his residence Vienna to a comparable or greater height.
Mertuanya adalah Julian Kornhauser, seorang penulis, penerjemah dan kritikus sastra terkenal.
His father-in-law is Julian Kornhauser, a well-known writer, translator and literary critic.
Dia mengirimkan e-mail kepada saya hari berikutnya memberi tahu saya bahwa reaksi emosional dia pada kisah itu karena kisah ayah mertuanya kembali aktif di dalam Gereja sangat mirip dengan yang saya sampaikan.
He sent me an e-mail the next day telling me that his emotional reaction to the story was because his father-in-law’s story of returning to activity in the Church was very similar to the one that I had told.
Mertuanya, Raja Albert I, yang sangat taat kepada agamanya, bilang dihari konversi Astrid: "Aku bahagia, sangat bahagia.
Her father-in-law, King Albert I, who was very devout himself, repeated, on the day of Astrid's conversion: "I am glad, very glad.
Pikirkan persahabatan antara Rut dan ibu mertuanya, Naomi, antara Daud dan Yonatan, atau antara Timotius dan Paulus.
Consider the friendship between Ruth and her mother-in-law Naomi, the one between David and Jonathan, or the one between Timothy and Paul.
Ibu mertua itu seperti Ibu.
A mother-in-law is like a mother
Salamon berjanji untuk menyerahkan bagian-bagian kerajaan Hongaria di dalam pertukaran untuk bantuan militer ayah mertuanya.
Solomon promised to hand over parts of the kingdom of Hungary in exchange for his new father-in-law's military assistance.
Itu adalah ibu mertua saya.
It was my mother-in-law.
Nyonya Jung akan datang bersama dengan anak mertua.
Now, the first wife is on her way with your son's fiancé and her family.
Segera setelah terbentuknya bangsa Israel, ayah mertua Musa, Yitro, dengan tepat menjelaskan mereka seharusnya menjadi pria-pria macam apa, yaitu, ”orang-orang yang cakap dan takut akan Allah, orang-orang yang dapat dipercaya, dan yang benci kepada pengejaran suap”.—Keluaran 18:21.
Soon after the founding of Israel, Moses’ father-in-law, Jethro, well described what kind of men they should be, that is, “capable men, fearing God, trustworthy men, hating unjust profit.” —Exodus 18:21.

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Do you know about Indonesian

Indonesian is the official language of Indonesia. Indonesian is a standard Malay language that was officially identified with the declaration of independence of Indonesia in 1945. Malay and Indonesian are still quite similar. Indonesia is the fourth most populous country in the world. The majority of Indonesians speak fluent Indonesian, with a rate of almost 100%, thus making it one of the most widely spoken languages in the world.