What does mentimun in Indonesian mean?
What is the meaning of the word mentimun in Indonesian? The article explains the full meaning, pronunciation along with bilingual examples and instructions on how to use mentimun in Indonesian.
The word mentimun in Indonesian means cucumber, cuke. To learn more, please see the details below.
Meaning of the word mentimun
cucumbernoun (edible fruit) Saya suka makan nasi kuning dengan acar mentimun. I like to eat yellow rice with cucumber pickles. |
cukenoun |
See more examples
Kira-kira 3.500 tahun yang lalu, sewaktu bangsa Israel berjalan melintasi padang belantara Sinai, mereka mengatakan, ”Oh, kami teringat akan ikan yang biasa kami makan di Mesir dengan cuma-cuma, mentimun, semangka, bawang perei, bawang merah dan bawang putih!” Some 3,500 years ago, as the people of Israel trekked across the wilderness of Sinai, they said: “How we remember the fish that we used to eat in Egypt for nothing, the cucumbers and the watermelons and the leeks and the onions and the garlic!” |
(Kej 13:10) Sebelum Eksodus, bangsa Israel telah mengenal baik pertanian sewaktu berada di Mesir, tempat dibudidayakannya gandum, rami, barli, mentimun, semangka, bawang perei, bawang merah, bawang putih, dan hasil bumi yang lain. (Ge 13:10) Prior to the Exodus, the nation of Israel had been well acquainted with agriculture down in Egypt, where wheat, flax, barley, cucumbers, watermelons, leeks, onions, garlic, and other products were grown. |
Mentimun dengan Hendricks, lemon jika dengan Bombay. Cucumber with the Hendricks, lime with the Bombay. |
Banyak jenis yang memiliki tonjolan-tonjolan pada kulitnya sehingga tampak seperti mentimun berkutil. Projections on the skin of many varieties cause them to resemble cucumbers with warts. |
Jadi, uh, ketimun dan ketimun? So, uh, cucumber and cucumber? |
Roti lapis teh mentimun pada khususnya dianggap sebagai roti lapis teh klasik. The cucumber tea sandwich in particular is considered the quintessential tea sandwich. |
Sayuran yang paling umum digunakan untuk roti lapis ini adalah tomat, mentimun, dan kentang. The most commonly used vegetables for this sandwich are tomato, cucumber and potato. |
Sesungguhnya, setelah bebas dari perbudakan, orang Israel mengenang roti, ikan, mentimun, semangka, bawang perei, bawang merah, bawang putih, dan belanga daging yang mereka santap semasa diperbudak. —Keluaran 16:3; Bilangan 11:5. Indeed, after their deliverance from bondage, the Israelites reminisced about the bread, fish, cucumbers, watermelons, leeks, onions, garlic, and pots of meat that they ate while in slavery. —Exodus 16:3; Numbers 11:5. |
Seperti pondok di ladang timun, Like a hut in a cucumber field, |
Lily suka mentimun. Lily loves cucumbers. |
Kami juga dapat menumbuhkan tomat cherry, mentimun, dan sejenisnya. And we were able to grow cherry tomatoes and cucumbers, all kinds of stuff. |
Dan dia mendapat mentimun lagi. And she gets cucumber again. |
Dan sama seperti garam itu penting dalam mengubah mentimun menjadi acar, demikian pula perjanjian adalah penting dalam kelahiran kembali kita secara rohani. And just as salt is essential in transforming a cucumber into a pickle, so covenants are central to our spiritual rebirth. |
Timun, ya.. Zucchini. |
Aku membungkus beberapa potong sandwich dan beberapa potong mentimun dan kerupuk serta beberapa potong prosciutto yang lezat. I packed some sandwiches and some cucumbers and crackers and some delicious prosciutto. |
Ini dikira sup mentimun dingin. It's supposed to be cold cucumber soup. |
Tidak ada asinan timun yang tersisa. There's no seasoned cucumber left. |
Langkah pertama dalam proses mengubah mentimun menjadi acar adalah mempersiapkan dan membersihkan. The first steps in the process of changing a cucumber into a pickle are preparing and cleaning. |
Saya suka makan nasi kuning dengan acar mentimun. I like to eat yellow rice with cucumber pickles. |
Sedingin ketimun. Cool as a cucumber. |
Untuk membuat masker timun, ini lebih efektif digunakan seperti ini. To do a cucumber pack, it is more effective to use it ground up like this. |
Roti isi timun datang. Roti isi timun. Cucumber sandwiches coming through... |
Pada satu peristiwa, sebuah tanaman mentimun yang tampaknya sehat ”boleh dibilang berteriak”, menurut data yang dicatat alat itu. In one case an apparently healthy cucumber “was virtually shouting,” according to readings. |
Pernyataan orang-orang ini akan hasrat yang mementingkan diri menular kepada orang-orang Israel, sehingga mereka pun mulai menangis dan berkata, ”Oh, kami teringat akan ikan yang biasa kami makan di Mesir dengan cuma-cuma, mentimun, semangka, bawang perei, bawang merah dan bawang putih! Their expression of selfish longing spread to the Israelites, so that they too began to weep and say: “How we remember the fish that we used to eat in Egypt for nothing, the cucumbers and the watermelons and the leeks and the onions and the garlic! |
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Do you know about Indonesian
Indonesian is the official language of Indonesia. Indonesian is a standard Malay language that was officially identified with the declaration of independence of Indonesia in 1945. Malay and Indonesian are still quite similar. Indonesia is the fourth most populous country in the world. The majority of Indonesians speak fluent Indonesian, with a rate of almost 100%, thus making it one of the most widely spoken languages in the world.