What does menjahit in Indonesian mean?

What is the meaning of the word menjahit in Indonesian? The article explains the full meaning, pronunciation along with bilingual examples and instructions on how to use menjahit in Indonesian.

The word menjahit in Indonesian means sew, stitch, sewing, sewing. To learn more, please see the details below.

Listen to pronunciation

Meaning of the word menjahit


verb (jahit (habis)

Ibuku tak mengajariku untuk menjahit, tapi ayahku mengajariku tentang bisnis.
My mother did not teach me to sew, but my father taught me business.



Tetapi tanpa jahitan yang tersembunyi, tidak mungkin ada baju.
But without those hidden stitches, there would have been no dress.



Ibuku tak mengajariku untuk menjahit, tapi ayahku mengajariku tentang bisnis.
My mother did not teach me to sew, but my father taught me business.


noun verb (craft of fastening or attaching objects using stitches made with a needle and thread)

Ibuku tak mengajariku untuk menjahit, tapi ayahku mengajariku tentang bisnis.
My mother did not teach me to sew, but my father taught me business.

See more examples

Ia mulai menjahit.
She started tailoring.
Siapkan alat jahit.
Get ready for a suture.
Jenis jubah ini perlu dijahit pada sisi-sisinya.
This kind of tunic needed to be stitched at the sides.
Sekarang, menjahit!
Now, sew!
Jadi sangat mungkin kapal ini bisa berperan memenuhi kebutuhan makhluk tersebut dengan cara yang sama seperti jahitan.
Then it is very likely that this vessel could serve the life-form's needs in much the same manner as a suture.
Besok kita akan duduk di mesin jahit.
Tomorrow, we'll sit down with the stitcher.
Sabuk pengaman yang jauh lebih baik, serta benang jahit luka, jaringan ikat tiruan, kabel yang ringan, dan kain antipeluru, ini hanyalah beberapa kemungkinannya.
In vastly improved seat belts as well as in sutures, artificial ligaments, lightweight lines and cables, and bulletproof fabrics, to name just a few possibilities.
Dia tidak pernah menjahit lengan kanan dengan benar.
He never gets my cuffs right.
Menjahit pakaian untuk resital Emily, ia lakukan.
Sew some extra fairy wings on for Emily's recital, she's doing it.
Itu pertanda baik mereka akan menjahitnya.
It's a good sign they decided to suture.
Sekarang, akan ada tes ini Jumat mana kamu akan diminta untuk menampilkan kamu mucho keterampilan menjahit dengan tradisional Meksiko mantel.
Now, there will be a test this Friday where you will be asked to showcase your mucho sewing skills with a traditional Mexican poncho.
Kau pandai menjahit?
You any good with a needle?
Dia adalah penjahit baru.
He's the new tailor.
Dengan bimbingan, kesabaran, dan dorongan semangat mereka, saya membuat baju dalam kontes menjahit ketika saya berusia 14 dan menjadi juara!
With their guidance, patience, and encouragement, I entered a dress in a sewing contest when I was 14, and I actually won a prize!
Dan kostum ini adalah milikmu, Sugar, tapi aku senang menjahitnya.
And this costume is yours, Sugar, but I'm happy to be sewing it.
Ibuku tak mengajariku untuk menjahit, tapi ayahku mengajariku tentang bisnis.
My mother did not teach me to sew, but my father taught me business.
”Keliman, jahitan dan simpulnya begitu rata, kuat dan artistik sehingga tampak sempurna.”
“The seams, stitches and knots are so regular, firm and artistic that nothing better could be asked for.”
Kostummu sudah datang dari penjahit Paris.
Your costumes have arrived from the tailor in Paris.
Di berbagai tempat, anak-anak yang tidak berpendidikan bisa jadi dititipkan kepada seseorang untuk magang dalam memasang batu bata, menangkap ikan, menjahit, atau beberapa keterampilan lainnya.
In some places, uneducated children may be handed over to someone for an apprenticeship in bricklaying, fishing, sewing, or some other trade.
Aku mempunyai seorang teman penjahit.
I've got a friend who's a tailor.
Saya telah melihat hal-hal jahit belakang panggung yang tidak untuk pertunjukan.
I've seen you backstage sewing things that aren't for the show.
Brother Industries memasuki industri bordir setelah beberapa perusahaan bordir terkomputerisasi dikontrak untuk memberikan kepala jahit.
Brother Industries entered the embroidery industry after several computerized embroidery companies contracted it to provide sewing heads.
Dia tumbuh sebagai keluarga yang sederhana, ayahnya adalah seorang pemilik sekolah mengemudi, dan ibunya adalah penjahit.
She grew up in a modest family, her father is an owner of a driving school and her mother is a seamstress.
Tetapi tanpa jahitan yang tersembunyi, tidak mungkin ada baju.
But without those hidden stitches, there would have been no dress.
Aku mungkin akan menjahit mulutku juga.
I might sew my mouth shut, too.

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Do you know about Indonesian

Indonesian is the official language of Indonesia. Indonesian is a standard Malay language that was officially identified with the declaration of independence of Indonesia in 1945. Malay and Indonesian are still quite similar. Indonesia is the fourth most populous country in the world. The majority of Indonesians speak fluent Indonesian, with a rate of almost 100%, thus making it one of the most widely spoken languages in the world.