What does menitip in Indonesian mean?

What is the meaning of the word menitip in Indonesian? The article explains the full meaning, pronunciation along with bilingual examples and instructions on how to use menitip in Indonesian.

The word menitip in Indonesian means to entrust, entrust, confide. To learn more, please see the details below.

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Meaning of the word menitip

to entrust




Dia menitipkan beberapa hal kecil untuk kami supaya kita meringankan beban.
He entrusts some small matters to us that we might lighten the load.



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Ini adalah larva mikroskopis dari teritip, spons dan yang paling penting, karang.
These are the microscopic larvae of barnacles, sponges... and most importantly, corals.
Angsa teritip pertama kali diklasifikasikan secara taksonomi oleh Johann Matthäus Bechstein pada tahun 1803.
The barnacle goose was first classified taxonomically by Johann Matthäus Bechstein in 1803.
Mama harus bekerja terus untuk mencukupi biaya rumah tangga, menitipkan saya dan kakak perempuan saya kepada para tetangga seusai sekolah.
Mom had to work continually to make ends meet, leaving my sister and me with neighbors after school.
Dalam melaksanakan hal ini, ia menitipkan istri dan anaknya di sebuah penginapan lainnya.
While there, he gives his daughter and son-in-law a new house.
Aku ingin menitipkan pesan.
I'd like to leave a message.
Makanan-makanan tersebut juga dianggap sesuai saat hari-hari puasa, meskipun klasifikasi angsa teritip sebagai ikan — yang tampaknya mengada-ada itu — tidak diterima secara umum.
Such foods were also considered appropriate for fast days, though rather contrived classification of barnacle geese as fish was not universally accepted.
Tetapi pada Konsili Lateran IV (tahun 1215), Paus Innosensius III secara eksplisit melarang konsumsi angsa teritip selama Prapaskah, dengan alasan bahwa mereka hidup dan makan layaknya bebek dan begitu pula sifatnya sama dengan burung lainnya.
But at the Fourth Council of the Lateran (1215), Pope Innocent III explicitly prohibited the eating of barnacle geese during Lent, arguing that they lived and fed like ducks and so were of the same nature as other birds.
Pada pertemuan tersebut, Soekarno mempersilakan pewaris takhta Kesultanan Banten untuk memimpin wilayah Banten kembali, namun pewaris takhta dikarenakan tanggung jawabnya sebagi Direktur BRI (kini setingkat Gubernur Bank Indonesia) menitipkan kepemimpinan Banten termasuk penjagaan dan pengurusan aset keluarga besar Kesultanan Banten kepada K.H. Tubagus Ahmad Chatib al-Bantani selaku Residen Banten sampai saat bilamana anak atau cucu Marjono kembali ke Banten.
At the meeting, Sukarno invited the heir to the throne of Banten Sultanate to lead the Banten area back, but the heir to the throne due to his responsibilities as Director of BRI (now the Governor of Bank Indonesia) entrusted Banten's leadership including the guarding and maintenance of the big family asset of Banten Sultanate to Tubagus Ahmad Chatib al-Bantani as Resident of Banten, until the time when child or grandson Marjono return to Banten.
* Maka, gembala yang pergi mencari domba yang tersesat itu bisa menitipkan domba-dombanya untuk sementara agar diurus oleh rekan gembalanya.
* So the shepherd who set off in search of a stray could temporarily leave his remaining sheep in the care of his fellow shepherds.
* Seluruh sidang jemaat Kristus menitip salam untuk kalian.
All the congregations of the Christ greet you.
Ia menitipkan permintaan maafnya
He sends his apologies.
Apabila dididihkan sampai temperatur 350 derajat Celcius oleh para ahli riset, semen dari teritip tidak mencair, dan tahan sampai temperatur 230 derajat Celcius di bawah titik nol tanpa menjadi retak atau terkelupas.
When subjected by researchers to a temperature of 662 degrees Fahrenheit, barnacle cement did not melt, and it withstood a temperature of 383 degrees Fahrenheit below zero without cracking or peeling.
Dia tidak memiliki makanan untuk anaknya, jadi mereka makan apa pun yang mereka bisa menemukan, bahkan mengunyah teritip dari batuan.
He doesn't have any food for the cubs, so they eat whatever they can find, even chewing the barnacles off the rocks.
Dia menitipkan beberapa hal kecil untuk kami supaya kita meringankan beban.
He entrusts some small matters to us that we might lighten the load.
Seseorang bernama JANG Kun-bong menitipkan ini untukmu kemarin.
Someone named JANG Kun-bong left this for you yesterday.
kau menitipkan padaku selama masa kuliah.
You had kept it with me during the college days.
16 ”Sekarang, Ibu ingin agar saya menitipkan anak perempuan saya kepadanya, persis seperti ia menitipkan saya kepada ibunya.”
16 “Now my mother wants me to send my daughter to her for her to raise, just as she sent me back to her mother.
Melepaskan teritip pemisahan.
Removing the barnacles of separation.
Semua hewan bersifat motil (mampu secara spontan memindahkan tubuh) selama setidaknya sebagian dari siklus hidupnya, tetapi beberapa hewan, seperti spons, koral, kerang, dan teritip, kemudian menjadi sesil.
All animals are motile (able to spontaneously move their bodies) during at least part of their life cycle, but some animals, such as sponges, corals, mussels, and barnacles, later become sessile.
Apa aku bisa menitipnya di sini?
I'll leave the doctor here for a moment.
Tom menitipkan ini untukmu.
Tom left this for you.
Beritahu bos bule mu itu, kalau aku menitip salam.
Tell your puto gringo boss I'm sending a message.
Kaisar Romawi Suci Frederik II melakukan pemeriksaan terhadap teritip dan menyatakan bahwa tidak ada bukti embrio seperti burung di dalamnya; sekretaris Leo dari Rozmital menuliskan reaksi skeptisnya atas penyajian angsa teritip pada suatu jamuan makan pada hari puasa tahun 1456.
The Holy Roman Emperor Frederick II examined barnacles and noted no evidence of any bird-like embryo in them, and the secretary of Leo of Rozmital wrote a very skeptical account of his reaction to being served the goose at a fast-day dinner in 1456.
Oh, dia menitipkan ini untukmu.
Oh, and she left you this.
Karsid meninggal dunia saat Soedirman berusia enam tahun, dan Siyem menitipkan kedua putranya pada saudara iparnya dan kembali ke kampung halamannya di Parakan Onje, Ajibarang.
Karsid died when Sudirman was six, at which time Siyem left the boys with her brother-in-law and went back to her village at Parakan Onje, Ajibarang.

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So now that you know more about the meaning of menitip in Indonesian, you can learn how to use them through selected examples and how to read them. And remember to learn the related words that we suggest. Our website is constantly updating with new words and new examples so you can look up the meanings of other words you don't know in Indonesian.

Do you know about Indonesian

Indonesian is the official language of Indonesia. Indonesian is a standard Malay language that was officially identified with the declaration of independence of Indonesia in 1945. Malay and Indonesian are still quite similar. Indonesia is the fourth most populous country in the world. The majority of Indonesians speak fluent Indonesian, with a rate of almost 100%, thus making it one of the most widely spoken languages in the world.