What does lepaskan in Indonesian mean?

What is the meaning of the word lepaskan in Indonesian? The article explains the full meaning, pronunciation along with bilingual examples and instructions on how to use lepaskan in Indonesian.

The word lepaskan in Indonesian means release, unpin. To learn more, please see the details below.

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Meaning of the word lepaskan


verb noun (lepaskan, tanam)

Tapi aku butuh kau melepaskan Beamer dari pesawat ini atau pesawat itu juga akan terseret.
You need to release the Beamer from the tractor beam or it'll get dragged down too.


verb (To remove an item, such as a library, a program shortcut, an emoticon, or a map point of interest, from a given area of the UI, to make it unaccessible in that area (e.g., to make a library non-visible in the navigation pane).)

Merekalah granat yang sudah dilepas penitinya yang mungkin saja meledak di manapun dan kapan pun.
They are unpinned grenades that may explode anywhere, anytime.

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Melalui bulla Apostolicae Sedis moderationi, Paus Pius IX pada tahun 1869 mencabut kembali pengecualian terhadap janin 'yang belum beroleh hidup' berkenaan dengan hukuman spiritual ekskomunikasi, menyatakan bahwa mereka yang melakukan aborsi efektif terkena ekskomunikasi yang hanya dapat dilepaskan oleh para uskup atau ordinaris.
With his 1869 bull Apostolicae Sedis moderationi, Pope Pius IX rescinded Gregory XIV's not-yet-animated fetus exception with regard to the spiritual penalty of excommunication, declaring that those who procured an effective abortion incurred excommunication reserved to bishops or ordinaries.
Kalian bisa lepaskan ikatanku sekarang
You can untie me now
Semua variasi dewa atau keturunan dewa yang ditakdirkan untuk melepaskan kejahatan di dunia.
All variations of deities or demigods who were destined to unleash annihilation on the world.
Oleh karena itu, ’kunci-kunci’ tersebut mencakup wewenang untuk membangkitkan orang-orang secara harfiah, membebaskan mereka dari penjara kuburan, juga untuk melepaskan orang-orang dari keadaan mati secara kiasan.
The “keys” therefore include authority to resurrect persons literally, freeing them from the confines of the grave, as well as to release persons from a figurative death state.
Pada acara tersebut, setelah MacFarlane dikatakan oleh James T. Kirk (William Shatner) tentang bagaimana ia akan meruntuhkan siaran tersebut, Kirk kemudian menunjukkannya video dimana MacFarlane menyanyikan lagu yang menyebut para aktris dan film terkenal dimana mereka lepas baju.
During the opening monologue, MacFarlane is told by James T. Kirk (William Shatner) (Captain Kirk set in the next day) about how he was going to ruin the telecast, Captain Kirk then shows him a video where MacFarlane sings a song about actresses in the movies in which they were disrobed.
Diakhir nafasnya, Oenomaus melepaskan belenggu yang menjeratku.
With final breath, Oenomaus struck chains that bound me.
# Tutup matamu dan lepaskan
# Close your eyes and let go
Hei, lepaskan...
Hey, get this...
Jika kau berucap sepatah kata, kau akan melepaskan hewan liarnya, Dick.
You say the word, you unleash the beast, Dick.
Lepaskan tanganmu dariku!
Take your hands off of me!
Dengan Dreiberg mulai mempercayai beberapa aspek teori konspirasi Rorschach, pasangan itu memutuskan untuk melepaskannya dari penjara.
With Dreiberg starting to believe some aspects of Rorschach's conspiracy theory, the pair takes it upon themselves to break him out of prison.
Terlepas dari upaya perdamaian yang diserukannya, perang berkecamuk di mana-mana, tidak soal perang sipil, etnik, atau komunitas.
Despite its publicized peace efforts, wars abound, whether civil, ethnic, or community.
777 sekarang melalui lencongan Stanton, tapi, belum bererti terlepas dari masalah.
777 is through the Stanton curve... but by no means out of trouble.
Lepas-bebaskan imajinasimu dan berusaha mencobanya.
Let your imagination explode and give it a try.
Kau bicara tentang berlepas tangan, tapi sikapmu seakan kau masih terikat!
Oh, you speak of severing bonds, but remain firmly tethered!
Yehuwa juga akan melepaskan orang-orang yang memiliki pengabdian yang saleh manakala Ia membinasakan orang-orang yang fasik di Armagedon.
Jehovah will also deliver people of godly devotion when he brings destruction on the wicked at Armageddon.
Lepaskan tanganku.
Let go of me!
Tapi aku butuh kau melepaskan Beamer dari pesawat ini atau pesawat itu juga akan terseret.
You need to release the Beamer from the tractor beam or it'll get dragged down too.
Lepaskan pakaian Anda.
Take off your clothes.
Kita dapat yakin bahwa dengan bertekun dalam doa, kita akan memperoleh kelepasan dan ketenangan hati yang kita dambakan.
We can be sure that by persistence in prayer, we will get the desired relief and calmness of heart.
Pelayanan kita kepada sesama hendaknya terlepas dari ras, warna, kedudukan, atau hubungan.
Our service to others should be independent of race, color, standing, or relationships.
Lepaskan ini.
Take this off.
Beberapa fasilitas yang terdapat di Bandar Udara Internasional Grand Bahama adalah: ILS (Sistem Pendarat Instrumental) Sistem VOR Sistem PAPI (Indikator Penjejak Posisi Pendaratan) Penanda Sisa Jarak Fasilitas Pemadam Kebakaran Kategori Tujuh Layanan penerbangan umum, seperti pengisian bahan bakar Wilayah khusus penanganan kargo Fasilitas pengawasan perbatasan AS Pada 12 November 1964, Lockheed Lodestar N171Q kehilangan daya angkat setelah lepas landas dan dihancurkan oleh api setelah jatuh, menewaskan semua empat orang di pesawat.
Some other features that are available at the Grand Bahama International Airport are: ILS (Instrument Landing System) VOR system PAPI (Precision approach path indicator) system Distance-remaining markers Category seven (7) fire fighting facilities General aviation services Special cargo/freight handling area Air conditioned passenger terminal (Set temp: 28 degrees C) On 12 November 1964, Lockheed Lodestar N171Q stalled after take-off and was destroyed by fire in the subsequent crash, killing all four people on board.
Pada tanggal 26 Juni 1999, Clancy menikah dengan jurnalis lepas Alexandra Marie Llewellyn, mereka bertemu pada tahun 1997.
On June 26, 1999, Clancy married freelance journalist Alexandra Marie Llewellyn, whom he had met in 1997.
Dia tak melepaskan saat Kilgrave menyuruhnya.
She didn't move when he told her to.

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So now that you know more about the meaning of lepaskan in Indonesian, you can learn how to use them through selected examples and how to read them. And remember to learn the related words that we suggest. Our website is constantly updating with new words and new examples so you can look up the meanings of other words you don't know in Indonesian.

Do you know about Indonesian

Indonesian is the official language of Indonesia. Indonesian is a standard Malay language that was officially identified with the declaration of independence of Indonesia in 1945. Malay and Indonesian are still quite similar. Indonesia is the fourth most populous country in the world. The majority of Indonesians speak fluent Indonesian, with a rate of almost 100%, thus making it one of the most widely spoken languages in the world.