What does lemari buku in Indonesian mean?
What is the meaning of the word lemari buku in Indonesian? The article explains the full meaning, pronunciation along with bilingual examples and instructions on how to use lemari buku in Indonesian.
The word lemari buku in Indonesian means bookcase. To learn more, please see the details below.
Meaning of the word lemari buku
bookcasenoun Kenapa kau menutup lemari buku itu ketika aku berjalan masuk? Why did you close the bookcase when I walked in? |
See more examples
Di sekolah, Kathi dipanggil dengan nama-nama cabul, dan tulisan-tulisan berisi ancaman ditaruh di lemari bukunya. At school Kathi was called obscene names, and threatening messages were left on her locker. |
Ia mengamati seraya mereka mulai mengosongkan lemari buku, baik buku sekuler maupun teokratis. He watched as they started to empty a cabinet of books, secular and theocratic. |
Kenapa kau menutup lemari buku itu ketika aku berjalan masuk? Why did you close the bookcase when I walked in? |
Pd waktu itu ia tidak membacanya tetapi meletakkannya di lemari buku. At the time he did not read it but put it on the bookshelf. |
Lemari buku di belakangmu. The bookcase behind you... |
Suatu ketika pada tahun 1959, sekretaris Departemen Luar Negeri dan Agama membawa seorang saudara kita ke sebuah ruangan dan di sana terdapat beberapa lemari buku yang dipenuhi dengan surat-surat yang telah mengalir dari seluruh dunia. On one occasion in 1959, the secretary of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and Cults took one of our brothers to a room where there were several bookcases filled with letters that had poured in from all over the world. |
Kau tak menyimpan buku di lemari pakaian, kan? You aren't used to keeping books and clothes in the cupboard? |
Bangunan di alamat ini diperoleh pada bulan Juli 1945 dan hanya diisi sebuah meja, sebuah sofa tua, sebuah mesin tik rusak, dan sebuah lemari berisi buku kecil serta majalah tua yang sudah menguning —yang kalaupun disita, tidak apa-apa. It had been acquired in July 1945, and it contained an old table and a couch, a broken typewriter, and a cupboard filled with yellowed booklets and magazines —all of which could be confiscated without loss. |
Tempat tidur, lemari es, televisi, dan persediaan buku Tokoh Terbesar milik sidang mengapung di air. His beds, refrigerator, and television and the congregation’s supply of Greatest Man books all floated away. |
Pertama, dia mencoba melihat ke bawah dan membuat apa dia datang ke, tapi itu terlalu gelap melihat apa- apa, kemudian ia memandang sisi baik, dan melihat bahwa mereka dipenuhi dengan lemari dan buku - rak; di sini dan di sana ia melihat peta dan gambar tergantung di pasak. First, she tried to look down and make out what she was coming to, but it was too dark to see anything; then she looked at the sides of the well, and noticed that they were filled with cupboards and book - shelves; here and there she saw maps and pictures hung upon pegs. |
Buku yang kuceritakan ada di lemariku. That book I was telling you about, it's on my dresser. |
Dalam lemari buku, dibelakang beberapa buku. In the bookcase, behind some books. |
Misalnya, tengoklah lemari buku di perpustakaan pribadi Saudara atau di Balai Kerajaan. For instance, take a look at your personal library or at the one in the Kingdom Hall. |
Lemari buku kayu yang berisikan naskah-naskah Buddhis rusak oleh ledakan ini. Wooden bookshelves, stacked with Buddhist scriptures, were damaged by this blast. |
Itu sebabnya, banyak yang merasa lebih baik membiarkan Alkitab di lemari buku dan mencari bimbingan di tempat lain. Thus, many feel that it is better to leave the Bible on the bookshelf and seek guidance elsewhere. |
Pada waktu kembali, ia mendapatkan ibunya ada di bawah perangkat televisi dan lemari buku. When he returned he found his mother under the television set and bookcase. |
buku tahunannya, kartu laporan, nomor ponselnya tertulis... dan itu ada di lemari es. Her yearbooks, report cards, her cell number is written and it's on my fridge. |
Karena sedikit perubahan dalam intonasi, seorang yang sedang belajar bahasa Cina, menganjurkan hadirinnya agar menaruh iman akan lemari buku Yesus dan bukannya akan tebusan. And by a slight change of intonation, an individual learning Chinese urged his audience to have faith in Jesus’ bookcase rather than in the ransom. |
Gambar perahu layar dan kuda polo, buku mewah dan diploma, boneka ikan di dinding, kalender diatur dgn tanggal yg salah, Lemari buku berdebu, karpet yg perlu dibersihkan. Pictures of sailboats and polo ponies, fancy books and diplomas, stuffed fish on the wall, calendar set to the wrong date, bookcases that need dusting, carpets that need cleaning. |
Di dalam buku Pangeran Caspian, yang berlangsung berabad-abad pada sistem waktu Narnia setelah Sang Singa, Sang Penyihir dan Lemari (yang setara dengan setahun di sistem waktu kita), Cair Paravel adalah reruntuhan di sebuah pulau pada titik di mana Sungai Besar Narnia mengalir ke Samudera Timur. In the book Prince Caspian, which takes place many centuries of Narnian time after The Lion, the Witch and the Wardrobe (but only a year in our time), Cair Paravel is a ruin on an island at the point where the Great River of Narnia flows into the Eastern Ocean. |
Ada buku jatuh dari lemari lalu kau berhak membongkar hal pribadiku? A book jumped off my shelf and begged you to invade my privacy? |
Karena orang-orang India telah lama tahu bahwa mimba mengusir serangga pengganggu, mereka meletakkan daun mimba di tempat tidur, buku, kotak, lemari, dan lemari kecil. Because the people of India have long known that neem leaves repel troublesome insects, they place leaves in beds, books, bins, cupboards, and closets. |
Buku-buku juga disembunyikan di lemari ruang makan. Books were also hidden in cupboards in the dining rooms. |
Buku itu muncul begitu saja di lemari pakaianku saat aku membutuhkannya. It just showed up in my closet when I needed it... |
Cair Paravel pertama dituliskan di dalam buku Sang Singa, Sang Penyihir dan Lemari. Cair Paravel is first mentioned in the book The Lion, the Witch and the Wardrobe. |
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Do you know about Indonesian
Indonesian is the official language of Indonesia. Indonesian is a standard Malay language that was officially identified with the declaration of independence of Indonesia in 1945. Malay and Indonesian are still quite similar. Indonesia is the fourth most populous country in the world. The majority of Indonesians speak fluent Indonesian, with a rate of almost 100%, thus making it one of the most widely spoken languages in the world.