What does layang-layang in Indonesian mean?
What is the meaning of the word layang-layang in Indonesian? The article explains the full meaning, pronunciation along with bilingual examples and instructions on how to use layang-layang in Indonesian.
The word layang-layang in Indonesian means kite, swallow, swift, wood swallow, kite. To learn more, please see the details below.
Meaning of the word layang-layang
kitenoun (flying toy on string) Jadi, ini adalah awal dari era yang baru untuk layang-layang. So this is the dawn of the new age of kites. |
swallownoun Penduduk Yerusalem mengenal burung layang-layang, yang biasanya membangun sarang di bawah atap bangunan. Inhabitants of Jerusalem were familiar with swallows, which customarily build their nests under the eaves of buildings. |
swiftnoun |
wood swallownoun (white-breasted wood-swallow) |
kiteverb noun (quadrilateral whose four sides can be grouped into two pairs of equal-length sides that are adjacent to each other) Layang-layang putus boleh memberi tenaga sepantas kilat pada seseorang. A loose kite gives energy to the man like lightning. |
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Tapi layang- layang bukan hanya mainan seperti ini. But kites aren't just toys like this. |
Seperti dikatakan di Kejadian 1:2: ”Roh Allah melayang-layang di atas permukaan air.” As Genesis 1:2 says: “God’s active force was moving to and fro over the surface of the waters.” |
Kata-kata tak asing itu melayang-layang di antara kami, lebih bermakna daripada seharusnya. The familiar words hang between us, meaning more than they should. |
Tidak mudah untuk menerbangkan layang-layang, pak. Not easy to fly a kite, sir. |
Kukirimkan padamu layang-layang tradisional Jepang yang dulunya milik ayahku. I am send to you traditional Japanese kite.. .. which used to belong to my father. |
ray, barang-barang kita melayang-layang! Ray, we have got a poltergeist! |
Saya suka bermain layang-layang atau mobil-mobilan dari kayu buatan saya dan teman-teman. I would fly a kite or play with the wooden toy cars my friends and I made. |
Saya menginginkan semuanya -- kantor di rumah, meja makan untuk 10 orang, kamar tamu, dan perlengkapan layang-layang saya. I wanted it all -- home office, sit down dinner for 10, room for guests, and all my kite surfing gear. |
Ayahku pernah ke sana waktu festival layang-layang. My father go there once for kite festival. |
Dia tinggi sebagai layang-layang. He's high as a kite. |
Bagaimana kalau kelereng atau layang-layang? How about marbles or kite watching? |
" Perbudakan ln mari kita terbang bersama-sama, seperti layang-layang dan tali " " In bondage let us fly together, like kite and string " |
Burung layang-layang terbang bebas diangkasa... Like a swallow flying in the sky. |
Ada stingray yang berbentuk seperti berlian, seperti lingkaran, atau ada pula yang seperti layang-layang berekor. Stingrays can be diamond-shaped or circular, or they may look like a kite with a tail. |
Layang-layang sudah melayang. The kite is up. |
(Petualangan Abdan – Layang-layang). (The Adventure of Abdan – Kites). |
Gaya terbangnya yang cepat dan sangat anggun membuat mereka dinamai burung layang-layang laut. Their rapid-moving, very graceful flight has earned them the name of swallows of the sea. |
Jauh di bawah, di sisi seberang, sebuah mahkota mengilat melayang-layang di udara. Far below, on the opposite bank, a shiny crown hovered in the air. |
May segera menghampiri ayahnya dan bercericau tentang layang-layang kepiting di atas mendung. May quickly went to him and told him about the crab kites over the clouds. |
Aku terbang layang-layang saya yang berbentuk seperti ikan hiu, dan terjebak di pohon. I was flying my kite that's shaped like a shark, and it got stuck in a tree. |
Layang-layang biru milik Rakesh dan yang merah milik Rehmat. Here's Rakesh with the blue kite and Rehmat with the red. |
Banyak emosi yang melayang-layang di dalam ruang interogasi kemarin. A lot of emotions in that interrogation room yesterday. |
Saya pikir dia mungkin memiliki itu bingung dengan pergi menerbangkan layang-layang. I think she may have had it confused with go fly a kite. |
Untuk memulihkan rasa kepercayaan diri pasukannya, Jenderal menggunakan layang-layang yang besar untuk menerbangkan bola api ke langit. To regain the confidence of his troops, the General used a large kite to carry a fire ball into the sky. |
Masih belum ada cabang menerbangkan layang-layang di Olimpiade. There is still no branches flying kites in the Olympics. |
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Do you know about Indonesian
Indonesian is the official language of Indonesia. Indonesian is a standard Malay language that was officially identified with the declaration of independence of Indonesia in 1945. Malay and Indonesian are still quite similar. Indonesia is the fourth most populous country in the world. The majority of Indonesians speak fluent Indonesian, with a rate of almost 100%, thus making it one of the most widely spoken languages in the world.