What does lawan kata in Indonesian mean?
What is the meaning of the word lawan kata in Indonesian? The article explains the full meaning, pronunciation along with bilingual examples and instructions on how to use lawan kata in Indonesian.
The word lawan kata in Indonesian means antonym, opposite. To learn more, please see the details below.
Meaning of the word lawan kata
antonymnoun (word which has the opposite meaning) Lawan katanya ialah kelembutan hati dan kesahajaan. Its antonyms are meekness and modesty. |
oppositeadjective noun adverb adposition Lawan kata dari salah adalah benar. The opposite of wrong is right. |
See more examples
Lawan kata kebenaran. The opposite of truth. |
Yesus membandingkan ”sederhana” bukan dengan lawan katanya, yakni ”rumit”, melainkan dengan kata ”fasik”. Jesus did not contrast “simple” with its antonym “complex” but with the term “wicked.” |
Lawan kata sakral adalah fasik atau sekuler—yaitu jasmani atau duniawi. The opposite of sacred is profane or secular—that which is temporal or worldly. |
“Jangan mencoba melawan,” kata Budi Baik kemudian. “Don’t try to fight back,” said Good Budi. |
Lawan kata dari salah adalah benar. The opposite of wrong is right. |
Perkataanmu melawan perkataanku. Your word against mine. |
Jadi, kami lawan kata dari Legenda. So, we're like the opposite of legends. |
Lawan kata śraddhā adalah āśraddhya, yang merujuk kepada kurangnya kapasitas untuk mengembangkan kepercayaan kepada guru dan ajaran-ajarannya, dan sehingga tak dapat mengembangkan energi pada perjalanan spiritual. The opposite of śraddhā is āśraddhya, which refers to the lack of capacity to develop faith in a teacher and the teachings, and therefore being unable to develop energy on the spiritual path. |
”Bangsa akan bangkit melawan bangsa,” katanya, dan akan ada kelaparan, gempa bumi, dan penyakit sampar. “Nation will rise against nation,” he says, and there will be food shortages, earthquakes, and pestilences. |
Aku bukan seorang pria yang melawan Dane, katanya. I was not a man to fight Danes, it was said. |
9 Ketika mendengar bahwa Saul membuat rencana untuk melawannya, Daud berkata kepada Imam Abiatar, ”Bawalah efod itu ke sini.” 9 When David learned that Saul was plotting against him, he said to A·biʹa·thar the priest: “Bring the ephʹod here.” |
Kata Ibrani untuk ”lawan” (tsar) berasal dari kata dasar yang artinya ”mengganggu; memperlihatkan permusuhan terhadap”. The Hebrew word for “adversary” (tsar) comes from a root meaning “harass; show hostility to.” |
”Bangsa akan bangkit melawan bangsa dan kerajaan melawan kerajaan,” kata Yesus, ”dan akan ada kekurangan makanan dan gempa bumi di berbagai tempat.” “Nation will rise against nation and kingdom against kingdom,” said Jesus, “and there will be food shortages and earthquakes in one place after another.” |
Tapi ayahku melawan orang Inggris dan dia berkata, " Lebih mudah melawan phyton setelah kau bisa mencincang kepalanya. " But my father fought the British and he said " it's easier to wrestle the python after you have chopped it's head off. " |
Jangan mengatakan kata melawan ayah saya! ... say a word against my father! |
Yakobus 4:7 berkata, ”Lawanlah Iblis, dan ia akan lari dari kamu.” James 4:7 says: “Oppose the Devil, and he will flee from you.” |
Jangan katakan kata melawan ayahku Don' t say a word against my father |
Jadi antagonis lawan bicara saya berkata, So my antagonist said, |
Dan di pengadilan, itu akan menjadi kata-katamu melawan aku, benar? And in the court of law, it'll be your word against mine, right? |
Dan, Fanita berkata, ”Melawan pikiran-pikiran negatif merupakan perjuangan yang tak ada habisnya. And Frances says: “Fighting negative thoughts on my own is an uphill battle. |
Perkataannya berlawanan dengan klienku, dan banyak timbunan dari kasus ini yang tertunda di seluruh kota. It's her word versus my client's, and there's a whole backlog of these cases pending throughout the city. |
(Mazmur 29:3, 4) Ketika Yehuwa berperang untuk Daud melawan musuh-musuhnya, dikatakan bahwa ada guntur yang keluar dariNya. (Psalm 29:3, 4) When Jehovah fought for David against his enemies, thunder was said to come from Him. |
Beberapa kamus menyertakan sinonim (kata-kata yang serupa maknanya, tetapi tidak identik) dan antonim (kata-kata yang berlawanan makna) di bawah tiap-tiap kata. Some dictionaries list under each word both its synonyms (words of similar, though not identical, meaning) and its antonyms (words of somewhat opposite meaning). |
Selanjutnya, mereka berkata melawan Allah dan Musa, dan kali ini Yehuwa mendatangkan ular-ular berbisa di antara mereka sebagai hukuman. Later, they speak against God and Moses, and this time Jehovah sends poisonous serpents among them as a punishment. |
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Do you know about Indonesian
Indonesian is the official language of Indonesia. Indonesian is a standard Malay language that was officially identified with the declaration of independence of Indonesia in 1945. Malay and Indonesian are still quite similar. Indonesia is the fourth most populous country in the world. The majority of Indonesians speak fluent Indonesian, with a rate of almost 100%, thus making it one of the most widely spoken languages in the world.