What does kumpulan aturan in Indonesian mean?

What is the meaning of the word kumpulan aturan in Indonesian? The article explains the full meaning, pronunciation along with bilingual examples and instructions on how to use kumpulan aturan in Indonesian.

The word kumpulan aturan in Indonesian means rule collection. To learn more, please see the details below.

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Meaning of the word kumpulan aturan

rule collection

(An ordered set of rules for the purpose of implementing a messaging policy. The number of rule collections is set at design time.)

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Kebijakan adalah kumpulan aturan yang ditentukan oleh pemilik konten dan menjelaskan bagaimana semestinya YouTube menangani video yang diklaim.
A policy is a set of rules that specify how a content owner wants YouTube to handle a claimed video.
Terdapat kumpulan aturan standar yang direkomendasikan sebagai peringatan dan Anda dapat mengeditnya untuk memenuhi kebutuhan Anda.
There’s a set of built-in recommended rules set as warnings, and you can edit these to meet your needs.
Iesu (Teks dalam Bahasa Latin dan Spanyol; dokumen-dokumen persiapan, berbagai kumpulan aturan dan petunjuk): 8 volume.
Iesu (Latin and Spanish text; preparatory documents, various sets of rules and directives): 8 volumes.
Untuk membuka editor aturan, klik Buat kumpulan aturan.
To open the rules editor, click Create a rule set.
Measurement Protocol Google Analytics adalah kumpulan aturan standar untuk mengumpulkan dan mengirimkan klik dari perangkat yang terhubung dengan Internet ke Analytics.
The Google Analytics Measurement Protocol is a standard set of rules for collecting and sending hits from any Internet-connected device to Analytics.
Menurut teori tersebut, bentuk paling dasar dari bahasa adalah suatu kumpulan aturan sintaks yang universal bagi seluruh manusia, yang mendasari semua tata bahasa bahasa manusia.
According to this theory the most basic form of language is a set of syntactic rules universal for all humans and underlying the grammars of all human languages.
Mereka diimbau untuk mencari orang-orang yang juga menghargai kebenaran dan untuk berkumpul secara teratur guna belajar Alkitab.
The magazine urged its readers to seek out others of like precious faith and gather regularly for Bible study.
Berkumpullah secara teratur dengan para penyembah Yehuwa, dan perhatikanlah bahan yang disampaikan di perhimpunan.
Regularly assemble with worshipers of Jehovah, and pay attention to the material presented at Christian meetings.
Mereka menghubungi Lotte, dan tak lama kemudian kelompok kecil ini berkumpul secara teratur untuk belajar Alkitab.
They got in touch with Lotte, and soon this small group gathered regularly to study the Bible.
Menghitung semua pesan yang dikumpulkan oleh aturan tertentu (bernama"deskripsi aturan") dalam 30 hari terakhir:
Count all messages caught by a specific rule (named "rule description") in the last 30 days:
Salah satu pilihannya adalah akses kecil ke biaya pasar yang dapat dikumpulkan oleh pengatur obat-obatan di pasar-pasar yang besar.
One option would be a small access-to-market fee that could be collected by pharmaceutical regulators in large markets.
Meskipun beberapa prinsip yang disimpulkan dari mekanika kuantum dapat memprediksi beberapa fitur kimia secara kualitatif untuk molekul yang relevan secara biologis, namun kesimpulannya masih lebih cenderung pada kumpulan peraturan, observasi, dan resep daripada metode kuantitatif ab initio yang ketat, setidaknya sampai penghujung abad ke-20.
However, though some principles deduced from quantum mechanics were able to predict qualitatively some chemical features for biologically relevant molecules, they were, till the end of the 20th century, more a collection of rules, observations, and recipes than rigorous ab initio quantitative methods.
(1 Timotius 3:1-10, 12, 13; Titus 1:5-9) Para penyembah Allah Yehuwa hendaknya berkumpul secara teratur dengan rekan seiman untuk saling menganjurkan.
(1 Timothy 3:1-10, 12, 13; Titus 1:5-9) Worshippers of Jehovah God should regularly gather with fellow believers to encourage one another.
Para Saksi, yang sudah terbiasa berkumpul bersama, membuat pengaturan seperti yang mereka lakukan untuk kebaktian rutin mereka.
The Witnesses, already accustomed to gathering together, organized themselves as they would for one of their regular assemblies.
Segera setelah Sang Buddha meninggal dunia (parinibbana), Sidang Agung dilaksanakan guna membaca ulang seluruh peraturan, dikumpulkan dan disusun.
Immediately after the Buddha's death there was a council, at which all of the teachings were recited, collected, and sorted.
1 Setelah Yesus memberi makan kumpulan banyak orang secara mukjizat, ia mengatur agar sisa makanan dikumpulkan.
1 After Jesus miraculously fed a large crowd, he arranged for the leftover food to be saved.
Anggota sidang-sidang itu secara teratur berkumpul untuk mempelajari Tulisan-Tulisan Kudus.
The members of those congregations regularly met together to study the Scriptures.
Tapi, kita tidak mau sekadar berkumpul bersama secara teratur.
But it is not enough for us to meet together regularly.
Berdasarkan konten situs Anda, Google membuat kategori yang dapat ditargetkan, atau kumpulan halaman landing yang diatur menurut tema.
Based on your website content, Google creates targetable categories, or sets of landing pages organized by theme.
Tindakan pidana akan diambil terhadap siapa pun, kelompok atau pemilik properti yang mengatur perkumpulan masyarakat di mana anak di bawah umur terlibat dalam kegiatan yang tak pantas.
Punitive measures will be taken against any individual, group or property owner who organises a public gathering where minors engage in inappropriate activities.
Vinaya (kata dalam bahasa Pali dan bahasa Sanskerta, yang berarti 'memimpin', pendidikan', 'peraturan') adalah landasan peraturan kumpulan monastik Buddhis, atau Sangha, berdasarkan naskah-naskah seperti Vinaya Pitaka.
The Vinaya (Pali and Sanskrit, literally meaning "leading out", "education", "discipline") is the regulatory framework for the sangha or monastic community of Buddhism based on the canonical texts called the Vinaya Pitaka.
Orang yang melanggar peraturan dan prosedur perkumpulan bisa dibunuh.
A person who flouts the laws and protocols of a secret society risks death.
1 Sbg Instruktur Agung kita, Allah Yehuwa mengatur agar kita berkumpul utk diajar jalan-jalan-Nya.
1 As our Grand Instructor, Jehovah God arranges for us to assemble to be instructed in his ways.
”Ini merupakan kumpulan cahaya dan energi yang teratur,” kata salah seorang penemu tentangnya.
“This is an organized mass of light and energy,” one of its discoverers [male] said of it.

Let's learn Indonesian

So now that you know more about the meaning of kumpulan aturan in Indonesian, you can learn how to use them through selected examples and how to read them. And remember to learn the related words that we suggest. Our website is constantly updating with new words and new examples so you can look up the meanings of other words you don't know in Indonesian.

Do you know about Indonesian

Indonesian is the official language of Indonesia. Indonesian is a standard Malay language that was officially identified with the declaration of independence of Indonesia in 1945. Malay and Indonesian are still quite similar. Indonesia is the fourth most populous country in the world. The majority of Indonesians speak fluent Indonesian, with a rate of almost 100%, thus making it one of the most widely spoken languages in the world.