What does kulkas in Indonesian mean?

What is the meaning of the word kulkas in Indonesian? The article explains the full meaning, pronunciation along with bilingual examples and instructions on how to use kulkas in Indonesian.

The word kulkas in Indonesian means refrigerator, fridge, icebox, ice box, refrigerator. To learn more, please see the details below.

Listen to pronunciation

Meaning of the word kulkas



Kamu punya sesuatu yang bisa aku makan di kulkas?
Do you have anything in the refrigerator that I can eat?



Kalau mereka tidak keberatan, mereka dipersilahkan makan sisa makanan di kulkas.
If they don't mind, they are welcome to eat the leftovers in the fridge.



Ada sampagne di kulkas.
I got some champagne cooling in the icebox.

ice box


Makan apapun yang kau mau dari kulkas.
Eat anything you want out of the ice box.


noun (household appliance for preserving food at a low temperature)

Kamu punya sesuatu yang bisa aku makan di kulkas?
Do you have anything in the refrigerator that I can eat?

See more examples

Joanna bisa sihir... dengan sekotak pasta dan berbagai macam isi kulkas.
Joanna can work magic... With a box of pasta and a well-stocked refrigerator.
Aku tidak punya kulkas.
I don't own a refrigerator.
Ada coca cola di kulkas.
There's Coke in the fridge.
Aku menghubungkan kulkasku ke generator kecil dan punya beberapa bir dingin.
I hooked up my fridge to a little generator and have some beers chilling.
Ada apa dengan kulkasmu hari ini?
What is wrong with your fridge today?
JIKA Anda tidak percaya bahwa jamur ada di sekeliling kita, tinggalkan saja sepotong roti di sembarang tempat, termasuk dalam kulkas.
IF YOU doubt that mold is all around us, just leave a slice of bread lying around, even in the refrigerator.
Ice Bear tidur di kulkas dengan kapak api yang bisa dia gunakan dengan kedua tangan.
Ice Bear sleeps in the refrigerator with a fire axe which he can use with either hand.
Aku akan membersihkan kulkas kita sebulan sekali.
I shall clean our refrigerator once monthly.
Tipe XXI juga memiliki fasilitas yang lebih baik daripada U-boat kelas sebelumnya, dengan akomodasi awak kapal yang lebih luas dan kulkas untuk makanan segar.
The Type XXIs also had better facilities than previous U-boat classes, with much roomier crew berths, and a freezer to prevent food spoilage.
Hei, kau punya kulkas?
Hey, do you have a fridge?
Lihat ke kulkas di belakangmu.
Look in the refrigerator behind you.
Aku akan memasukkan ini ke kulkas.
I'm gonna get these to the fridge.
Kacang tanah dapat disimpan untuk jangka waktu lama tanpa ditaruh di kulkas.
Peanuts can be stored for long periods without refrigeration.
Periksa kulkas, itu penuh permen.
Check out the fridge, it's full of sweets.
Teh, gula, kulkas.
Tea, sugar, fridge.
Makan malam ada di kulkas.
Dinner is in the fridge.
Terkadang Aku pikir aku harus mengosongkan kulkasku dan membakarnya.
Well, sometimes I think I need to empty my refrigerator and set it on fire, you know?
Kalau mereka tidak keberatan, mereka dipersilahkan makan sisa makanan di kulkas.
If they don't mind, they are welcome to eat the leftovers in the fridge.
Dan 10 kulkas penuh dengan permen.
And 10 refrigerators filled with candy.
Oke, aku rasa aku akan membawa semuanya dari kulkas.
Okay, I guess I'll just bring the whole fridge.
Dari magnet kulkas untuk Frisbee, kita akan siap.
From fridge magnets to frisbees, we'll be ready.
Kulkas serta lemari-lemarinya penuh makanan.
Its refrigerator and cupboards are filled with food.
Anak, merokok, cari makanan di kulkas.
Kids, smoking, desire to raid the fridge.
Dapatkah kau menyimpannya di kulkas untukku, please?
Can you put those in the fridge for me, please?

Let's learn Indonesian

So now that you know more about the meaning of kulkas in Indonesian, you can learn how to use them through selected examples and how to read them. And remember to learn the related words that we suggest. Our website is constantly updating with new words and new examples so you can look up the meanings of other words you don't know in Indonesian.

Do you know about Indonesian

Indonesian is the official language of Indonesia. Indonesian is a standard Malay language that was officially identified with the declaration of independence of Indonesia in 1945. Malay and Indonesian are still quite similar. Indonesia is the fourth most populous country in the world. The majority of Indonesians speak fluent Indonesian, with a rate of almost 100%, thus making it one of the most widely spoken languages in the world.